
kingjameswriter1965 #fundie ihatetheinternetbutilovejesus.com

I am praising God today because He got us safely through the month of October. No more devil’s holy day for now. I’m tired of it. Good riddance.

Afterward my daughter berated me for “spoiling” the kids’ Halloween by passing out tracts. She stood there and lectured me about “the kids deserve to have some fun,” and that Halloween, Christmas and Easter are all about kids “having fun” without any restrictions. I only halfway listened to her nonsense, knowing that she’s lost and was recalling all the brainwashed foolishness of the public schools. It’s all mind control with them. I didn’t say much but just endured it until she was finished, and I wasn’t angry at her. What a silly fool she is. She needs Jesus just like anyone else.

kingjameswriter1965 #fundie ihatetheinternetbutilovejesus.com

I find it ironic that people spew forth “Oh my God” when they are in distress, pain or fear. They INSTINCTIVELY KNOW that God can somehow help them, but the term is dismissive and disrespectful. The “God” which they blasphemously call upon is not the God of the Bible, because He firstly demands REPENTANCE from those who WOULD call upon Him. You can’t just throw the holy Name of God around like a dirty dishrag and expect Him to help you in any way. That’s presumptuous and selfish, and will bring His judgment.

Another beef I have about foul speaking is the term, “FOR F**K SAKE.” I ask you, WHERE IN THE WORLD DID THAT COME FROM??? HELL, apparently. I hear it all the time at my house. I have never heard anything like that before in my LIFE. It’s the lowest of the low. It’s MEANINGLESS, and CRUDE. I guess sinners couldn’t think of anything else more foul and disgusting to say. They probably wanted nothing to do of God, even saying, “For God’s sake.” No no, they hate God so much and so intensely that they even took His Name out of a cuss term and replaced it with the F-bomb. THAT’S WHAT OUR YOUNG PEOPLE ARE BEING FED, FOLKS!! THEY THINK IT’S NORMAL!! GOD HELP US!! COME LORD JESUS!!!

kingjameswriter1965 #fundie ihatetheinternetbutilovejesus.com

I am NOT a so-called “KJV-ONLYIST.” That is a totally IGNORANT accusation. I am a KJB person. I don’t belong to a cult. I don’t think you are any less than me if you do use the NIV or any other. I’m not going to judge you. However, and this is my own conviction, that I don’t believe there should be any other “bibles” in print at all, other than for the fact that people don’t like to be told they are SINNERS, who are going to—


By the way, call it like it is, please, it is—


NOT “sheol” or “underworld” or “pit.” If the King James says those terms regarding to—


in various passages, such as the Psalter, then I accept them, but if anyone or anything else implies an avoidance of the TRUTH, that being called,


THEN I DENY IT, because it is not of the truth of God.

People cringe when they hear about Hell and the possibility of them going there. They flat out deny Hell’s existence because they don’t want to feel that conviction from God Who wants them to be saved from such a horrible place. And yet, you hear it all the time, “GO TO HELL!” “I’LL SEE YOU IN HELL!” I HOPE HE ROTS TO HELL!!” “I live in Hell on earth,” etc. What, do you think you’re COOL when you say such blasphemies? God says you’re WICKED, and a BLASPHEMER!! I don’t WRITE IT, I just PREACH it!

We know INSTINCTIVELY that Hell is real, because other than the F-BOMB, it is used in everyday speech. And you should NEVER want ANYONE to “go to Hell” because Hell is FOREVER!!

kingjameswriter1965 #fundie ihatetheinternetbutilovejesus.com

The Stupid-Moon (sorry, supermoon) is over, but I wonder how many human sacrifices were performed. How many more disappeared into oblivion. How many more sold their souls to the Devil in exchange for power, money and fame. I’ve been doing research on satanic rituals, and boy has it opened my eyes! That’s some sordid, horrific, Bible-condemning stuff! We are in the battle for our lives, fellow Christian! But it will soon be over, because JESUS will come and we will be with Him forever and ever.

kingjameswriter1965 #fundie ihatetheinternetbutilovejesus.com

What is all this fuss about a “supermoon”?? The moon is supposed to look larger and brighter than usual? So what? It still remains the same as when God created it– the lesser light to rule the night. I suppose people have nothing better to do than to worship it, since they hate God so much.

