
cactuscowboy #sexist forum.deviantart.com

In a country (USA) where woman are highly educated with an abundance of laws protecting them from just about everything as if they were an endangered species. I see the male becoming obsolete. Once they were accepted into participating in combat units I was convinced. I think it's only right that men and woman have some sort of contract between them. I'll pay this much if you do that much and so on. That way there's no misunderstanding and a man can't get sent to jail or outed as a sexual predator as long as it was agree to beforehand. That's the way it is now. A woman sashes into a night club, bar you name it and sits at the counter next to some schmoo and he starts chatting her up. All that woman would have to do is say something and making a commotion about it and that poor sap would have 5 to 10 men on him in a heartbeat. Now that's power.

Hans-Litten-X3 #sexist forum.deviantart.com

Most women are selfish because they can be and get no trouble for it because pretty much every heterosexual male (majority of citizens besides heterosexual women) loves women.
Men are seen as people who should be serving women, while women are seen as people who should be treated with glory and magnificence.

It's too common for women to be mean now'a'days, and I'm sick of this.
It used to be that men were for the majority were abusive and played the victim card, but now it's all the other way around for the majority.

Women push men to become extremely angry, then accuse them of lashing out or acting awful while hiding info.Or they just hurt men and don't realize how badly they hurt men, yet still lack empathy when confronted...[men] try harder to value their women than women try to value their men.

Seadragon666 #sexist forum.deviantart.com

[The world is] overpopulated with the wrong kind of people. People with low intelligence that usually live in poverty. The movie idiocracy depicts a very likely future. A future in which humans will devolve. Dinosaurs once ruled the planet, now they are only pigeons
The future of humanity depends on intelligent women, like you, deciding to have children or to waste your gift and power of producing new life.

Suicide rates among older women are in the rise. Women that believed in feminism, they didnt create families, spent the best years of their lives studying or working, getting drunk and riding the cock carousel. They aged fast, and one day they realized how empty their lives became. No children, no husband, just solitude, sexually transmitted diseases, debts, and emptiness.... nothing worth living for. They had no choice, but to kill themselves.

sani91 #fundie forum.deviantart.com

Atheists are quick to dismiss God as the causal factor of all that exists without evidence to support this claim. They hide behind the different theories surrounding the "Big Bang" or the "Big Splat." However, they completely ignore that these events need a trigger. Things do not just happen, there is reason for them. Whatever begins to exist has a cause. Atheism does not answer the question of causality and therefore cannot be taken seriously, scientifically speaking.

The idea that God does not exist or that there is no evidence is unfounded. For centuries philosophers, religious thinkers and scientists have offered all kinds of proof for the existence of God. The suggestion that there is no evidence for God is simply not true. There is indeed evidence for God. Whether or not one wants to accept it, then that is another issue. Nevertheless, the rejection of evidence does not invalidate that evidence. It merely shows sophophobia.

“Dystopian Edict“ Award

RetroSpriteResources #sexist forum.deviantart.com

Here is the law I want passed:

Any human, male or female, may force their mouth, penis, vagina, sexual device or any other desired body part or object intended to provide the attacker with sexual pleasure on any part of a woman who is of age of consent or older, but younger than 65 as to prevent those with unusual sexual interests from damaging an elder under very unlikely circumstances as long as no direct physical harm other than the motions needed for necessary overpowerment is done if any one, several or all of the following conditions meet:

The woman purposefully displayed any part of her upper legs, any part of her torso or otherwise wore something to make her vagina, breasts or buttocks or any combination of the three more visible than it would normally be under reasonable circumstances which includes breast implants. Exceptions: The woman is dressed as slut for the purpose of picture, painting, film or other such forms of artistic production with the only people around her being either people needed to be there for the production or people who aren't supposed to be there such as someone who broke and entered. The woman is on her own residence or the residence of her guardian. The woman took off her clothes temporarily for the purpose of excretion. The woman took off her clothes for the purpose of changing clothes in a location designed for such. The woman exposes her torso for the purpose of breast feeding. The woman is being operated on at a hospital.

