
Cosmic Horror Award

The problem is that they don't realise that that's the genre they are writing.

Anti-Mammon and Usury Conquerors #fundie fightingtheevilsofmammon.blogspot.co.uk

God is the one who has dominion over all things on the earth, including your very life itself. Not you, despite what you may think. So, to even think you have "rights" is itself the height of all arrogance. In even thinking you have rights, you kick God of His Throne. That is what you are doing.

You may argue that belief in "rights" is compatible with obedience to God because God created us and gave us "rights". No! The idea of "rights" itself is to assume that one is entitled to what one wants or one's needs.

While God did create and love each human being, He created us to enjoy Him. Enjoying God comes only from obedience to God. You may ask, doesn't God give us the right to enjoy Him? No, it is not a "right". It is a privilege He gave to mankind, for which He gives us freewill to choose whether to enjoy Him. It is not a "right" to enjoy God or rebel against God. It is God's Sovereign right to create us, not our "right" to tell God what He should do, or not do. God's dominion over man is demonstrated in Genesis 1:26-28:

Anti-Mammon and Usury Conquerors #fundie fightingtheevilsofmammon.blogspot.co.uk

This desire to be independent from God leads to the belief in "rights", whether it be for oneself, or others whom one is concerned about. The belief in the "rights" for others is not agape love at all whatsoever, the love that God demands of us. No. It is respect for persons. The belief in "rights" for others is to justify the arrogance of others, so that one can justify one's arrogance and pride in even thinking one is entitled to anything at all. That even many Bible-believing Christians find this hard to accept simply just indicates how humanism has infiltrated the church.

Anti-Mammon and Usury Conquerors #fundie fightingtheevilsofmammon.blogspot.co.uk

To claim one's so-called "rights", even to legitimately protect oneself from oppression, or bullying is to vindicate oneself, which is opposed to letting God vindicate one .

The root of belief, the mere belief in "rights" itself is of pride, and the utter lack of trust in God. To Hell with your "rights"! To Hell with "human rights", "political rights", "civil rights", "cultural rights", "legal rights", "economic rights", and all kinds of "rights"!

Anti-Mammon and Usury Conquerors #fundie fightingtheevilsofmammon.blogspot.co.uk

As a result of marriage and sex being separated from each other, and each being perverted, the "need" for 'consent' was needed to protect sexual integrity of persons. The whole "need" for 'consent' is itself a manifestation of sexual immorality, and the perversion of marriage and sex, in particular, the rejection of proper God-given sexual boundaries.

So, it is because of all the perverse 'sexual freedom' in modern western society, which provided the justification for the concept of 'sexual harassment'. It is a concept which is at its heart, based on the idea that the rightness or wrongness is sexual intercourse between persons is determined by whether it is 'wanted' or 'unwanted'. This is totally against the Biblical sexual ethic, which is that the rightness of sexual intercourse is determined by whether it is within marriage, to given generously and lovingly by husband and wife to each other.

Thus, the whole concept of whether sex is wanted or unwanted is sinful in itself. The whole movement behind 'sexual harassment' is really a political agenda seeking to push for "bodily autonomy", in particular, "women's bodily autonomy".

Anti Mammon and Usury Conquerors #fundie fightingtheevilsofmammon.blogspot.co.uk

We live in a world full of competition and the desire to be independent, especially the western world. Competition in and of itself is a manifestation of independence, wanting to get what one wants in one's own way as opposed to following the ways of God, which is in and of itself a sin.

Those who are full of the spirit of independence love competition. Competition is not something that they feel pushed into doing, or feel forced into being competitive out of anxiety or a fear of that will be bullied, neglected, oppressed or looked down upon. Those who compete with others feel anxiety or fear of bullied, oppressed or looked down upon. This is all a manifestation of their pride. That is exactly what it is. Such anxiety and fear is an ungodly on that is a product of sin and sin alone.