What perturbs me is that the way the media hype it up, saying the moon is closer to the earth during a supermoon, therefore we are on a ball earth with the moon orbiting around it. They’re going to show it live on space.com so we can REALLY see what’s going on, using their infamous CGI images and paintings, therefore MORE lies, MORE deception, and MORE bullcrap. Same old junk as always from the God-deniers and the God-haters. Same old story as the evolutionists and the “scientists” put it. They want to keep us in the dark so we remain clueless as to their New World Order agendas to kill, to steal, and to destroy.

Nobody wants to know we live on a FLAT EARTH, with the moon and the sun going around PARALLEL to the FIXED earth. The sun and moon do NOT rotate around us!! We do NOT live on a “globe”!! Read your Bible and you’ll say I’m right!! We flat-earthers are NUTS compared to these liars and deceivers. No, the supermoon is just another moonrise that the witches and satanists like to worship and get everybody all worked up and oohing and ahhing. Give me a break. This is all pagan garbage that makes God angry, and me also.

kingjameswriter1965 #fundie ihatetheinternetbutilovejesus.com

We need one of three things to get us on fire for God. Persecution like the believers in other countries have. We are so spoiled in the UNTIED States of America. Or, we need hard preaching, fire-and-brimstone blasting, hard-core, truth-laden, King James-preaching, full of Holy Ghost power from the pulpits of our churches. Thank God, there is still a remnant of those existing today.

Lastly, the Rapture, but I personally don’t believe that will happen until the church wakes up, repents of its complacency and scorn for its own members, and starts getting right with God and doing what it’s supposed to do. That’s the only way the unsaved will ever see Christ in us. Nobody wants to get saved from a bunch of lazy, milquetoast, backstabbing, gossiping church members who can’t find the time to get off their duffs and quit being busybodies. God commands us to go soulwinning. God demands that we tithe a tenth of our income. The church isn’t doing either. So, brace yourself for some spanking, fellow believers. It’s coming.

We need REVIVAL PREACHING, we need to get down to the altar and PRAY and BEG GOD’S FORGIVENESS, and we need to GET RIGHT WITH GOD before He makes any miracles happen. People on their way to Hell NEED TO KNOW THERE IS A SAVIOUR!! Who will tell them?? Will you??

kingjameswriter1965 #fundie ihatetheinternetbutilovejesus.com

I was just watching a video on how CERN works. I cannot fathom what gets inside people’s heads to make a living out of this. They are surely atheist in character, because they believe that they can control the forces of this world. They are followers of the Devil. Now they claim they can use this hadron collider to bring forth the Devil and all his fallen ones. I’m thinking, WHAT? People by and large are idiots, believing lies, fools without Christ, bound for Hell in their sins and deserving of the Lake of Fire, just like their father the Devil. If you choose Satan, you choose eternal death, which is the Lake of Fire.

By the way, you surely by now have seen that satanic ritual that was performed at the opening of the Gotthard Tunnel in Switzerland?? Yes, and guess where the Large Hadron Collider is! In Switzerland!! The Swiss are consumed by a lust for satanic devices! So are the rest of us!! Is it a coincidence, or God’s revelation? Quit being a sheep and think for yourself!!

kingjameswriter1965 #fundie ihatetheinternetbutilovejesus.com

This is the first Halloween time that I am actually a bit afraid. I’ve heard that Satanists are running amok, kidnapping children and causing all sorts of hell on earth. Years ago, I would just sit outside and be present for the festivities, but I don’t like to give out candy. It just encourages the evil theme of Halloween. These poor kids need Jesus in their lives, not potentially harmful candy eyeballs and skulls (play cannibalism?). I feel like I need to be out there passing out the Good News and praying for folks, because prayer to an almighty, just and Sovereign God is the last thing on people’s minds on Devil’s Night.

Satan has grown very powerful over the decades that we as a nation have permitted him to. The way things used to be back in the old days will never return. I know they had Halloween back then as well, and it was still an atrocity and an affront to God Almighty, but child sacrifices and threats of clown attacks didn’t happen out in public. Mankind has always been a sinner, and remains a sinner until they are gloriously saved by the Holy Spirit of God, and one has to WANT that to change. God won’t forgive your sins unless you ASK Him to. He will never force Himself on you. He gave us FREE WILL TO CHOOSE. It’s a decision and a change of mind on YOUR part to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ to be born again.