The woman willingly brings up sex in a public setting around three or more people for any purpose other than incrimination or education.

The woman has had sex with 5 or more different people in the last 365 days.

Additional rules: You must drag the woman away from the public's eyes before raping her. You may not take a mother away from children she needs to watch. You may not rape a woman if she is performing actions needed to handle an emergency that will result in the possible death or injury of any number of people if she is hindered. If you are male and penetrate her vagina with your penis, you must wear a condom. If you have a sexually transmittable disease and have reason to believe you do, you may not perform any acts on a woman that may give her the disease. Men may only have one orgasm before they must immediately release the woman, women may have multiple orgasms while raping a slut as long as she doesn't take an unreasonable amount of time between the orgasms. You may not drag the woman off to an unsafe place such as a highway or the side of a cliff. You may not mock your victim while raping her. You may not speak of your raping of a certain slut to anyone unless questioned by a figure of law or you will receive a 1,000 dollar fine per person you notified going up to 10,000 dollars, you may state that you raped a slut, but not address who it was specifically. Being lesbian is not a valid excuse for saying you shouldn't be raped by men, likewise, being straight is not a valid excuse for saying you shouldn't be raped by women.

Why does everyone keep saying I think rape isn't a horrible crime?

Sand-Script #sexist forum.deviantart.com

(He has Trump as his avatar picture so I thought he was a troll, but his other comments open the possibility that he's actually for real about this)

Men that like poetry,have long hair,agree with feminism,wear girl clothes, and are all around more like a female than a male make me sick. Most men that I know who are like this are usually girl-shaped too.They like to voice their sickening opinions and are usually liberal to go with it. They don't have to be, but are commonly Tree-hugers and vegan as well....pukes. REAL MEN wouldn't have anything to do with these little frilly, female-wanabes,which is why most hang in their own little click groups. White Knights and blue-pill simps are just as equally repulsive,with them blabing about chivalry and honor and bla,bla,BLA, and "you can't hit a girl, just because she hit you first!!!", HORSESHIT, nothing but horseshit spews from their lips. True men are men who don't bitch about what life has thrown at them, they simply knock the dust off and move on, they learn from experience and gain experience from working hard, not protesting and thinking life owns them something for breathing. A real man respects a woman, but has respect for himself as well and is not afraid to put a woman in her place if necessary.REAL MEN drive trucks,BIG TRUCKS, not hybrids and Eco-friendly little cars. They look like men and dress like men, because their proud to be MEN, they also have a taste for the finer things in life, like collecting guns,babes,vehicles,and adventure. Good ol' Boys from down south seem to be some of the more manlier men around the world,but if you look really, really hard you might find a real man where you live.

Volkrenaissance #sexist forum.deviantart.com

Modern women (as a general rule and because of feminist propanda) give priority to education. Feminism in practice is the sterilization of our most intelligent women. Modern women need to realize that they can NOT spend their youth educating themselves and then expect to have children later on...A woman who is not interested in having children is a stupid woman. A corrupted woman who is left with nothing.

Sand-Script #sexist forum.deviantart.com

Homos,trans,and illegals are more detrimental to society than a group of Men taking back their balls. If there was more MGTOW there would be less problems in the world.Wait till sex robots come out,then you'll see just how many Men leave the establishment.

if [men] don't have a family to support, then that means [we] only have to support [ourselves] and since it doesn't take a whole lot of money to support one person, [we] can either work less or work 40 hours a week and be swimming in cash.

RetroSpriteResources #sexist forum.deviantart.com

So about two dozen women jumped on me because I'm pro-life and won't stop threatening me, cursing me out and spamming my page.

They have threatened to shove a cactus up my ass, cut off my dick and balls, force me to drink their period blood and much more.

On top of that, they have been accusing me of being a rapist, saying that I abuse my wife and even accused me of wanting to sexually abuse an anime girl because I uploaded a picture of her in a bikini in a parody journal.

They've also been sexually harassing me because they THINK they can get away with sexual harassment because they're female. They've been asking me for sex in a sarcastic, taunting way, they've been discussing what my penis tastes like and one even said she fapped to the idea of me getting raped by body builders.

