
Tziporah Heller #fundie aish.com

Women's quest for external power has left a frightening vacuum in Western society in the area of moral training, where women formerly held sway. Rampant crime, child abuse, kidnapping, and the dramatic rise in violence against women are symptoms of a society gone amok, where many people have no concept of right and wrong, of honesty, fairness, compassion or self-control.

Today's internal decadence is eroding the quality of life in America as fast as external political and technological advantages are improving it.

Clearly, the lot of women cannot be improved by political and financial progress if the inner dimension of society -- its morals and compassion -- is neglected by the very people who have traditionally been made its custodians: women.

A typical male analysis of such political problems customarily blames them on external factors, e.g., low income families in impoverished neighborhoods inevitably leads to a high rate of violent crime, substance abuse, etc.

If this were true, then Jerusalem's religious neighborhood of Mea Shearim, which has one of the highest poverty rates in Israel and where families typically number seven to ten children in a three-room flat, should be a hotbed of violent crime. Instead, Mea Shearim has virtually no violent crime and very little substance abuse, this despite the total absence of policemen on its streets.


Thus, defined Judaically, the issue is not whether women should or should not have power, but rather on the kind of power on which they should concentrate, both for their individual development as well as for the good of the whole society.

Rabbi Dov Lev #fundie aish.com

In the 1990s, John Gray's bestseller asserted that relationships can only be successful if gender distinctions are recognized and adhered to. For millennia, Jewish sources have taught that women's physiological and psychological needs are different from that of their male counterparts. In God's infinite wisdom, he delineated different responsibilities for men and women according to their respective metaphysical and physiological needs.


Since the beginning of mankind, all societies have recognized that a woman's sensitivity and warmth are ideally suited for motherhood. Moreover, the extraordinary feeling that men can never experience - nurturing a baby inside them - puts women in the position of being the best, most loving caregivers for their children. For the preservation of the family structure, and by extension the overall health of society, the Torah encourages women to embrace this role.

Sarai Ruth #fundie aish.com

Women rule, world crumbles faster...

I notice all the "feminist" comments and I must say that we women must be short on brain cells. Seeing very clearly that an outgoing, masculine or "independent and strong" personality in females makes most men want to vomit, we just keep on with it, forcing our "right" and our "equality"; which [...] seems to equate to the delusion of superiority. We have swallowed a horrendous lie and to our shame have raised our sons to be weak, testosterone suppressing introverts who are then rejected and humiliated by girls we raise to be obnoxious, controlling, feminist! Feminists crush the life out of moderate men, scream abuse and cry rivers when the manly man they are REALLY attracted to (go figure) crush them and treats them EXACTLY like they treat the more effeminate and "understanding" men who actually caved to feminism. I'd have to say that the Fems who have men either have miserable men, cheating men, or men so WEAK and pathetic they are more women/child than man! How do I know? I live in this world and in western society in particular so I see this ALL the time. What happens is that our world does NOT get "better" but is filled with exploding, previously suppressed RAGE often perpetrated by REJECTED "softened" males or the society's total sexual confusion and perversion. Wait, does that sound familiar?

Anonymous #fundie aish.com

[On a woman who found that psychiatric medication helped her cope with post-partum depression:]

what this lady really learned

"...the gift of the psychotropic medication available which literally change the brain's chemical dysfunction back to a normal setting...."

What a lie! Any honest psychiatrist will admit as much. What the drugs DO is numb the person's emotions which obviously has its benefits at times. And yes, other commenters have noted, often horrible side effects and horrific withdrawal symptoms. What this lady really learned - what we all need to learn - is, as she wrote, that God is in control, not us. "Why can't I cope?" Because "I" am nothing. If i don't turn to God for the ability to cope, then where do i think i'm getting my ability from? From myself? So-called PPD and indeed any other mental "illness" is just one big wake-up call that we are not in control of our lives and that all the things that we thought we were living for are nothing but air-headed illusions. The question is: Do we want to wake up, or would we prefer to continue to delude ourselves - until it's too late?

Rebbetzin Feige #fundie aish.com

Dear Rebbetzin Feige,
I am 29. My husband and I love each other and share our Jewish life and ideals. But for the first two years of our marriage we decided not to have children. My husband was always traveling up and down the country for his job, and I followed him as much as possible. We said to each other we wanted a father to be present at home and a family to be more "sedentary" before having children.
Now he has been offered a position that requires more moving around over the next few years. It's a great opportunity, but this would mean having a further delay in trying to have kids (for at least the first year so we can settle down and organize our lives). We are afraid that we will decide too late. We usually think of a woman having career plans that may come into conflict with family plans. I never thought my husband's job could produce the same effects.
Rebbetzin Feige responds:
My dear reader, Your conundrum as to whether to proceed now or postpone having a baby in favor of a later date -- perhaps a more propitious time -- is, in one form or another, the stuff of life that requires perspective.
Clearly, the way we view the circumstances of our life can change from moment to moment. The fact that you have written indicates a desire on your part to get a handle on how to sort out the variables in order to find a reliable index of where things are really at.
Historically, when the children of Israel were ready to enter the promised land, the tribes of Gad and Reuven approached Moses requesting permission to settle on the east side of the Jordan where the land could support their extensive stock of cattle. Their request was framed in the following way: We shall build corrals for our cattle and cities for our children...then we will join forces with the rest of the nation to help them conquer the west side of the Jordan.
In his reply to them, Moses conceded but reversed the order of their request: "build cities for your children and then corrals for your cattle." They had prefaced provisions for their cattle first and for their children last. Moses corrected them and assigned top priority to the children.
At face value, this scenario is quite startling. Did members of the exalted 12 tribes really need reminding that children come before cattle?