But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

kingjameswriter1965 #fundie ihatetheinternetbutilovejesus.com

“Sunshine” ~A New World Order Film

The song is beautiful but the movie is bogus. I watched “Sunshine” a few times but never will again. The movie, like all Hollywood media, is totally New World Order.

I just observed something. Notice that the actors are all young and attractive. The Devil uses that ploy to attract young viewers so he can brainwash them into learning his ways. He knows that if he can control the youth, he can control the future.

This movie is set in a future time when all life is about to end. What better way to control the masses by using sex appeal, disastrous events and powerful music. Even if the movie was a box-office bomb, it still accomplished what the Devil wanted. To all purposes, Satan has it made– but the LORD JESUS CHRIST will surely destroy him in His timing.

Symbols abound in this one movie. The cube (a symbol of the god Saturn/Satan), the sun itself (a symbol of the god Apollo/demon), Mercury (another god/demon), Icarus (another god/demon and the name of the “spaceship”), etc. The scene where the demon-possessed zombie captain (Satan) attacks the helpless girl was disgusting. Here in this short, the lights surrounding the character represent Satan, who is transformed into an angel of light. The “sun” engulfing the character symbolizes achieving oneness with godhood. Yes, Satan IS the god of this world.

kingjameswriter1965 #fundie ihatetheinternetbutilovejesus.com


Are you insane??? There’s people running around that look like other people who are dead?? These people have no soul?? What is terribly wrong with this picture?? Truly, our world is headed a thousand miles per hour straight to HELL, and THAT’S HOW SATAN LIKES IT!!!

LOOK at this movie, made in the late 1970’s. Apparently, when WE thought things were going well, THIS was happening.

I have never heard of this movie in my life, nor have I heard of anything like what it is referring to— until recently. I only stumbled upon this last night. Oh GOD HELP US!! SAVE US FROM THIS UNTOWARD, BACKWARD, HATEFUL, SINFUL, SATAN-WORSHIPPING PEOPLE!!!

I hope and pray that this is “just a fictional movie,” like “Star Wars”— or IS IT?? I heard somewhere that what happens in the movies is NOT fiction, but HIDDEN FACTS! Why all the sci-fi movies which have aliens? Why horror movies where gore is the norm? Why all the subliminal messages, if you don’t agree? Our subconscious mind is extremely powerful, and they are becoming rich because we aren’t even aware of what’s going on. They are making superhuman beings. This is the dream of the New Age Movement. I remember “Christians Anonymous”– “No God, no human soul, there will be no eternal life”– and he’s correct, FOR THEM!! NOW I know where that came from! This is the presence of demons. This is the stuff of NIGHTMARES!!

kingjameswriter1965 #fundie ihatetheinternetbutilovejesus.com

You didn’t want to hear about the earth not being round. That’s fine, we live on a ball because you said so. You didn’t want to listen to me when I said drugs open you up to demonic spirits, but you just did it anyway, saying, “I’ll live my life the way I want to.” You shut your ears to when I said that the gay deathstyle is abomination to God, but you said, “F*** off.” You didn’t want to hear about Jesus being the only Way to Heaven. That’s fine too. YOU decide what you’ll do with your life. But let me warn you:

Teaching your children lies is a VERY DANGEROUS GAME. You are siding with the father of lies himself, Satan, the Devil, when you do. You may as well leave them out on the street and not let them come back in. They are God’s gifts to you. He is expecting you to raise them up in HIS ways. If you don’t, YOU PERSONALLY will be held accountable for how you raised them.

It’s so sad that the children have to pay for their parents’ sins. So sad indeed. We are living in more wicked times than ever before. Christians, wake up and put your armor on! The King is coming!

kingjameswriter1965 #fundie ihatetheinternetbutilovejesus.com

This following is a controversial subject and there are many differing points of view, but this is my opinion. You have yours as well.

There is an age of accountability. A child is old enough to make his own decisions at about age 7. He is already independently, although immaturely, functioning in the mental sense, and he can sin if he chooses to. The sin nature manifests itself at an early age. It’s when children are in elementary school that they become bullies, or have childhood crushes on another, or play hooky, etc. That’s when they literally learn to sin. That’s also when most people are saved, at that young age before they become hardened by the world. Jesus Christ can save anyone at any age, but Satan has a bid for your child!!

