
National Organization for Marriage #fundie nomblog.com

It’s outrageous that not only can LGBT extremists get the judicial elite to impose gay ‘marriage’ on the nation, but that they can get their allies in government to punish anyone who disagrees and refuses to go along with the charade that marriage is anything other than the union of one man and one woman.

Brian Brown #fundie nomblog.com

President Trump has so far failed to deliver on his repeated promises to do everything in his power to protect the religious liberty of people of faith and faith-based groups. The Executive Order he signed last week was empty of any meaningful protections when it comes to those who have been targeted by the government for their beliefs about marriage, gender and human sexuality.

National Organization for Marriage #fundie nomblog.com

Dear Marriage Supporter,

Moving forward with a sweeping agenda they call "Beyond Marriage Equality" backers of redefining marriage have introduced new legislation, HR 3185, that would create special rights for gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgendered people and empower them to pursue legal action whenever they perceive an individual or businesses has "discriminated" based on "sexual orientation or gender identity."

Sponsored by the grossly-misnamed Human Rights Campaign special interest group, HR 3185 is breathtaking in its scope. It would allow gay and lesbian activists to persecute Americans in virtually every area of society — in employment, public accommodations, housing, credit, and a dozen other areas of civil life. Wherever federal law prohibits racial discrimination, it would also prohibit "discrimination" based on "sexual orientation and gender identity."

The legislation puts in the crosshairs anyone who believes God created people male and female. It would declare that a traditional view of human sexuality is hateful and bigoted and treat Christians, Jews and other people of faith just as the law treats racists. HR 3185 specifically denies someone who has been targeted the ability to rely on the provisions of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act as a defense against the complaint of discrimination.
Defend Those of Faith Today!

Americans across the land are witnessing the persecution of wedding professionals who are being forced by homosexual activists to participate in same-sex ceremonies even though doing so violates their deeply held religious beliefs concerning marriage. Bakers, photographers, florists, inn keepers and others have been persecuted, sued and fined simply because they do not wish to personally participate in a gay 'wedding.' HR 3185 will extend this persecution far beyond the wedding industry and will impact Americans in virtually every area of life.

Under HR 3185, all that a gay, lesbian or transgendered person needs to do is allege that an individual or business has somehow discriminated based on sexual orientation or gender identity and the full force of the federal government can be brought down on the person accused.

Just imagine how this proposed law would be used. Virtually any time a LGBT person feels they have been discriminated against they would be able to pursue a special legal claim using the force of the federal government as a powerful stick to punish people.

What lies "beyond marriage equality" is persecution. And that's what HR 3185 should be called — The Persecution of Americans Act.

Please act today to help us defeat HR 3185. Click here to send a message to your federal representatives asking them to vote against this dangerous proposal that will result in rampant persecution of Americans in virtually every area of civil life.

It is imperative that members of Congress hear immediately that the American people will not tolerate the creation of powerful special rights for one segment of society, and allow them to use the power of the federal government to persecute anyone who disagrees with them.
Please act today to stop HR 3185


Brian S Brown

PS — Please help us defeat HR 3185 by making a much-needed financial contribution. The backers of this outrageous legislation expect that NOM will not have the resources to mount an effective fight. Please prove them wrong with your gift of $5, $10, $25, $50 or $100 or more. Thank you.

Barb Chamberlain #fundie nomblog.com

It's always fascinating to Google the names of children in the grips of same-sex couples. You'll be surprised at how much information there is about them, despite their guardians' attempts to keep it a secret. You might even find the names of their real parents.

Try it sometime. Of course, the opposition is too afraid to do so.

Barb Chamberlan #fundie nomblog.com

Many of these gay-manufactured children won't know who their real parents are. Some of them will have scores of half-siblings, fathered by the same anonymous sperm donor.

Given the incestuous nature of gay communities, it's just a matter of time before these half-siblings begin to have children with each other. The damage to the human gene pool will be immeasurable.

Of course the opposition doesn't care one whit as long as they get their pseudo-marriage. Many of them hate themselves and the society into which they were born. Anything resembling normal is an enemy.

"Destroy the family, and you destroy society." (Vladimir Obama)

National Organization for Marriage #fundie nomblog.com

We narrowly lost in four deep blue states, after being badly outspent. Even though NOM contributed a record amount to help these state races—$5.5 million—our opponents were able to amass vast amounts of cash to drive their campaigns. They outspent us by $20 million, and that money helped them win narrow victories.