The commentaries explain that their priorities were unquestionably intact and their intention was never to assign greater importance to their cattle than to their children. Their reasoning in seeking to settle their cattle -- their holdings -- first, was to secure a livelihood so that they might better provide for their children's future. Indisputably, the children were the overriding objective, but perhaps, they concluded, if they attended to the peripheral first and planned for everything, the context of their children's lives would be a better one.

Annie #fundie aish.com

I pity girls who delude themselves that they are liberated when they are simply making themselves cheap (see Friends, Sex in the City (ok, I have never watched the latter, but you know what I mean) and the ones you see in real life.


In my opinion, promiscuity must lead to lack of self-respect; how can you like yourself for being so intimate with someone you have just met & probably have nothing else in common with ?

I hate to see a big, bare pregnant belly; it looks ugly & it should be for the woman's husband to look at & nobody else Frankly, I prefer not to be in the hairdresser and have a huge, naked,swollen belly in my face; it isn't decent or modest. How can women be so immodest as to let everyone-men included- see something so intimate ?

The Victorians had the right idea (pardon my sweeping generalisation); they knew the value of gift-wrapping ! Orthodox Jewish women also (I suspect) know this !!!

Emuna Braverman #fundie aish.com

Casual has no place in a Jewish home. Casual is not an attitude for a Jewish woman. This applies to women who work outside the home and women who work inside the home. And women who do both. Women with numerous graduate degrees and high school dropouts. Women with many small children and empty-nesters. Dressing to look attractive for your husband should be a priority.


Yes, it can be burdensome to feel compelled to dress up at home, to look nice when you want to lie around the house. But is that business deal more important than our marriage? Does that client's opinion carry more weight? Can our best friends never see us without make-up and our husbands never see us with it?

My kids might interject that I talk a good show. I've been known to indulge in casual attire at home, not always treating my marriage with the same attention as those long ago exams. But I know it's a mistake. And it doesn't always require a major effort. We don't need to change into "power" suits (my husband says I look like a linebacker in them anyway!) but how about putting on a little lipstick? Changing the shirt with the large stain down the front? Staying out of pajamas until it's actually bedtime? We will be teaching our children an invaluable lesson about the importance of marriage. And although we won't get any public accolades, we'll certainly receive many deeper benefits and pleasures. Because we don't really have a casual attitude towards our marriages. We really do give a hoot.

Yonah Ginsburg #fundie aish.com

Although it is unpleasant to face up to our shortcommings -- individually & collectively-- a state of denial ensures that nothing will change.

This week''s parsha, Bechukosai, tells us once again why the Holocaust,and every expulsion, pogrom or collective disaster befell the Jewish people: We rejected H-shem and we ceased observing the Torah.

How many years will it take for this yearly message to be internalized & acted upon??!!

Not everybody who died in the Holocaust rejected H-shem and stopped observing the Torah. However, the Jewish people are unique in that we are collectively responsible for one another.

Chazal also tell us that when the Malach HaMavis (angel of death) is set loose, he is indescriminate, killing the tzaddikim along with those who rejected H-shem and His Torah.

If we ignore the "why" in "why did the Holocaust happen?", and only focus on the "what" as Mrs. Palatnik suggests, the problem H-shem identifies in parshas Bechukosai will never be solved.

Focusing on the "why" will lead us to the correct "how", the right way to solve our individual and collective problem of rejecting H-shem & the Torah.

Sara Ruth #fundie aish.com

[Reacting to Leora Eisenberg's "Why I Choose to Dress Modestly"]

I am all applause for your article EXCEPT: You say "religious fundamentalism" as if it is a dirty thing. Fundamentalism is strict adherence to [ones faith], ...[where religious teaching] is taken literally and obeyed in full. When a person follows [doctrine], both [the] literal and implied, this is fundamentalism. For me, there is no other reason to be "religious". We either believe Gd or we don't, we either believe we have His Word or we don't and if we DO believe in Gd and we believe we have His command to us but we have no intention of following its fundamentals, what is the point? In reality, that tells us clearly that we do NOT believe that we can know anything about Gd by HIS Words or that we can even trust our sacred books to BE His Word; so we absolutely cannot believe in the faith we profess. I know; "the Jewish community must keep its identity". But I cannot fathom why because it is Gd who gave this "identity" and if we doubt and/or reject the fundamental teachings of Gd...I am just saying, what IS the point? IF you believe in Gd and believe Gd's Word, religious fundamentalism is not just a GOOD thing it is the ONLY thing. We cannot seriously believe Gd is Creator, that He is Sovereign, and yet say "We see your law and You are too strict, You are 'outdated'. We will do SO MUCH but NO MORE because we will not believe You actually meant what You said or at least that You meant for it to stand for us. We will decide what You mean and 'interpret' it where WE deem necessary and in OUR idea of the kind of god we actually believe You are." That will never do; it would never do for a human king and it will surely never do for our Gd. Gd is STILL Noah's Gd. Gd is STILL Avraham's Gd. Gd is STILL Moshe's Gd. Gd is STILL David's Gd. Gd is STILL the Gd of the Prophets. Gd did not change. It is not likely He left us a Word that would become "outdated" or "optional", especially not before Messiah. If we don't believe that, why "believe" at all..is it just me?