They've been recruiting new women to harass me by the day by spamming a photoshopped comment where I say that I want rape to be legalized. They made me lose a great friend this way and made an alternate account making fun of me, as well as offensive memes with an ugly drawing of my face.

Please, I don't want rape to be legalized and I don't hate women. I'm only pro-life, is that really so bad? Do I really deserve all this abuse just because I don't support the mass slaughter of babies? People didn't treat the World War 2 vets this way after they stopped the Nazis from mass slaughtering the Jews.

These women are nothing but a bunch of disgusting sluts. You wanna know what I really said about legalized rape? I said that it should be legal to rape sluts because it's their fault rape is a problem to begin with. But I don't think that rape should be legal unless it's against your spouse or a slut.

Please, ban all these women!

RetroGraphicResource #sexist forum.deviantart.com

I had to get a new account because I am getting a lot of harrassment from a bunch of sluts. They keep virgin shaming me and making fun of my small penis. One of them said my posts means that I have a micropenis but they don't say the same thing to their Asian friend who also does sprite art.

Men deserve rights too. I want rape to be legalized on sluts just like the death penalty is used on criminals and it would help millions of guys like me.

Why can't these stupid sluts realize that my opinion is correct?

whateverdude6833 #sexist forum.deviantart.com

The bad feminists are the ones who are predominate in colleges, the ones who are in the education system, the ones in the media...
So, not just a "vocal minority"... every feminist with any type of power in the media and in education.
Who are the good feminists? Women like Christina Hoff Summers, who is loved by the right wing and hated by the left.
There's nothing good about 3rd wave feminists

Good feminists - People old enough to be my grandma, people hated by mainstream feminists, people who are celebrated more by the right-wing.

Bad feminists - Majority of educators, the majority of celebrities, the majority of feminists in news media, gaming critics, the majority of women's studies professors, public school teachers, politicians, millenials, sex-negative feminists, intersectional feminists, the entire 3rd wave of feminism, and all of them who identify as "progressives"

Who is the minority again? Besides... Let's assume that the bad feminists are the minority?
Guess what... They're the only ones who hold great positions of power and influence in society.
You don't have a TV show... The radfems do.. You don't run a college, the radfems do... Name a good feminist celebrity who isn't a bitch?
Madonna? A bitch
JK Rolling? Bitch... Name one that's not a bitch, plz... I guarnatee you whoever you name will probably be in their late 50s... Then again, Madonna is in her 50s and she's just as big of a cunt as these 13 yr old tumblrinas.

sani91 #sexist forum.deviantart.com

Women demand to be treated equally as men. But, what makes them think they deserve it?

I mean, they actually have nothing to offer, Men have superior intellect, Men work harder,Men are stronger, Men are more moral and kind, Men think using reason and logic, Men are the ones who keep things running. Women only have wet holes to offer and that isnt even that grand. So they get worshiped by betas and this over inflates their egos. They're all just illusions , take away the make up, perfume, done up hair and fancy clothes and ask yourself what is she really offering me? Nothing, yet the way they act these days is off putting,the way they speak , act , think , full of pride and ego.

In a relationship, men provide cars, a house, money etc...what do women offer?

Men are on the top of the world, they run the world. Women dont. So why should they have equal rights?

Its not realistic...its just not realistic.

whateverdude6833 #sexist forum.deviantart.com

A good polygamist relationship has to have peace between the sister wives. Otherwise, you just have chaos.
This chaos hurts the man the most, he's the one who has to hear about it.

Ultimately when your wives can't get along with each other, YOU are the one who suffers the most.

I guess one way to insure peace is to not show favoritism. Now, let's be honest... It's okay to have a favorite wife.
However, having favoritism is different than showing favoritism. It's like having children, yea... one is gonna be better than the other, but you don't make it obvious.
However, you don't treat them totally equal... I mean, if one wife is better behaved than her sister wife, then it's unfair to treat them both the same if one is the trouble maker and the other isn't.
You should reward the wives that don't get jealous easily.