How close did we come? In Maine, we would have won if 18,000 voters had gone the other way. In Maryland, we lost by 94,000 votes out of 2.4 million cast. In Minnesota, about 100,000 votes out of 2.9 million cast. And in Washington, we lost by 83,000 votes out of 2.1 million ballots counted so far (final results there won't be known for days).

We always knew it would be a tough fight. These states are so liberal that they were never contested at the presidential level, except very late in Minnesota, resulting in blowout wins for Obama in each of the four states.

It's funny how the left and the media work. Can you imagine if marriage elections were held in Texas, Georgia, Alabama and South Carolina and gay marriage advocates had narrowly lost those fights after being outspent by $20 million? Do you think the media and the left would suggest that homosexual marriage advocates cut and run and give up the fight because they lost in those states? Of course not! If anything, they'd be congratulating them on a great showing.

Yet some advocates on the left and in the media are saying we've lost. It's preposterous!

One of the PR spins that our opponents are pushing is that somehow these votes signal that the country has changed their views about same-sex marriage. That is preposterous as well.

Mikhail #fundie nomblog.com

I have a cousin who lives in Adelaide, Australia and he thinks the gay agenda is quite strong there. What Oz needs to do is get schools to teach abstinence only education so kids who think they are gay will be encouraged to remain chaste. That way their numbers will go down and they will be politically powerless. Unfortunately if you say anything like that they will call you a bigot and a hater. I would rather be a "hater" in heaven than a liberal in hell

Mike Brooks #homophobia nomblog.com

Absolutely, sw. Marriage is under attack by a well-funded homosexual lobby, and NOM is merely defending. If the homosexuals had left marriage alone everybody would have saved a lot of money.

Personally, after we assure marriase is protected, we should seek to have the sodomy laws reinstated by overturning Lawrence v. Texas. That’s where homosexuals began their fight in that trumped-up lawsuit.

bman #fundie nomblog.com

[on the question of how same-sex marriage would harm society]

This is like asking, "How would the official endorsement of men having sex with men as normal behavior by the public school system hurt society?."

The question presumes it would take time for the new generation to undergo indoctrination before the hurt would statistically manifest.

Since those raised under the old teaching would not be molded by the new teaching, we should expect the old ways to be practiced until the new generation replaced the older generation.

Thus, your reference to Massachusetts fails to allow adequate time for the process.

I think we can also obtain a clearer perspective if we pose the question this way, "Would it hurt society if a whole generation was taught to disregard traditional sexual morality?

That question is not "unbelievably difficult to answer" as you claimed.

Indeed, by default, one would naturally expect the obvious answer to be, "yes, it would hurt society."

If you want a question that is "unbelievably difficult to answer" try proving it would not hurt society!

Since it's intuitively obvious that it would hurt society, your job does not look easy at all.

Louis E. #fundie nomblog.com

...the PRACTICE of same-sex sexual activity merits unanimous condemnation,and schools should teach children that it can never be justified.The trumped-up excuse of "being gay" should not be validated by our educational system.Those afflicted by same-sex sexual attraction need help,but sympathy toward them becomes harmful to them if ever extended to attempts to gratify their attractions.We don't encourage alcoholics to get drunk,nor is it "bigotry" to insist that they stay sober!

Mike Brooks #homophobia nomblog.com

It's ironic that homosexuals speak about not wanting people to tell them how to live, but then they demand that they can be “married,” in essence living how society expects heterosexuals to live.

Homosexuality is a mental illness; those afflicted with it are inclined to not use their reproductive anatomy for its intended use. Psychologically, that has to be a damaging trait, yet homosexuals embrace it. That's like a man who refuses to walk, opting to always sit and use his legs only to move his chair in and out. Sure, you can live that way, but it's a waste of a good set of legs.

Bonnie #fundie nomblog.com

Brain, Maggie and all the NOM staff - thank you for your tireless efforts here in New York. We are ready to move to the next stage of the fight. This was forced on the people of New York against our will (per the usual for this agenda) and we will not let it stand.

I suspect that when we look back on this we will see that this was the moment when the people of this state (and this country) got a giant wake-up call. It reminds me of something a certain Japanese Admiral said after the attack on Pearl Harbor:

"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."

Kate #fundie nomblog.com

STD’s and AIDS are a growing problem in the US, not to mention child molestation alcohol and drug abuse with the increasing homosexual population. Marriage is not the answer to these problems, drug therapies, chemical castration and on-going maintenance support with counseling are helping many become healthy functioning and contributing members of society.

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