Anonymous and Mike #fundie aish.com

[Anonymous and Mike discuss their "negative experiences" in Reform congregations.]

Anonymous: In another Reform congregation, the Lesbian rabbi married her female partner (who had converted to Judaism) under a chuppah! So, not to sound prejudiced, but the same rabbi has been converting other gays to Reform Judaism (she has a book on how to do it in ten minutes) and marrying them. It goes agains all Orthodox and Torah values for men to marry men and women to marry women. So, it is not just assimilation that is killing American Jewry, the same Jewish organizations are promoting a watered down form of Judaism that I do not call Judaism. I know somewhere it says that Jewish leaders who lead Jews astray are committing one of the worst sins.

Mike: I also had an experience with a friday night reform service that I attended, not knowing what reform was about, and it was quite hair-raising, I think the highlights were: openly gay rabbi, playing electrically amplified music on shabbat (with boyfriend), being happy seeing intermarried couples, and inviting an anti-semitic lutheran priest and being upset that people interrupted the priest when we was bashing Israelis, and at the end of the 'service' (I actually do not remember any prayers of any kind), encouraging the sale of products on shabbat for charity.

Rebecca #fundie aish.com

I challenge all those who dress with no attention to modesty to explain how baring their bodies to men does anything to liberate themselves. [...] If we want society to treat us as liberated females why would we ever dress in ways that imply that our worth is based solely on how much sexual pleasure we can give to random men we pass on the street?

How is making our bodies for men's sexual fantasies liberating, especially when we have no control whatsoever what the men who see them are thinking about??? Once you show your body immodestly, you can never take that back. The image will remain in the memory of the men who see it, and they are free to do whatsoever with your image.

It used to be that men paid women to use them for sexual purposes. If that wasn't bad enough, today's society encourages women to let men use them for free.

Dvirah #fundie aish.com

Provocation in the Workplace

I'm quite sure modest dress in the work environment would be a great relief to male coworkers. Indeed, I often think that there is justification for suing for sexual harassment with what some of their female colleagues come to the office wearing!

Rochel #fundie aish.com

[To a mother struggling with the decision to be a stay-at-home mom or a working mom:]


your child needs you and so does your husband. stay home and create a beautiful home for your family with the warmth that only you can create. your husband needs you to be his helpmate, not a rag that comes home after a long day's work. [...] It is unfortunate that the feminist movement has taken away our precious and priceless role in the home.

Anonymous #fundie aish.com

Intelligent people know there never was, or will be a Palestine because it never existed except in demented muslim minds.
Your people came from a variety of muslim countries surrounding Israel, Sumerian & Judea and they came because their own peoples considered them the dredges of their own societies.
There never was a Palestinian language, currency, post office,university, intelligensia, culture or traditions. All that came from surrounding Arab countries from which your so called people came.
So go back to where your families came 70 or 80 years ago, because you are not welcomed in the Jewish State of Israel.

Emuna Braverman #fundie aish.com

[A woman writes to Emuna Braverman because she is frustrated with her husband ogling other women in front of her.]

I think you should begin by doing everything you can to keep his attention on you and your relationship. If you are going out together, dress up for him. [...] You may bristle at this advice. After all, he's making the mistake, why is it your responsibility. But the answer is that you are in this together and you want to make every effort to enhance your marriage. I do believe that the more attention a man gets from his wife, the less likely his eyes are to wander. Perhaps you've stopped trying, perhaps you take the relationship for granted, perhaps you're too tired to make the effort. We can never stop trying, we can never stop making the effort - not if we want our marriages to stay alive.

Ahavah #fundie aish.com

[To a 29-year-old woman who is waiting for a more "stable" financial situation before having children:]

the reality, which you can read in any biology textbook, is that the childbearing years for human females are from about age 15 to about 30-35. After this, your eggs are starting to be defective, producing kids with ADHD and other physical and mental difficulties at a far greater rate, and worse - as each year past 30 passes your odds of being completely infertile without invasive and expensive medical treatment skyrockets. God designed women to be mothers first and to have college and careers later, when they're finished having children. The modern PC Feminist attitude completely disregards God's design and in unnatural and unsustainable. God never meant for women to wait until their natural childbearing years were over to get married and try to have children. Millions of women who tried this anyway are now inconsolably depressed when natural reality trumped PC modernism. Don't be one of these women. You're already very close to the end of your opportunity - don't expect God to provide you with miracles later if you knowingly snub the natural order. As many, many weeping women can tell you, most likely He won't.