It's also not a good idea to just marry two completely different women who don't really like each other... It's best to find women who have some sort of history together.. like a chinese laotong sisterhood or something. They're not as likely to fight if they're close to one another.

Now, unless all your girls are bi, it's a good idea to keep the number under 3... Cause your dick has it's limits. Men don't get multiple orgasms like women do... Now, if they are comfortable satisfying each other, you could have lots of wives. You could have seven wives and sleep with a different one each day of the week. If they are fine doing it with one another, that can mitigate some of your sexual responsibility.
But you have to alternate these girls weekly.
If one girl is always monday and the other is saturday. The monday girl is gonna think you see less of her.
So it's best not to assign your wives a specific day of the week permanently.

One problem with having a harem too big, is that they start to prefer the company of each other over you... And that can be hurtful to the mans self-esteem to know that his wives prefer each other over him. This could cause an issue bigger than them fighting one another... and that's them ganging up on you.
There's nothing worse than several women being mad at you all at the same time

But overall it's just important to remember that your happiness depends on their happiness.
And if they're not happy, you're gonna get nagged in stereo.

whateverdude6833 #sexist forum.deviantart.com

Lesbians do not exist. Same sex desires between women is natural, but it serves a purpose which benefits men.
So called "exclusive lesbians" are just women who have been brainwashed by feminists or are not willing to depart from their partner, which is only a problem nowadays since we don't practice polygamy anymore...

whateverdude6833 #sexist forum.deviantart.com

You can see how despite not producing children, SJW's exhibit maternal instincts.
Part of having maternal instincts is the desire to care for something, support it, and nurture it.
And isn't this how SJW's see minority groups. Especially these 14 yr old tumblr girls... They see LGBT's as these poor people who they wanna give love and affection. Another instinct that's maternal is the desire to protect them from predators. Which would explain how they see people like Milo.
They're momma bears, LGBTs are their cubs, and Milo is a hungry wolf trying to eat them... Of course he's not trying to eat people he's just pissing people off, but when you look at it broad, you can see how maternal instinct influences their thinking.
Part of maternal instinct is wanting to provide a fair environment for your children...
Could this be why SJW's hold so much value on equality? They see people as sort of their children, and only a shitty mom would want one child to be treated unequally.
And I guarantee you if a woman is like, "I don't want kids".. She's probably got like 10 cats and refers to herself as their mother.
That's what's going on in Sweden... They're like a middle aged spinster in an animal shelter who wants to adopt them all and refer to them as her children

This is why it's so ironic for these people to say gender is a social construct because their entire style of thinking is influenced by traits that are totally innate. Their mindset is as stereotypically feminine as you can possibly get.
Now I believe strongly that like chimps, people are influenced by natural gender roles that come from evolution.
And I definitely think you can see that in how women vote and how feminists think and what they believe.
But not all SJW's are women, what about men? They might not have the same natural maternal tendancies as thier female counterparts, but the ideology they believe in and practice is still inspired by very feminine thinking

Rayum #sexist forum.deviantart.com

in the Liberal Feminist movement, all of these women are actually bending over backwards for men just as in Conservative movements. But it allows the type of man who is a narcissistic autogynephile to transition, infiltrate women's spaces and become the 'woman' who is in charge himself. He gets to be worshiped, while feeling like he is morally above conservative men. The women in these movements are fucking fools, and the men take advantage of this. They know nothing, though they pretend to.

whateverdude6833 #fundie forum.deviantart.com

if you tell yourself you're a bad person, you can essentially do whatever you want as long as you get away with it or the consequences don't affect you.

You just need to say "I'm a bad person, so of course I did X" ... then you won't feel bad for whatever you did since you've psychologically identified yourself as someone who does bad things.

whateverdude6833 #sexist forum.deviantart.com

All you need to do now, is put these waifu AI's inside the robots. And bam... women are history.
So soon, waifu bots will not just satisfy men either sexually or emotionally, but both. We already have the technology to replace women with machines. We just need to put them together.
AI + body.
And this is ONLY with robotics and AI... What about genetic engineering?

