
federalist and Bill Otis #fundie crimeandconsequences.com

[Commenting under the article "Treason? Not a Problem!"]



Obama is a thoroughly loathsome creature. The clemency to the FALN terrorist is equally disgusting.

It is, as you say, equally disgusting -- and equally revealing, in at least two ways.

First, so much for the "low level, non-violent" offender tripe. The FALN terrorist planted over 100 bombs.

Second, both commutations were given to enemies of America. Now why would a person grant clemency to America's enemies? The answer is clear to me: Because the grantor thinks America is a sinister, shameful country that deserves what these criminals had in mind for it.

The frightening thing is that Obama has another 60 hours in which to do yet more damage.

A constitutional amendment to cabin this gross abuse of the executive's clemency power is going to have to be considered.

Kent Scheidegger #fundie crimeandconsequences.com

Paige Sutherland reports for AP:

Michelle Kosilek, born Robert Kosilek, has been in a heated legal battle to get the surgery, which she [sic] says is required to relieve the emotional stress caused by the disorder. Kosilek is currently serving a life sentence for killing spouse Cheryl Kosilek in 1990.

In 2012, a federal judge ruled that the department must give Kosilek the surgery.

In January, that decision was reaffirmed by a three-judge panel of the 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which said it is a constitutional right to receive medically necessary treatment "even if that treatment strikes some as odd or unorthodox."

The prisons department appealed and won a rehearing before the full appeals court. Five appeals court judges heard arguments on the matter Thursday and could take months to issue a decision.

See also this prior post.

A brief note on language. The Associated Press article quoted in this post referred to Michelle (formerly Robert) Kosilek as "she." After pondering a while how to handle that, I decided to leave it in but put "[sic]" after it. I do not agree with the way AP handles this.

The DSM-IV defines Gender Identity Disorder thusly:


The DSM-5 muddles this, but I won't get into that.

This is a genuine mental disorder, and people afflicted with it deserve as much compassion and understanding as persons afflicted with any other disorder. What Political Correctness now demands, though, is that we share the delusion and use feminine pronouns for men who are convinced they are women.

Sorry, that is the proverbial bridge too far. It is one thing to be understanding and inclusive. It is quite another to deny reality just because another person's mental illness causes him to deny it. If a person with schizophrenia thinks he is the king, do we have to refer to him as "his royal highness" in news articles? No. Same thing.

In this article, the AP gets even loopier than normal and refers to the murdered Cheryl Kosilek as the murderer's "spouse." Um, excuse me, but Cheryl Kosilek was Robert Kosilek's wife. Why is AP afraid to say so?

TarlsQtr #fundie crimeandconsequences.com

[Commenting about the Atlanta grade fixing scandal]

The perfect intersection of two evils, defense attorneys and public education. Both overwhelmingly liberal and metaphorically standing in front of the schoolhouse door preventing minority kids from getting a better lot in life. Little has changed in 50 years. Heck, little has changed in 150 years as they attempt to keep these minority kids on their education plantation.

mjs #fundie crimeandconsequences.com

[Comment to the Q: What Do Americans Think of Sen. Feinstein's "Torture" Report? post]

So the Dems have expanded the definition of torture to include "rectal hydration".

So the enemas administered to me by my parents stain them as torturers and me an unwitting part of the growing culture of victimhood.

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