David S. Levine #fundie aish.com

[In response to an article by Dr. Jonathan Adelman claiming there is an increase in anti-Semitism on college campuses:]

Professor Adelman's excellent column is no "surprise" for any person who has studies campus politics for the past thirty years. From the late 1970, when leftists of the 1960s decided to, yes, INFILTRATE American college campuses, there has been a strong strain of anti-Israel sentiment. I saw it when I went to a commuter college in New York City as early as the early 1960s when students from Arab nations were doing then what they are doing now, albeit with fewer numbers. Leftist professors, Arab students subsidized by their governments and ours through programs passed by Democrat congresses which remain in effect, make for a witches' brew of bigotry! However the key number to me in Professor Adelman's article is that of Jewish students with two Jewish parents a mere 36% are strong supporters of israel. The Reform temples with their "moral relativism" teaching instead of religion combined with the public schools staffed by unionized left wing teachers seem to have morally disarmed our community's youth!

Sarah Rindner #fundie aish.com

While the impulse behind the ordination of women Rabbis may be related to a noble desire to make the female voice more prominent in the world, it is problematic to try to do this through a male paradigm of leadership. While the male voice [...] traditionally emphasizes hierarchy and power, the women's voice is the one that quietly whispers into our ear that "the emperor has no clothes." To dress up the female voice in male garb does not elevate it, rather it risks denigrating the female voice's unique contributions. Many have argued, quite compellingly, that the American Orthodox Rabbinate is not solely about religious authority - that it also involves pastoral counseling, or caring for and supporting congregants in their times of need, and these are roles that one could conceivably imagine for a woman fulfilling as or even more successfully than a man. [But] this would not be an argument in favor of women's ordination, rather it is proof that the system is working as it stands. For a male communal Rabbi to be successful, he must incorporate male and female elements into his work. This give and take between male and female forces is built into the structure of Judaism and should be present in all its major expressions. The fact that men are traditionally the ones who gather each month to sanctify the new moon in the Kiddush Levana service does not represent a bewildering omission of women but rather precisely the opposite. Judaism presents an exquisite structure in which the "sun" is made to sensitize itself to the loss and yearning represented by the moon. Women don't need to look as far to detect the male force, it is present and often deafeningly overwhelming in the Western world. The challenge, then, is how to nourish and cultivate these forces separately without losing sight of the ultimate goal of their interacting with one another in a way that will propel the Jewish people, and humanity, upward.

jay draiman #fundie aish.com

The deterioration of family values R2 Sine World War 2 when women were encouraged to join the work force en mass, to replace the men who went to war and keep the economy and war effort going. There has been a trend where a mother was not at home to take care of her children, monitor their behavior, help with the homework and discipline when and where necessary. The advancement in technology has harmed family values. The Media and Television has totally destroyed any comprehension of values in our society. The lack of discipline and total disregard for authority and respect is clear to anyone who has watched the past 50 years and seen our society's values deteriorate.


In today's society a teacher is not permitted to discipline a student, the teachers will be sued, not to mention that teachers fears for their safety. Parents in today's society are also restricted as to how to discipline their children, in many cases parents are getting sued. In many cases children would never dream of treating their parents with such disrespect 50 years ago. Today some parents are afraid of their own children.


The family is the most basic unit of any society or nation. Without healthy, functioning families, a culture cannot survive. God created marriage as the unity of one man and one woman. This has been both the legal and traditional understanding of a marriage - literally - for millennia, since Eden. Sadly, many radical activist groups in the U.S. are attempting to twist the law to change the definition of marriage and the family to include same-sex "marriage," polygamy, polyamory, and other structures. These groups scoff at the idea that there is any fixed or known set of values or beliefs is generally good for families or culture. We should fight against numerous attacks on marriage and family values, including efforts to:

• Allow children unlimited access to pornography over the Internet in public libraries

• Allow those engaging in homosexual behavior to have preference to adopt children and be foster parents

• Allow those engaging in homosexual behavior to serve openly in the military

• Expose children to explicit sex education materials contrary to parental approval

• Deny parents the right the raise their children before God as they see fit

Emuna Braverman #fundie aish.com

[Some points from "Marriage and Giving: Primer for Women"]

Clothing. If we dress up for our girlfriends and put on old schlumpy clothes at home, we appear to be making a statement about our priorities, and how distorted they are. It is a kindness to our husbands to dress attractively for them. This may include wearing the styles and colors they appreciate as opposed to the ones we favor. (I'm still working on this one - trying to reconcile my love of fuschia and turquoise with my husband's preference for pastels).


Stay awake. [...] You may have to stay awake past your desired bedtime. Especially when your children are young. While this may not be easy, if you go to sleep early every night, chances are you and your husband will not be spending quality time together. If your husband needs to go out in the evenings - to learn, to work, to a charitable function, it is meaningful to him to come home and find you waiting up. It says "I care." It makes a house a home.