And what if we can grow organs and create cyborgs? We could design women with idealized brains, grown and designed for the purpose of being the ideal waifu. Their brains would be chemically designed to be as feminine as possible and produce way more estrogen than a normal woman... resulting in higher levels of femininity.

Once we clone these women, we'll put them in camps upon birth and raise them to be the ideal woman, and then when they turn 18, we'll put them on the market. They'll be modified to be bisexual, so they can either be sold to women or engage in threesomes willingly.
Eventually it won't even be mechanical anymore. It'll be genetically engineered women who are docile and kind.
Basically, imagine the mind of a golden retriever in the body of an adult woman... minus the whole pissing and shitting on things... unless that's what you're into.

They won't even be waifu bots anymore. They'd be real, genetically engineered women who are more attractive and have been raised from birth and modified to be extremely loyal and docile.
Basically slaves...
They won't have "rights"... they won't be able to own property or earn money, but there will be waifu welfare laws to keep them from being abused
But we made them, they would still be our property. Like a pet. You own them, but it's illegal to abuse them

whateverdude6833 #sexist forum.deviantart.com

Do you think that with an artificial womb, we can control how a baby develops, eliminating the existence of LGBT tendencies. No baby would be born gay or trans unless by design. You see, know how I said I wanted to manufacture genetically modified women and raise them to be ideal women to sell them as waifus?

Well, there's one problem... They have to be pure, unsullied by a man and free of romantic desires for a man in order to be sold as brand new...The man buying them will be the first man they love...As a result, all staff will be female to prevent possible sexual abuse and to keep girls from falling in love with their trainers...

But if we did that, how will they learn to be an affectionate partner from training alone? These are women who have gone their entire life without ever seeing a man outside a biology book.
My solution is to modify the all to be bi so they can learn love from one another...The girls will be assigned partners to mirror the relationships they'll eventually be in once they are sold to men.

Once they turn 18, they'll be separated from their girl partner and hopefully, they'll forget about her and use what they've learned on a male.

Besides, if they were totally straight, then we could only sell them to men.

Torture-Device #racist forum.deviantart.com

That's the harsh reality. Despite your biggest wishes, the modern civilization didn't follow African design. It was never borne there, as you can see that we aren't living in mud-huts and curing AIDS with shamanic rituals. It didn't follow Asian design, either, for the most part - instead, it's asians that submitted to our ways and copied the success. They've caught on the fancy machines, the advanced rifles, the technology. Visit modern Asia and see how it desperately wants to be white.
Our civilization wasn't built on the high wave of Mayan, Inka, or even Egyptian advances - those reached a stage and went "ah fuck it, we figured how to built pyramids, time to revert to cannibalism and stall the development".

SilentArtisan207 #fundie forum.deviantart.com

Okay yeah I'm a creationist but that does NOT make me an idiot! As a matter of fact there are scientifically proven evidence that it is not true or contradicts with it. It kinda bothers me that everyone says that we "pollute" the world and make it a bad place. BULL! A lot of bad stuff came from evolution to because freakin hitler followed the survival of the fittest rule a little TOO closely. Don't call me an idiot because I don't believe in what you do. Just let me believe in what I want to and don't call me an idiot because I believe that there is an intelligent designer out there. Because honestly no one can prove that he isn't there. So can't there be some sort of intelligent designer out there?

moztrow #fundie forum.deviantart.com

Animals believe in God the all mighty alpha and omega ,moreover even they don`t need to believe because they already know him , the creator of all... ...so what do you think? it is absurd ? could you need some scriptural proof? isn it so ovbious to you?

Yukiechan1958 #fundie forum.deviantart.com

Yes there was a Christ! Just you wait... In about 7 years you'll watch the news and hear about people disapearing in the night, leaving their clothes behind. It's called The Rapture. The book of Revelation talks all about. And the Bible doesn't lie... Maybe you should read it sometime... accually I'll just gve you a summary of what happens after the Rapture: God and Satan have a big war and God wins. You'll be on Satan's side if you say that there was never a Christ. Plus, you know how God describes Hell? Eternal burning, eternal falling, and eternal death. Heaven Eternal life and happiness. You will be left behind when the Rapture comes... you'll be stuck in this hell-hole while others are having a party in Heaven.

thekurgan #racist forum.deviantart.com

whoa whoa whoa dont start bringing that oppresed b.s! when they started the desegragation program back in the 60's not a single black was on board they didnt wnt to go to school with whites cause they belived and to this day belive that it was one of the worst things this coountry has done. havent u ever been in different parts of large cities? if u have then u should have noticed that it is sub divided by races. this is done by the people cause we have the natural instinct to live only with our race.