Up until the first grade, generally children are unable to make their own choices as they do when they get older, because their minds aren’t yet as developed. And so, if a young child, say under the age of 6, dies, they are considered “safe” in Jesus instead of “saved” BY Jesus, and they go directly to Heaven. Can you imagine little babies, or toddlers, or kindergarten-age children in Hell, because they willfully sinned? No, you cannot. That is unthinkable. God doesn’t permit that at all.

It’s also very hard to imagine a teenager there. God doesn’t permit that either. The age of accountability is 20, not 7 like I said before. That is when our brain is fully developed, and we can reason as an adult. From 20 years up is when people decide to do right or do wrong. The teen years are when physical changes are made, e.g., puberty, but the brain is matured afterward.

THAT is why we must tell the children and teach them about Jesus Christ and His love for them at as early an age as possible, because children HEAR and IMITATE EVERYTHING they are surrounded by. Their minds are like sponges, absorbing every smile, every gesture, every laugh, molding every part of their environment into their consciousness as they grow. Not like us old crusty fuddy-duddies who are so set in our ways that it takes a crane to move us. Jesus loves the little children, and He wants us to be like them when we believe.

kingjameswriter1965 #fundie ihatetheinternetbutilovejesus.com

The God-damned public school system

I meant that in God’s terms (I don’t cuss), meaning that the public school system is indeed damned (condemned) by God Almighty according to His Word. He is a million miles away from this Communist, brainwashing, New World Order, Illuminati-pushing pile of Devil’s excrement.

Yes I use strong language because I’m not going to pussyfoot around and praise something that has indoctrinated and programmed MY CHILDREN, MY FLESH AND BLOOD, into thinking like rainbow flag waving robots. They had a precious few years in a Christian environment, but as soon as they got out, they were sucked into the Devil’s toilet bowl of deceit and they chose to abandon their Godly upbringing. Yes, it was THEIR CHOICE, but I swannee, sometimes I wish God would MAKE us like robots about certain things. But that won’t happen, as He has given every one of us a free will to choose. Sorry to say but that power has been MUCH abused, especially over the past 30 years.

kingjameswriter1965 #fundie ihatetheinternetbutilovejesus.com

“Fight Song” Will Lose The Fight!!

I’ve heard this song that is used by the homosexual movement for “empowerment” to their God-hating cause. It makes me cringe how the singer uses lyrics so blatantly against God and morals. In other words she’s saying nothing can change her mind and she’ll do what she wants to do, and will even fight for it, thus spitting in the face of the Almighty. Well, let me tell you God-haters, you and this person and all who reject Christ will one day soon stand naked before God, and you’ll have no cloak (covering) for your sin. Sound like I’m talking Bible? Yep, you’re right. I sure am. Somebody’s got to take a stand for God!!


Here’s the song’s lyrics:

Like a small boat
On the ocean
Sending big waves
Into motion
Like how a single word
Can make a heart open
I might only have one match
But I can make an explosion (right there begins the rebellion against God)

And all those things I didn’t say
Wrecking balls inside my brain (the Devil will torture your mind)
I will scream them loud tonight (Satan wants you to scream and carry on like a demon possessed maniac, but God speaks in the still, small voice)
Can you hear my voice this time? (Satan will also drive you and scream in your ear to do what he wants, which is rebel, disobey, live how you want, etc., but he pays in counterfeit money and will NEVER show you the consequences!)

This is my fight song
Take back my life song (You think you can run your life, but it’s GOD Who allows you to keep breathing)
Prove I’m alright song (You’re not all right, in God’s eyes you’re all WRONG!!)

My power’s turned on
Starting right now I’ll be strong (Strong, standing for what? AIDS?? HIV?? REALLY??)
I’ll play my fight song (you’re fighting against the most powerful Being in creation)
And I don’t really care if nobody else believes (Well, GOD cares, and so will you when you stand before Him having to give account of your life to Him)
‘Cause I’ve still got a lot of fight left in me (You may now, but your day is coming and you won’t have any fight left then)

Losing friends and I’m chasing sleep
Everybody’s worried about me
In too deep
Say I’m in too deep in too deep
And it’s been two years I miss my home
But there’s a fire burning in my bones
Still believe
Yeah, I still believe (yeah, believe (falsely) that you can get away with shaking your fist at God)