Cooking dinner. In today's world, if you suggest that women should dress nicely and cook delicious meals, you risk the label of Stepford wife. But there's nothing robotic about giving, about being considerate and thoughtful. While it may not always be possible, men like a home-cooked meal. It doesn't have to be gourmet [...] it just has to be made by you. And you need to take into account his likes and dislikes.


Be sensitive to his needs. If your husband likes to stay in at the end of a long day (they all seem to be long days!), try not to fill your evenings with social obligations and cultural events.

Rabbi Shraga Simmons #fundie aish.com

Judaism teaches that whatever occurs in life, there is a lesson to be learned. So what should society's response be to [the Columbine shooting] in Colorado? Is it really metal detectors that will solve the problem?

Perhaps we should ask ourselves why 50 years ago the top problems in America's public schools were:

• talking out of turn
• chewing gum
• making noise
• running in halls
• cutting in line
• dress code infractions
• littering

And today the problems are:

• drug and alcohol abuse
• pregnancy
• suicide
• robbery
• rape
• assault

Perhaps we should consider the overall effect of a society that teaches:

• objectification of woman (pornography)
• disloyalty (adultery)
• lack of commitment (divorce)
• rights over responsibilities (frivolous lawsuits)
• the blind pursuit of every whim (the unregulated proliferation of violent video games, funereal rock music, comic-book fantasies and apocalyptic films)


One forensic psychiatrist, specializing in children who commit multiple murders, examined the eight such crimes committed by U.S. schoolchildren in the last three years. His conclusion? The common denominator amongst these these children is that they had no connection with God.

Thom McCann #fundie aish.com

The doctor was insane.

You have seen his kind in bloody, horror movies.

He was Dr. Jack Kervorkian, known as "Dr. Death" or "The Ghoul" who escorted terminal patients through the doors of death.

Kervorkian said, "vast numbers of people are alive who would rather be dead, who have lives not worth living." This is frightening because these exact words, "lives not worth living," were the exact words the Nazi used to murder children and adults who were mentally deficient.

He can be compared to the Nazi concentration death camp "doctor" Josef Mengele who was not interested in questions of "care," and cared nothing for actually "counseling" those who came to him.


The Germans themselves became frightened when their soldier husbands and sons came back with bad injuries that left them in a state of "lives not worth living."

Who decides?

The Nazi doctors did.

They still do.

Dvirah #fundie aish.com

[On Palestinians:]

Yes, in addition to destroying their houses the Gov't should rescind the citizenships of the entire family. I also agree with the tactic of blockading neighborhoods linked to terrorists and searching - strip if necessary - all who want to exit. If found with anything which could do harm - even a nail scissors - the items should be confiscated and the people sent back home: no going out today, in affect a 24 hour house-arrest. Let the entire Arab community realize that there are consequences that affect ALL of them and maybe the "good citizens" will take control from the violent ones and the inciters - as the Mayor of Nazareth refused to allow them entrance to his city.

Anonymous #fundie aish.com

["I am an atheist and from my experience, I find religious people are very insincere and hypocritical as what they profess is contrary to their actions. Secular humanism works for me and since I have never truly seen religion transform people's lives, I have therefore reached the conclusion that one can actually be ethical and humane without any need for God."]

Just go to a place where there is no concept of the Jewish G-d

Try India. Can you imagine that level of poverty and human suffering taking place in a Western country? they don't take care of each other. the idea of I am my brother's Keeper is not part of their moral landscape. It's a Jewish idea. And it permitates all of western society. People don't get to that idea on their own. It's not a natural human drive. People who live in western culture and say they are athiests and believe that they would be who they are without any religion are kidding themselves. They live in a culture where there is ethical and moral herd immunity: as long as there is a suffiecent number of believers in the population, the society will project Jewish values and protect those who have rejected G-d.

Marya Steiner #fundie aish.com

Trading identity for the 'golden calf'

A large part of the blame for loss of Jewish identity can be placed on the Reform movement where diversity, multiculturalism and a misunderstanding of Tikkun Olam is emphasized.


One Jewish woman who married a gentile told me she would let her young sons decide if they wanted to be Jewish. She didn't want to "stuff it down their throat." Another confided in me that she would not circumcise her newborn son -- she would let him grow up and make that decision. I went home and wept.

Mark Steyn #fundie aish.com

Beyond the fashionable "anti-Zionism" of the Euro Left is a starker reality: The demographic energy not just in Lionel Bart's East End but in almost every Western European country is "Asian." Which is to say, Muslim. A recent government statistical survey reported that the United Kingdom's Muslim population is increasing ten times faster than the general population. Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Antwerp, and many other Continental cities from Scandinavia to the Côte d'Azur will reach majority Muslim status in the next few years.

Brussels has a Socialist mayor, which isn't that surprising, but he presides over a caucus a majority of whose members are Muslim, which might yet surprise those who think we're dealing with some slow, gradual, way-off-in-the-future process here. But so goes Christendom at the dawn of the third millennium: the ruling party of the capital city of the European Union is mostly Muslim.


