
CaptainHaplo #fundie subsim.com

(beginning of quote sniped due to irrelevance)

What is even more amazing is that those who are scared of people like Palin are also the same ones that cannot let people be because they don't follow along believing evolution.

Know why evolutionists can't stand the thought of creationism? Because that means they have to answer for their actions ultimately. Notice creationists are not here bashing people who believe in evolution. Instead, its the "all accepting, inclusive" liberals that deride anything they don't agree with, even though evolution lacks any major evidence when looking at life above a certain (and very small) size.

geetrue #fundie subsim.com

I'll spare you all of the details by just including the actual prophecy the way it was received ...

The Lord said,

"The Clintons are still in charge"

"This will be Obama's downfall"

I asked when would this happen, Lord?

The Lord said it wasn't for me to know and then He added,

"That I would very happy"

Side note I am not pro or anti-Obama personally just sober and leary of what I see happening.

I would not be happy if this was the end of Obama physically ...

I'm thinking this is more of a polictcal problem that has yet to come to light.

SUBMAN1 #fundie subsim.com

[After having been shown images of Hitler going to church and being blessed by the Pope]

There ya go man. The one and only time Hitler tried to sway these people to his side.

So you are honestly sitting there and telling me that Hitler murdering 10 Million Jews went to church every week and practiced a faith? Get real! This is part of his relic crusade, which he used to get Christians on his side! Are you serious? You actually believe this?

Subman1 #fundie subsim.com

[In a thread on Californian gay marriage]

And when it comes to homo's, what you are talking about is the state sanctioning a lifestyle. Is that the business of government?


PS. And as said above in response to marriage has changed - NO IT HASN'T! [Happy smiley face]

Subman1 #fundie subsim.com

[Rational person 1: Why does gay marriage bother you so much Subman?
Rational person 2: I second that question. Over here Gay MArriage is allowed for some time now and except for some rumblings in ultra conservative circles in Bavaria nobody really cares.]

Subman1: Because it is not about marriage at all. It is about forcing punishment on people that don't agree with it.

Why is it that when a Methodist retreat center recently refused to marry two lesbians that New Jersey punished them by removing their tax exempt status?

After marriage laws in Kalifornia, Catholic charities are now forced by the state to accept homo's as possible candidates for child adoption?

Are you seeing how this goes against peoples beliefs? This is forced by the state!

The WosMan #fundie subsim.com

I have a buddy that I have been friends with since we were kids. I will never forget the time I was over there and his sister decided that she was a vegan. It was salisbury steak I was having over there with his family. It's always that darn salisbury steak. In any event, she grew up to be a raging liberal. The moral of the story is if your 10 year old daughter annouces she is a vegatarian you better nip that in the bud damn quick before she becomes a total idiot. By the way there was a period of time she thought she was a lesbian too but that is another story.