Then it goes on to repeat itself with its meaningless mantra of “got a lot of fight left in me,” blah blah blah, etc, etc. Gimme a break. This trash should be OUTLAWED!! But it WILL ONE DAY, when KING JESUS comes back and purges this cursed world with FIRE!!

kingjameswriter1965 #fundie ihatetheinternetbutilovejesus.com

Demons can manifest themselves in cold surroundings. They hate warmth because it reminds them of God’s warm love for all mankind and the warm welcome the redeemed will receive upon entering Heaven; and they detest heat because it reminds them that God is a consuming fire, and fire signifies judgment. Satan and all his demons know their time of judgment is at hand. It is ironic that they will spend eternity in torments in endless fire.

Demons can also stop time, and send electrical charges through the air. So if you smell something like ozone, they are most likely responsible and are present. Lightning creates ozone. Satan fell as lightning from Heaven, and is now prince of the power (electricity) of the air. One of his symbols is the satanic “S,” a stylized lightning bolt.

With God’s permission, Satan can influence anything in the air, such as cellphone signals and internet connection, because our atmosphere is his temporary domain. Your pictures stored in Google “cloud” storage can be seen and manipulated by the second most powerful spiritual being. Your text messages can be read by the prince of demons! This is what makes the internet so dangerous! I know, that’s crazy, and scary too! Truth is indeed stranger than fiction!

kingjameswriter1965 #conspiracy ihatetheinternetbutilovejesus.com

We’re in big trouble if we don’t wake up!

Underground Tunnels for Illuminati NWO: NSA Homeland Security, Walmart & Jade Helm Exposed

I believe this is too important to keep to myself. We need to open our eyes to what’s happening around us. The reason why all this is going on is because people don’t care, and the elites see us as expendable trash to be exterminated. But people just want to keep on living the way they are, and they presume this is all a big hoax. Well, I wish it was, folks. Sin always undermines a nation.

Don’t be so foolish as to sleep through all the warnings, because when something big DOES come down, it’ll be YOU who has the regrets. Just saying. If you choose not to believe it, that’s your decision, and God be with you. I can’t make you believe me. I simply go to the internet to find out stuff, and oh boy do I get a load of information. I believe the Holy Spirit guides me to whatever I find.

I couldn’t believe that Walmart was and is in such close cahoots with the NWO. This stuff makes “The Twilight Zone” seem like a Sunday picnic. I’ll never go there again!! How can you tell the difference between hoax and reality? See which is more prevalent and agrees with the truth. Discernment is key, so keep your eyes open!

kingjameswriter1965 #fundie ihatetheinternetbutilovejesus.com

The video mentions that Obama wants to be re-elected for a third term. What? Isn’t that ILLEGAL?? We all thought that the president can be re-elected for a SECOND term, but a THIRD?? Franklin Delano Roosevelt (he apparently was re-elected three times) was president in office for more than eight years. This is unheard of, that is, if you’ve been asleep for most of your life.

As I thought about this, I realized that if Obama DOES get a third term in office, then he may very well be the Antichrist. Not just anti-Christ, as he obviously and shamefully is, but the real deal. Why am I saying that? Because the Rapture of the church (true Christian believers) cannot be far away, and the primaries take place beginning in February and ending in June. IF Obama gets reelected a third term (or rather, if the elites KEEP him in office; these elections are all a smokescreen anyway), then I believe that Jesus can come for us, the church will be taken out of the way, and THEN Obama MAY BE be revealed as THE Antichrist. I say this because WE WILL NOT BE PRESENT ON EARTH WHEN THE ANTICHRIST IS REVEALED TO THE WORLD.

kingjameswriter1965 #fundie ihatetheinternetbutilovejesus.com

Merry Christmas Eve! An amateur poem by me :)