You would think the deluded multi-culti progressives would understand: In the end, this isn't about Gaza, this isn't about the Middle East; it's about them. It may be some consolation to an ever-lonelier Israel that, in one of history's bleaker jests, in the coming Europe the Europeans will be the new Jews.

Michael #fundie aish.com

It's almost funny if it were not so tragic. There is no such thing and never has been a Palestinian people. The so-called Palestinians of today were manufactured back in the late 1960's and early 1970's, weaponized with one goal in mind-the destruction of Israel and the eradication of its Jewish and Christian population.

Asher Zelig #fundie aish.com

Fighting against these [BDS] movements is not really the answer. Why? Because its not them fighting us, but a message from God saying, "WHY DON'T YOU KEEP THE TORAH???" Antisemitism will not end until every Jew is keeping the Torah. We just passed the holiday of Purim. The Gemara tells us that the Jews of that time deserved to be destroyed because they were no longer loyal to God. That same decree is on its way once more, as Iran gets closer to building an atomic bomb, with no one really prepared to stop them. Now, as then, we have only one answer to the world's desire to destroy us, and that is for every single Jew on the face of this earth to return to God and keep His Word - the Torah. Yes, its a harsh message, but our history has shown that it is the truth. If we want to ever see the end of those antisemitic movements, its not enough to stand and scream "We support Israel," and smile nicely for the cameras. We must get together and stand and scream, "We support and keep the Torah, the Holy Word of God!"

Anonymous #fundie aish.com

With intermarriage, no one will have to murder us- we will do it for them

Intermarriage is, in fact, the ultimate assimilation. At the rate we're going in the non-observant world, There will be no more "unobservant" Jews left in a few more decades... and the observant Jews might not be that far behind! Intermarriage will complete the mission of the Nazis and the Muslims and the other anti-Semites and rid the world of Jews. It seems that intermarriage is the PC way to let your family and the world know that you no longer wish to be Jewish!

Barry #fundie aish.com

I married out of the Jewish religion when I was too young and did not think it mattered. My family acted as if I had committed murder.

n a way I did. I murdered the possibility of my children and grandchildren from continuing the long line of Judaism my family has gone through. Both my Parents even made it through the Holocaust and had me to continue the Jewish line.

The "Anything Goes" Attitude that has taken over the religion could be the death of our ancient religion. I have divorced because when it came down to the bottom line, I did not want to have Christian children running around asking for a Christmas tree and presents and the fact that I would have destroyed a line of a Jewish family. It would be comparable to an Inquisition or Holocaust. Judism would end in my family.

This is too important and I put off having children until our differences caused us to divorce each other. I feel relieved that I did not bring any non-Jews into the world. There is room for both religions but when it comes to marriage I believe one should stick to their own religion.

Rosally Saltsman #fundie aish.com

Intermarriage has always been a problem among the Jewish people and it's mentioned in the Torah. I am not a politically correct person and I say that with pride. There is no need to skirt around our core values. Intermarriage has dealt as much of a death blow to the Jewish people as pogroms, terrorist attacks, the Inquisition and the Holocaust. This is not something we have to be nice about. It is a threat to our continuity and we have to regard it as an enemy. You don't pussyfoot around an enemy. One of the reasons intermarriage has been allowed to happen is that people don't want to make waves. I think we need to make waves if we're going to stop people from drowning. Intermarriage is not okay! Sure draw people closer with love but don't be accepting of intermarriage!

Anonymous #fundie aish.com

Was once interested in marrying a good Jewish woman and still am to some extent due to the belief that Hashem can turn one's fortunes around.

However since taking the Red Pill and realizing the depth of the Gynocentric Misandry that dominates much of the developed world where men now derive no benefit from marrying or cohabiting with women, whose hypergamy is now focused fighting each other over on the dwindling number of high-status or top 20% of men.

I struggle to reconcile with what the Torah says and the reality of marriage / relationships today where men stand to lose it all, unless they either live together separately and co-parent with women at best or remain single and opt for halakhic host surrogacy at worst since the opposite sex (backed by the state) has become a great liability for men to even associate with nowadays.

Recognizing my own relative lack of value or utility as one of the bottom 80% of men and observing the raw deal married or cohabiting men receive, along with the knowledge that women my age will likely accumulate even more baggage / bitterness towards men / debt as I grow older has for the past few years caused me to be extremely grateful to Hashem for allowing me to see the positives of being single and growing to become a man going his own way or a MGTOW.

Sara #fundie aish.com

[On the "marriage crisis":]

I think increase and or create a high tax for those who are single,especially males.Next thing to do is for the government to stimulate marriages by giving the new couples a free apartment, or something like that like for example a free 20 percent down payment,stimulate each other more when we see single man and woman around us try to make them meet and see if they can commit for marriage,and oh yeh government should stop helping pregnant woman that are not married,so they will think it would be good to be married and than have babies....

Howard #fundie aish.com

American Judaism like all permutations of liberal culture is a doomed enterprise. With no values other than the celebration of self it is unfulfilling and void of the type of meaning that allows and promotes the transfer of values across generations.. The real future of American Jewry is Chabad. They are the only group[ who care enough about Torah Judaism to teach their children and just as important to have children to teach.

