
Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #fundie 3edgesword.blogspot.fr

[Hyperlinks and formatting from original article]

It's that time of year again. Just like always, when the Fringe Festival comes to town you can trust Third Edge of the Sword to be here with reviews, analysis, and more. Be sure to bookmark this portal page over the next ten days to see all there is to offer.

And, as always, our Fringe coverage comes with one major rule:

No fags.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.fr

[Formatting and hyperlinks in original - Articles parts quoted and inserted by the author bracketed by me]

On Monday, Rachel Arab apologized because years ago some people thought that the Red Indian was worth educating.

[“We want the First Nation, Metis and Inuit people of Alberta to know that we deeply regret the profound harm and damage that occurred to generations of children forced to attend residential schools.” said Notley.]

FYI, every single word of this statement is a lie. Nobody "regrets" the residential schools, not really. Indians, remember, demanded they be kept open 50 years ago when the possibility of closing them arose. The reason? Because it's a lie when Rachel Arab says there was profound harm and damage done to generations of children. Other than a few isolated cases, there was no damage.

But Rachel Arab wasn't done being ludicrous on the subject of the Red Indian.

[In a speech to the legislature, Notley also added her voice to those calling for a national inquiry into missing and murdered aboriginal women.]

Look, we've covered this before, and I have more on this coming soon, but there is absolutely zero need of an inquiry, and the NDP are showing their ignorance by thinking there such a need exists.

We know why so many Indian women are victims of violence: they hang around high risk peoples. Short of making prostitution highly illegal and punishing the women who sign onto such a dangerous lifestyle, there's not much in practice that can keep Indian women from joining this notoriously dangerous profession. Then outside of turning tricks, the biggest danger to the health of Indian women is that their families and spouses tend to be the most violent and dangerous bunch of savages known to exist in this country: a Red Indian male.

Will Rachel Arab fight to ban marriages within Indian tribes to protect these women from the vicious violent men who do more to oppress and destroy them then the most lurid fantasy of "genocidal" residential schools? Will she require Indians remain on the reserve (ie. enforce the treaty) to minimize the risks that occur when they live in inner white cities? No, of course she won't. In other words, she's too politically correct to take any actual action to protect these people. Instead she's just got some cheap political points.

She doesn't know the problem, she doesn't know the solution. The only productive thing Rachel Arab can do on this file is shut her mouth.

Wellsaid #fundie 3edgesword.blogspot.fr

[About the Edmonton, Ontario gay pride]

I tried to drive though the area this afternoon. absolutely disgusting, they even have sidewalks next to a church painted over with the homo rainbow.
Disturbing to see the typical age demographic and realize what years of this politically correct media movement have done to destroy the youth of this country. Was almost all people (hesitate to call them that) under 40 there for the most part.
If we keep it up at this rate, in another 10 years we will see thousands come out to support bestiality and pedophilia as the next wave of de-evolution.

Props to the author for calling it as they see it.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #fundie 3edgesword.blogspot.fr

[All links and formatting in original]

It's #yeguranistparade weekend in Edmonton, and as usual the media is all over themselves promoting a disgusting event that features naked men engaging in sodomy but without any of the critical coverage that, say an awareness campaign about murdered babies is given for featuring pictures of an aborted fetus.

In fact, you won't see a single WARNING: Global News has chosen to include a photo further down in the article. It may be offensive to some readers when the post-faggot parade coverage takes place.

The parade, by the way, is polluting Whyte Avenue this year, which is a shame since the #yegsodomitehike had for the longest time been downtown, leaving a glorious afternoon where Whyte Avenue was completely fudge packer free. That won't be possible this year, sadly, though you should be able to enjoy your day downtown without having any homely sapphists getting in your face. At least until the festivities wind down and all those cocksuckers cross the faggy High Level Bridge on their way to Buddy's Bathhouse. As a result, they polluted the city crosswalks by painting their disgusting epicene flag on the roadside.

Normally I'd say piss on the goddamned thing but with #yegsodomyfest running some uranist would try sucking you off. https://t.co/CHhyCRD4Wm
— FACLC (@FACLC) June 5, 2015

This year is going to be even worse, with sperm bumping MLAs courtesy of Alberta's ridiculously ill-advised Orange Wave, and Faggot-Familiar Alliances recently being implemented in your children's schools against your wishes. They'll be riding high, and while I certainly applaud anybody who shows up with a baseball bat and gives them a lesson in anal pain unrelated to their flamer lifestyle, it's far far better to just stay away.

There will be a day to defeat the poofters. We will do it, we will do it swiftly and with as much violence as we deem necessary, and when we are done the pillow biters will be yesterday's news in this beautiful province and cowardly pederasts like Kris Wells will be either run out of the province or buried six feet under it.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #fundie 3edgesword.blogspot.fr

[Articles parts quoted and inserted by the author bracketed by me]

Saudi Arabia has entered into a diplomatic fracas with a European Union member over monkeys.

Yes, you read that one right.


Okay technically the Saudis were just doing a little diplomatic quid anti quo after a female Swedish politican criticized the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for not letting sluts behind the wheel.

[A co-ordinated campaign by Muslim nations against Sweden is not a fanciful notion. There is talk that Sweden may lose its chance to gain a seat on the UN Security Council in 2017 because of Wallström.]

Look, aside from the benefit of not letting women drive (hint: they're all terrible at it, we might consider a similar move here), there's nothing here that should really offend the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. However, Sweden does $1.3B a year with the Saudis, and that they're throwing money around while other governments aren't hasn't escaped the notion of policy makers everywhere: notice Sweden just last week apparently greased some wheels some but not enough.

Meanwhile, another Middle Eastern country is entering into a diplomatic fracas with a monkey...

Bonus observation: Note the name of the "Islamophobic" politician and the name of the zoo curator. Is that like Johnson/Johnston over there?

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.fr

The tough hate against Jews certainly hasn't had the impact of the soft-love towards the Red Indian. Of course, Engler doesn't fully understand why Status Indians couldn't vote: they belong on the reservation. That's what the reservations were for. They shouldn't be voting now -- at least, not if their tribe is involved in either "native self-government" or land claims -- so let's not get too worked up to learn they couldn't vote in the past. That's the ideal future as well.

Still Engler has stumbled upon something: the fate of the Jews and the fate of the Indians are extremely vast. It's hard, of course, to determine whether the gulf is something inherent in the culture/race (Jews are just smarter and more dedicated to their successes than Indians are), or whether it's an impact of their different treatment (the infamous truth Stephen Harper said about the "dependence in the region that breeds a culture of defeatism" regarding the Martimes could describe Indians both on and off the reserve about 1,000 times better.

Which leads us to the title of this blogpost. Canada's Indians receive about $9 billion dollars directly from the Federal government. Another $1B from Health Canada, not to mention as much as an additional $12B from provincial sources. They also, being the vast majority of the homeless, disproportionately receive money from municipal governments as well.

If we put a lowball $22B cap on the total, that's $14,285 per Indian per year robbed from the productive class. And what do they achieve with it? Nothing.

Now let's instead give that money to every single Jew in Canada. That's about $57,894 per kike. What do you think they could do with an extra $57k a year in their pockets?

I stand by my earlier contention:
If the money wasted on Indians in Canada were instead 'wasted' on the Jews, we'd be testing our maple-leaf warp drive right now.

[All formating and hyperlinks original]

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