[After someone calls her out on her ignorance]

no seriously. that really happened. they did fight for equal rights as whites but they didnot want to go to the same schools as them or live in the same neighborhoods.

DingoBingo #fundie forum.deviantart.com

Why can't feminists leave the RCC alone? Why can't women come up with their own religion that does not ordain men?


I don't think you understand the fraud of feminism. Look up E. Belfort Bax.

[in a different portion of the thread]

Women since the 19th century had more priviledges than men. That statement will shock your left wing indoctrination about women's history like it did me. Feminists are on thin ice if they want this.

("Open your history book")

Which one? Can you show me one not edited by feminists today?

Tsiadad #fundie forum.deviantart.com

Seriously, what's the big deal with rape? I can't stand how women flaunt rape around like it's the worst thing in the world, it isn't. Maybe if you were strung up and had your skin peeled off and were bathed in salt water I might have some sympathy, but I don't. The problem is that most women really are just dumb, they don't know about the world and how it works and they turn themselves into victims at every chance.

Do you know why hardly any men report rape? Because we're not dense as hell, we know how the world works. We're used
to living in a dominating society, we aren't suddenly shocked when someone expresses our dominance over us, it happens every day. We report for work, our boss chews us out, cops screw us around, people take advantage of us men all the time one way or another. We recognize this as the hierarchal society we live in every day and adapt to it. A guy gets raped he toughs it out instead of crying and whining like a blubbering child. Women on the other hand have this fairy tale notion that they're special little princesses who deserve everything handed to them if they bat their eyelashes a couple times, if that. Now when some guy comes along and rapes them their whole world is shattered. Well whoop-dee-doo. If a guy gets raped, he gets over it. Shit happens.

Besides that, a huge number of women are just plain bitches, women lie their asses off every day. Do you even realize how huge a percentage of rape reports are false? Millions of men are victimized by these women who throw "the worst crime" in men's faces because other people who are dumb as crap have sympathy for them. All a girl has to do is cry a little and she can get some dude she doesn't like thrown in prison. And even if it later comes to light that she's a lying piece of trash, the worst she's get is a slap on the wrist for ruining some poor guy's life.

Now I'm not saying I condone rape, it's a horrible thing that should be severely punished, but women have underdeveloped brains and can't be trusted. We really should kill more women, put them in their place for a while.

Hikari-Dareigan #fundie forum.deviantart.com

we were classified by scientists as mammals, that doesn't mean we're related to primates. How can anyone look at the way the creatures of nature manage to live their daily lives - thanks to the complex brain capable of all kinds of feelings and reactions, whether you're an animal or not...thanks to every working, living cell in living creatures' bodies that helps to fuel all the nerves, all the organs and keep them alive...and having something driving them that very well be may much more than just instinct - and say that it came from a primordial pool of dirt and evolved on its own without the influence of anything but the environment around it; without even considering the fact that these amazingly complex designs did indeed come from the very being that scientists refuse to believe in anymore.

murderBYzeN #conspiracy forum.deviantart.com

are aliens being paid by the bush administration to abduct democrats...thus preventing them from voting in elections or even perhaps doing a brain transfer on them so they can start thinking logically again. Evidence has indicated alien abductions have increased during the bush presidency...even Dennis Kucinich says aliens were after him for awhile.

~Ranas #fundie forum.deviantart.com

I wish not to be shot down by the guy that thinks I'm ignorant. ... Being gay is just as wrong as falsehood. We are physically incapable of being gay. Even our hormones deny us the ability...

...Marriage was in fact a religious institution. It was originally meant for Adam and Eve and the marriage was performed by God. I am far from ignorant.

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