SusanE #fundie aish.com

[On a video against legalizing marijuana:]

About 55 years ago I heard a Chinese man say on a documentary TV news program. "We will overtake and ruin America. And we will subdue and ruin her from the inside using your own people". I didn't know what he meant but I do now.

moshe #fundie aish.com

Political "liberalism" is simply immoral and the antethesis of Torah and G-d ordained purity. the Left supports (and abuses others who don't) homosexuality, abortion on DEMAND, radical socialism aka dictatorship and its host of evils, militant feminism which has severly damaged the family, men, children AND women and promiscuity of all forms that are condemned in BOTH Torah and Talmud not to mention most of our traditions. The emphasis on the "poor" and justice is what ALL dictatorships (which are false messiah's) have used to force their oppressive systems on humanity...historically-foremost on us Jews. Also your rationalization that somehow abortion on demand is wise due to "back alley abortion" is a long disproven myth. Such exaggeration and morbid rationalization aka lying to one's self ruins the mind needed to study Torah and HaShem's logic on the universe he invented. You don't dump your children "cause you feel like it and get His approval. as for rape, incest, etc..this is NOT part of the abortion issue. They're separate issues like war as opposed to murder. Like every evil they did exist but it's wishful hype to believe it was even close the obsession that the Marxists blathered about since the 60's. To be "observant" is also to be morally sound and intellectually honest. Not only going through the rituals. The beginning of honest worship is honesty itself, to want good love G-d and people. Political liberalism is simply a cover and semantic smokescreen for the very mentality that created Shoah and the gulags...Pesach was/is HaShems condemnation of Totalitarian government and its abuse of all Mankind. His salvation of us should be a warning to those that support a "pharaoh-ish" type political systems and those currently under it. Know your enemies and you'll save your friends...be merciful to the cruel and you're being cruel to the merciful

Jessica #racist aish.com

[On an article about Amy Chua:]

The sad part of the whole article is the Jewish man who so pathetically married a Chinese woman. [...] This Tiger mother should really check her numbers before she makes a claim to fame- there are a billion Chinese and a tiny population of Jews. Who can show proportionately a higher success rate? She sadly misses one element to her story, her kids also inhereted their father's Jewish successful genes, too bad they were wasted on a goy.

Azaria #fundie aish.com

G-d doesn't expect from us things we can't do - and this He clearly states: concept of marriage and children comes as a commandment. If somebody can't accept responsibility for having children - this just means he/she is not well spiritually and by analogy with physical health one should seek help or it (the ILLNESS) will progress. Sorry to put it so blunt but I say this because I care about you. I don't make the rules of the universe (nor physical nor spiritual) and it does work like this. Good luck to all of us. Seek the TRUTH. Pursue true Happiness. It's Difficult but WORTH it. :)

Anonymous #fundie aish.com

[Another commenter celebrates feminism's advancements with regard to women's choices, awareness of sexual violence, and the LGBT movement.]

It seems like your definition of feminism is for a woman to be able to do what she wants. In Judaism, expression of feminism is to be able to do what G-d wants. The freedom that society has engendered is not necessarily a good thing, as such freedom can lead to being bound by our passions, which can lead to a frivolous life. Instead, the freedom to control our passions, is what we aim for and why such magazines [Cosmo] our so detested.

Suzanne #fundie aish.com

I congratulate anyone who grew up in the 60's and 70's and survived. Looking back, I feel that we were robbed of some of our childhoods, a whole lot of our adolescence and a lot of our young adult hoods. Everywhere ...the movies, the radio, the television, the popular songs and, yes, our high school and college teachers fed us a daily diet of leftism and contempt for traditional American and religious values. It's even worse now for our children.

Lisa #fundie aish.com

Glamortization of suicide in mainstream media

How did the U.S. judicial system go from prosecuting and imprisoning Dr. Kavorkian to legalizing premeditated suicide? Affordable Healthcare Act, that's how. Add another option to the list of how to decrease the world's population. Mainstream mass media is the bible in which a majority of modern society determines their morals, values, ethics, good, evil, free will thought and choices to determine the world's future. The media executives know the herds of western world blind sheep has been brainwashed long enough since WW1 to believe what the media pumps out. Affordable Health Care & a doctor they strong-armed, took the opportunity to hand a young woman a pill to kill herself with even though real life ending suffering had not begun to manifest. Brittany Maynard family was only portrayed by the top media outlets as surrounding her in loving support for her choice to die and on her highly publicized glorious vacational bucket list trips. One news report slipped and quoted the mother saying "if Brittany asked me to care for her by changing her diapers and feeding her until she died, I would". If it fact Brittany Maynard is a real right to die story, it is a setup for all of north American people to accept the standard of care AFA determines for a patient based on a physician's diagnosis whether or not the diagnosis is correct. Forget about God and His standards. Only man's standards count. I refuse to to offer compassion to Brittany Maynard or Robin Williams. There's no published proof of a fatal illness and if we demand, suddenly privacy laws will be thrown up.

