
jmsnooks #fundie da-creationists.deviantart.com

Dinosaurs occupied a variety of trophic levels, and while I have seen evolutionists throw up a lot fantastic ideas and "theories," none of them have provided a mechanism that would explain why dinosaurs are supposedly extinct in light of how diverse they were and how many niches they filled.

The fact is that there are parts of the world where the natives will tell you that some types of dinosaurs are still alive, and there are plenty of artistic depictions of dinosaurs and people struggling with dinosaurs from around the world and through time.

Evolutionists are so eager to bolster their subjectively derived timeframe for "pre-history" that if they find any new discovery they assume it is extinct and place it in their timeline. And often times ambitious people take advantage of their eagerness by selling the bogus specimens or doctored specimens.

You seem to have chosen to accept the brand of evolutionism peddled by the public school system. There are evolutionists who are a bit more analytical and slower to leap to assumptions. Like the guys who wrote the book on the Mokele-mbembe for example. The Mokele-Mbembe is definitely something that deserves study and protection, but if everyone had your mentality no one would even bother to check up on it.

jmsnooks #fundie da-creationists.deviantart.com

There are thousands of eyewitnesses around the world who have described seeing dinosaurs, there are no eye-witnesses who have seen evolution. So the evidence is tipped in our favor. There are evolutionists who believe in dinosaurs, they are called Cryptozoologists.

jmsnooks #fundie da-creationists.deviantart.com

I do attribute a lot to environmental changes, but not to some meteor. For example, why should a meteor have caused the extinction of theatosaurus and not the alligator. That is one flaw with your theory just off the top my my head. It still fails to explain everything. And there is no real evidence that a meteor struck in the first place. Central America does curve a bit, but that does not make it a crater, and if it were a crater then it's the most irregular and unusual shaped crater that I have ever seen.

jmsnooks #fundie da-creationists.deviantart.com

(On dinosaur fossils with feathers)

No, they found fuzz, and as I said before China was the only place they found it. You people are grasping for straws. You are of course unwilling to consider the fact that the fuzzy imprints were only found in China could be, and probably is, attributable to unique aspects of the soil in that area, because you desperately wish to believe that there is a link between dinosaurs and birds. You are not being logical, you are simply creating your own origin myths as you go.

jmsnooks #fundie da-creationists.deviantart.com

[responding to a comparison of the evolution of English from Beowulf to present, which is spottily recorded at the beginning but happened anyway, and the evolution of organisms demonstrated in the spotty fossil record]

The difference is that people were around to witness the linguistit transitions and record them. There is no record of evolutionism, that is why it is referred to as "prehistory," because no one was around to see it. However, if no one is around to see something then it cannot be verified. That is why evolutionism is pure speculation based on suppositions.

jmsnooks #fundie da-creationists.deviantart.com

Forensics became increasingly less useful the older a specimin is. The point of forensics is to evaluate how something died. From a dead fossilized skeleton you might be able to construct a reasonable hypothesis as to how it died, but perhaps not even that because if it is really mangled then for all you know it could have been smashed post mortem or it may have fallen apart as it decayed. You cannot tell who it's parents were, or what it's children were like, and you probably cannot even verify that it had children. Forensics is N/A to evolutionism.

jmsnooks #fundie da-creationists.deviantart.com

[irony irony irony irony irony irony]

Agreed, but there is compelling evidence: http://www.genesispark.com/genpark/ancient/ancient.htm http://www.dinosaursandman.com/index.php?option=com_zoom&Itemid=15&catid=13

I have nothing against science, what I do have a problem with is the ideologically laden speculation based on philosophic suppositions and presuppositions which is trumped up as science, even though the scientific method is not employed.

jmsnooks #fundie da-creationists.deviantart.com

When I was a kid I was really interested in Dinosaurs but the only info I could get on them was from an evolutionary perspective (which is essentially non-information), so I lost interest, but reading the literature of Christian scientists is like a breath of fresh air, and has restored my interest.

jmsnooks #fundie da-creationists.deviantart.com

The claim that dinosaurs turned into birds is purely tautological. At some point in time you would have a creature which could not stand (as its front legs turned into wings), and could not fly. Natural selection would weed such a thing out. Based on the claims of evolutionists, the notion that certain dinosaurs had feathers comes entirely from the impressions left by dinosaur fossils known as Dino-fuzz. I would like to point out that the alleged "dino-fuzz" has only been found in fossils found in China, and that similar dinosaurs elswhere lack the alleged dino-fuzz. The reason for the dino-fuzz in China is purely a product of the soil type. As the flesh rotted off it flayed, leaving the impression of fuzz in the soil.

jmsnooks #fundie da-creationists.deviantart.com

Actually it was mostly the plant matter buried by the flood that caused the oil and coal, and also, I think that before the flood people were very advanced. They may have even had airplanes, a space program, and performed brain surgery. Believe it or not I actually have evidence for those suppositions.

As far as the death of most dinos goes. I think it was caused by:

1. The end of hyberbaric conditions/insufficient oxygen for many of the larger dinos
2. Humans hunting them to extinction. Think of how red necks hunt down grisly bears whenever they think one is in their neighborhood.

jmsnooks #fundie da-creationists.deviantart.com

No no you have it all wrong chum. See, what actually happened is all the masculine, tough, motivated, and industrious Europeans left Europe to colonize N America, S America, and Australia, leaving behind all the effiminate atheistic sissies. Which is why I can bench press 3x as much as you weigh, and why my country could blow the crap out of yours without the loss of a single American life.

BTW, its Creation, not 'creationism.' Creation is not an ism, evolution is an ism. Evolutionism contains a complete and coherent belief system (albeit a tautological one) whereas the act of Creation is not specific to any belief system but is actually a method.

Anyways all harshness aside can you answer a serious question for me? Why is it that you people dont kill yourselves off? I cant understand, because when you think about your "atheism" logically, there really is no reason to live. You are going to die no matter what, and according to your religion when you die then only oblivion awaits, and nothing you do in life is going to make a difference because the universe is doomed anyways, and no one is going to remember you in a million years, or a thousand, or a hundred. Its all in vain and pointless, so you ought to rush on and meet the inevitable rather than waste away and wait around to die from old age and disease. I ask this because there is a slight chance your answer might be different from the next "atheist" although the chances that it wont be are pretty good since you all display a tendency to think alike.

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