
Anonymous #fundie www2.blogger.com

I am not counting my chickens before they are hatched,but I truly feel that next School year,Lord willing,there will be worse School shootings.It happens every year.This culture is so perverted that we don't know what is right and wrong anymore.

Michael G. Mickey #fundie www2.blogger.com

Clearly you have no idea what you're talking about concerning what "Rapture-loving creeps" hope to do on a global scale, as well as what the Bible tells us is going to occur in the prophetic future.

Upon Christ's return at the Battle of Armageddon, there will be no islands for you and your friends to hide on nor will everyone on the face of the earth be killed as a result of the Battle of Armageddon.

You're just repeating what you've heard told to you by others. If you want to UNDERSTAND the Word of God, you're going to have to READ it for yourself - and give the Lord a chance.

Anonymous #fundie www2.blogger.com

Boil a lobster very slowly and it won't know it's too late until its dead. In the United States, there has been an active public relations campaign to make life easier through automation. Like the lobster, we are content to boil right along with everyone else.

Credit cards are innocent in and by themselves but they also make us vulnerable to identity theft and overspending.

Our government wants to "protect" us so the credit card will be discontinued someday to be replaced by some kind of electronic chip. With the chip you can spend money, prove who you are, keep criminals at bay, get more things done in one day, check into a hospital, enroll in school, get a job, fly on a plane with no hassle, get gas, get a haircut and more.

It will be sooooo convenient that even left behind Christians will have to fight the temptation and the ignore the justification to have such a thing.

Satan is a brilliant thinker. And he has man's best interest in mind. Well, doesn't he?

betsy #fundie www2.blogger.com

Facts dont lie, people, Peter is exactly right ---just because you dont like it doesnt make it untrue. If women would stay at home and make their family #1 our jails would be less crowded, divorce rate would be lower, and the employment rate would be higher. Get mad ---Curse---scream in rage, but its the truth ----suck it up and get over it. Womens lib is the worst thing that has ever happened to this country.

tammy #fundie www2.blogger.com

Satan shall defeat his enemies with peace.How very sad that the world is now in the throes of searching for peace and tollerance amongst men,when the true peace can only be found in Jesus Christ and the acceptance of his gift.I like the way you put that,so we may watch from the balcony of Heaven.

Anonymous #fundie www2.blogger.com

We must be careful of what we see and read, this is satan's playground currently and he has control of the media. We must turn away from these corporate-sponsored media outlets and instead research diligently to try and find the truth. It's not easy to find the truth these days as the days are dark and filled with evil but we must go down into the rabbit hole to find the rabbit.

Eric Lee #fundie www2.blogger.com

I have also been battling this blasphemy challenge. I wrote emails to youtube asking them to pull down these video postings. I have contacted AFA and several other Christian organizations to rally support against this. I also sent emails to all of their advertisers to make them aware of what is being allowed to be performed through youtube, Here is an example of a letter that I sent to the advertisers:

To advertising partner of YouTube:

I have noticed that you are advertising on YouTube. Did you know that YouTube is allowing the blasphemy challenge to be a part of their website. http://www.blasphemychallenge.com/

As an advertiser on YouTube, I wanted to make you aware of this activity and to warn you of any adverse responses to your advertising with them.

Anonymous #fundie www2.blogger.com

In our school district in Alabama, our daughter is being exposed to so much persecution by hateful kids and so many lies that my husband and I don't know if we can undo all the damage. That is why we are desperately trying to get our visually impaired daughter caught up to grade level so we can put her back in a private school again and hopefully get away from some of this perversion, which includes AIDS education classes in 5th grade.

Anonymous #fundie www2.blogger.com

I could never understand how man alone could contribute to global warming. I belive in cylces that gently warm or cool our planet. I also believe that we are currently in a cycle of warming.

But add this warming cycle to other prophetic events that are unfolding before us, and you have just another nail in James Cameron's coffin. God is at work and we better be paying attention to it.

Robin #fundie www2.blogger.com

Scientists, along with Al Gore, believe that the cause of GW is the pollutants from mankind and are determined to "fix it", as if it can be done. Well, I wish'em luck.

If it makes them feel important to believe they can simply fix it, let them because it's all they have. They sure don't have the ONE person that makes all the difference. That would be JESUS.

I think that this whole thing is unbelievably funny. I have been told by many athiests that I lack intelligence because I don't believe or follow everything that science "proves". I don't think that I require very much intelligence. Why? I have enough COMMON SENSE to clue me in on what's going on around me.

My opinion is: common sense is far more necessary than intelligence, but that's just me.

anonymous #fundie www2.blogger.com

(Science is for it, which makes it junk science)

Now we're getting warmer- no pun intended. How in the world any follower of Christ who is actively engaged in the reading of His Word can fall for the "global warming" myth is dumbfounding. Think: mainstream science is all over it, liberals are all over it...get it? If that isn't the major disqualifier of this junk science, I don't know what is.

Malott #fundie www2.blogger.com

[On why vaccines which prevent cervical cancer is a bad idea]

I'm all for preventing disease, but I also think it is my duty as a Christian to stand against anything that facilitates sin - and such wholesale vaccinations as mentioned here are nothing but preparatory exercises to accomodate bad decisions. And sex outside of marriage presents a bigger problem - a longer lasting problem - than cervical cancer.

As medicine continues to trim away the checks our creator placed on our behavior, it's important for those of us in the Christian faith to remind the world that there is still a very good reason for abstaining from sin - whether or not all the consequences remain in play.

[Emphasis added]

William #fundie www2.blogger.com

I think atheists have the lowest divorce rate because atheist marriages are easier than trying to live a holy marriage blessed by God. Married Christians have to work hard and sacrifice to meet the requirements set by God for marriage. Atheists can have affairs and it doesn't matter because there is nothing requiring them to be faithful. Atheists can demand little or nothing of their spouse so there is less conflict. It's the easy way out and where life is easy one will find Satan. Satan paves the road of ease. God paves the holier way with troubles that have to be overcome.

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