Michelle #fundie aish.com

Michelle Obama our first lady is a disgrace to all first ladies. She dresses as no first lady ever dressed before. I always tell myself that this just shows the extent of the moral decent of our society- having OUR first lady dress as if she thinks she's a hollywood actress. With no sleeves, tube-dresses, her back showing, etc. This has NEVER in the history of the united states ever happened. First women ALWAYS wore suits and modest attire. That is until Mrs. Obama came along. The presidential inauguration was more like a Hollywood Debut than a presidential inauguration. If you want to look it up for yourself just youtube ''Michelle Obama Inauguration" you can see for yourself. The first lady is supposed to be the prime example of what our american women should be. Our president's wife is exactly the opposite of what this article is trying to stress. With her dress and how she presents herself she is promoting 'dressing to turn heads' and dressing like a prostitute. She has absolutely no class or modesty.

hopey5000 #fundie aish.com

We need to realize the genius of people like George W. Bush. Bush who unequivocably supports Israel and decided not to have these peace conferences and meetings like prior presidents. Once the Arabs saw he meant business, look how much better things got, in the last 6 years we eliminated Islamic radicalism, brought democracy to Iraq, and stabilized a troublesome region.

Those American Jews who suggest there are legitimate grievances on both sides, who counsel negotiation and compromise and support people like Bill Clinton, fail to recognize the clear distinction between right and wrong.

Like Ariel Sharon and George W. Bush, American Jews need to recognize there are simple questions of right and wrong and to criticize is to ultimately be a self-hating Jew. As an American Jews, I can only help that we have another president with the tremendous knowledge and intellect of George W. Bush and we can only support the principles that have characterized his administration.

Garry Skiar #fundie aish.com

Jewish libneralism is a death wish.

About thirty years ago, I attended a lecture at the UJA Leadership Development Council on a similar subject. I asked, during the Q &A if Jewish liberalism is really a death wish. This was greeted by hooting and laughter from the audience until the speaker replied in the affirmative. It was then followed by a deathly silence. Thirty years later, we are still dealing with the same rubbish, and the same death wish.

Sara Yoheved Rigler #fundie aish.com

[This is from an article titled "Jewish Identity: Are You In or Out?"]

In our generation, many Jews have renounced their Jewish identity in favor of becoming "citizens of the world." Their political views have led them to identify with the enemies of the Jewish People.


[A]larm bells rang a couple years ago when a study revealed that 50% of American Jews under the age of 35 would not consider it "a personal tragedy if the State of Israel ceased to exist." Two months ago an American Congresswoman declared that the Jews of America had sold out Israel in their support of Obama's diplomatic surrender to Iran's nuclear program.

The nadir of this abandonment of support for Israel is the BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) movement, which actually has some Jews among its supporters. [...] The starkest defection from the Jewish People is to side with those sworn to our destruction. According to Jewish law, every person born to a Jewish mother is Jewish, even if s/he converts to another religion. But a Jew needs to minimally cast his/her lot with the Jewish community to be redeemable.


The Passover Seder speaks about four sons. Only one of them is cast as "wicked." As the Hagaddah states: "The wicked son, what does he say? 'What is this service to you?' 'To you,' but not to him. Because he excludes himself from the community, he is a heretic. ... Say to him, 'Because of what God did for me when I went out of Egypt.' For me, but not for him, because if he would have been there, he would not have been redeemed."

The first Passover marked the birth of the Jewish nation. Every Passover since poses the challenge to every Jew: Are you in or are you out?

Lori Averick #fundie aish.com

There is an abundance of evidence that suggests that America is indeed under attack and that Muslim terrorists have declared war on the U.S. Charles Jacobs, named by the Forward as one of America’s top 50 leaders, notes that "These are extraordinary times. We face daunting challenges for which there are no known answers. Chief among them are Islamic anti-Semitism and the global jihad that pose enormous, unanticipated threats to Jews around the world."

There are too few among us who are willing to connect the dots of these events and honestly acknowledge the gravity of our situation. Now is the time to band together and educate ourselves and our communities – before it is too late.

The methods of dealing with this threat must be elevated to a priority national debate. But in order to do so, the first step is that we must all -- in the words of renowned historian Bernard Lewis in the must-see documentary film on this issue, The Third Jihad -- “Wake up!”

Emuna Braverman #fundie aish.com

[Mrs. Braverman defends a junior high school's sexist dress code that bans certain kinds of girls' pants that are "too tight."]

"Why should we have to dress differently just because the boys are distracted?" runs the tired yet familiar line from parents and teens. "Let them just control themselves."


Yes, everyone needs to learn self-control. But basic human nature can't be changed. It boils down to a simple idea that can't be repeated often enough. "If you don't want to be treated like an object, don't dress like one." It's not sexism; it's reality.


When they get married, our daughters won't want their husbands staring at another woman in those pants. And their husbands won't want another man staring at their wife.

Junior High isn't too early to teach this lesson and to encourage a sense of self among males and females that reflects character and not physicality. Let's get the "too tight" pants, "too short" skirts, "too provocative" blouses out of the way so that their true beauty can shine through and the serious learning can occur.

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