‘Twas the night before Christmas, and up in my room,
I don’t dare to give you all gloom and doom;
I sit here a’posting and cannot abide
The falsehood of Santa and fireworks outside.
The lights are all pretty, the tree is aglow
But the weather’s too warm for it to snow.
My kids are going crazy in hopes for tomorrow
While Jesus above looks at them with sad sorrow.
Oh why do we HAVE to believe in someone so fake?
‘Cause if you don’t, you’ll be “burned at the stake!”
There IS no Santa, no reindeer, no flight
Across all the world, all lands in one night.
You have been brainwashed, my friend, I dare say
And you will give account of the deeds you must pay.
Your children will mock you and say that you lied
Because you left cookies by the fireside.
Expecting the revered fat man to devour
All you have left, then be gone in an hour.
It grieves me, friend, and the Lord Jesus as well,
That you don’t have the gumption to denounce him from Hell.
You better watch out, you better not cry
‘Cause Santa is Satan, and a traditional lie.
Well, I have warned you and don’t put up a fight,
MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL, and have a blessed night!

kingjameswriter1965 #fundie ihatetheinternetbutilovejesus.com

Who’s smarter, people or Pokemon??

Here’s another video by YouTuber Thecontroversy7. The clips he shows in the beginning had me laughing at the utter gullibility and brainlessness of people who are chasing Pokemon. But this is anything but funny. I just about cried at how we’re so close to being wiped out by the elites, and yet here’s grown adults acting like kindergartners over a stupid, idiotic GAME. He’s right about pedophiles being planted in places where little kids play this trash. NOBODY CARES, they are all sheep following one another to the slaughter. I wonder what GOD thinks of all this mess. I just want to cry and throw up. We DESERVE what we get as a nation.

kingjameswriter1965 #conspiracy ihatetheinternetbutilovejesus.com

Okay I wonder sometimes if either I’m going crazy, or if others are crazy and I’m perfectly sane. I was of course browsing through YouTube and I end up at something implying another flat earth “pond” on the other side of Antarctica. This video says there’s a second sun rotating around this other flat earth. ????? I’m just getting used to the whole flat earth concept, but now this bombshell? And what the heck is “hollow earth”?? The earth is flat, AND hollow?? What is going on?? Okay I admit I’m obsessed with this. I just want to know the TRUTH. Is that so wrong?

I need to go to God’s Word and find this out. You’d think people would listen to the Bible and leave it at that, but no, our big brains just have to have some kind of answer, even if it’s bogus. I told you I don’t believe anyone anymore. I just believe GOD. HE says the earth is flat. He DOESN’T say ANYTHING about a “pond” or a “second sun” or why the moon looks like it has craters or anything else.

I’m NOT posting the video I saw, because I don’t want to start a controversy (not that there isn’t already any). Will somebody PLEASE help me with this? PLEASE?

kingjameswriter1965 #fundie ihatetheinternetbutilovejesus.com

Facebook is one of the biggest scourges on the internet. It started out as a college communication tool (with evil reasons) and is today one of the superpowers of the computer world. In so doing, it has been responsible for more family breakups, divorces, children being abused and killed and other evils.

You might say, hold on. Those people didn’t mean for their lives to be shattered. They thought it was harmless fun, or they were looking for a “significant other” (in other words, they went whoring around via the internet). Well, that may be what they think, but you can’t deny the consequences of evil. Sin always has a high price tag. Sin will take you farther than you want to go, make you stay longer than you wanted to stay, and make you pay that which you cannot pay. The Bible says, be sure your sin will find you out (Numbers 32:23).

These people are so enamored with their fantasy world they even came up with not only a dislike button, but a few more little emoticons to show what the poster is thinking. I’m sure you’ve already seen them. There’s Like, Love, Haha, Yay, Wow, Sad and Angry buttons. This is mind control! People will now flock even more to Facebook to try these emoticons out! Are they serious?? Get a life! Or just keep on worshipping the god of SELF and then attack me for speaking the truth. Some things never change.

I’m sure the progenitors of Facebook (Pastor Danny Castle calls it “Nosebook”) had no idea this invention of theirs would reach such skyrocketing success. The Devil made a deal with them and they have become filthy rich. Satan is the bringer of all the destruction and failed lives. He is the one responsible for Facebook’s fame and fortune. But it will all burn away one day when the Lord Jesus Christ wipes it out with the Sword of His mouth and casts the Devil into the bottomless pit where he belongs.

Many people have a Facebook account, including myself; I’ve had mine since 2010. I don’t stay on long. I communicate with friends from my church and their out of state families as well as some others whom I’ve met on Facebook. They are good folks, true believers on fire for God. I believe I will see them in Heaven one glad day. I don’t waste time on games, pokes, debates, groups or whatever else. I just check in and check out.

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