Beware of those who feel inferior, or who complain about a lack of equal treatment or unfairness because they cannot achieve their earthly goals, or cannot be as good as others, in the earthly sense of course. Such vile wicked people are a snare to those who seek to do nothing out of strife, selfish ambition or vain glory.

Anti Mammon and Usury Conquerors #fundie fightingtheevilsofmammon.blogspot.co.uk

Many Christian charities, that is charities run by true converts, are unbiblical, and full of works which in seeking to be charitable by giving food the poor, helping "disadvantaged" children gain an education or rescuing harlots, who commit multitudes of adulteries of their own volition, from "human trafficking", are really acting out of unrighteousness for they act out of their humanistic sympathy.

Such humanistic sympathy is common, if not the key characteristic of western charities, whether "secular" or "religious". They act out of fleshly sympathy, having sympathy for those they seek to help, out of their carnality. They help because of the "lack" of "rights", "liberty" and "equality" of these in the so-called underdeveloped, non-capitalist, non-democratic nations who they so sympathise out of their own pride and envy.

You may arrogantly ask how you, as a western Christian could envy those in poorer nations. The question itself is extremely arrogant and full of pride, thinking oneself better off. You may argue that this is 'true', that a westerner living in the west has a more prosperous life. To think you are better off, and therefore have an "obligation" to sympathise the poor for their lack of earthly material things , which is a fruit of the flesh, is exactly what the problem is. It is because you envy, thinking that you "deserve" what you have, and that others are "entitled" to the same, as what you have, that you feel the sympathy that you feel. It is sympathy for others out of envy that if you had the same lack, you would feel that you were oppressed or unjustly treated. This is exactly what the problem is: to think that one has "rights", or entitlements.

The heart of the doctrine of "rights" is that of fleshly worldly sympathy. It feeds on the desire for worldly sorrow from others, and in turn shows such worldly sorrow as it seeks to receive such. The desire for worldly sorrow is of the flesh and pander to the flesh. Its pandering of the flesh is manifested by doing "good works" for others, thinking that it is entitled to the same. It is because it thinks itself entitled to receive rights that it thinks others to receive rights, to justify itself out of its own pride.

Anti Mammon and Usury Conquerors #fundie fightingtheevilsofmammon.blogspot.co.uk

None of the food you eat, or the breath you have is deserved. You are not entitled to it. You have no rights. That one even believes in one's rights, even to such things, is itself vile, disgusting, evil, abominable.

Thus, the 'good works' that people do in seeking such things to satisfy one's unthankfulness are filthy rags. The 'good works' humanitarians do for the poor in the manner of spirit of worldly sympathy are filthy rags. They are unthankful, proud, and evil, feeling envy and discontentment on behalf of others for the things they do not deserve, such as food and water, which are the precise opposite of what they deserve.

Such are the good works of those under the spirit of mammon, manifested in earthly sympathy for others, because of a fear of lack of things which no human deserves.

Anti Mammon and Usury Conquerors #fundie fightingtheevilsofmammon.blogspot.co.uk

Of all the vile, wicked, evil ideas that humanity has conceived, the idea that one has rights is the most arrogant, wicked, evil, vile idea that humanity has ever come up with. The idea of rights itself is to give glory and honour to oneself in so arrogantly assuming that one is entitled to what one wants, including all desires for legitimate needs, such as food, clothing and shelter.

What makes the idea that one has any rights at all so vile, despicable and abominable is that it is to be independent of God, instead of submitting totally and fully to Him. People assume they have "rights", not talk about it, but simply assume it because they are vile, arrogant and pride. Full stop. There is no other reason why people assume they have "rights".

The doctrine of "rights" is a disgusting, evil, vile, abominable doctrine which must be eradicated, burned, rooted out and cast away from the Church. To those of you who believe in your "rights" or that of others, out of your desire to justify your "rights", to Hell with your "rights"! Repent of your belief in rights! To Hell with your "rights"!

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