
April #fundie forum.myspace.com

When I joined this...a long time ago...I never posted on the forums. I just have recently. I was surprised at the mass amounts of atheists on here. And you know what? I had no problem with it...until all of you just continually made fun of our faith and tried to prove us wrong with your giant egos and giant brains filled with knowledge that won't matter someday anyway. [emphasis in original]

Fat Man #fundie forum.myspace.com

k ill be cool b4 i yell at u
1. i am pro life
2. yes i am republican

now 4 da yelling

[RWC] Garland [[VC]] #fundie forum.myspace.com

[Divorcing an abusive husband]

2. if you tuely loved the person, wouldnt you want them to get help before you just end the marrige? true, i know there are some objections, but honestly, i know if my daughter (yes, i am a father) married someone that hit her, i know it would be hard for me, but if she truely loved him, it would make her happier to have him get help than to just end the marrige and the last thought of him was an abusive guy.

crip <3 #fundie #sexist #psycho forum.myspace.com

(There are soooo many people that are quite simply smarter and more intelligent than you. GET THE FUCK OVER IT.)

u wish, you are a crack whore, your picture proves my point cari, you will never win. Abortion is wrong, and God backs me on this woman. I (speaking as myself) hope you are tortured and raped, then slaughtered.

Ærik¯Thª¯Nøt¯®eD #fundie forum.myspace.com

The earth can't be billions of years old because it is slowly spinning down due to energy loss. If it was billions of years old, it would have to have been spinning at millions of miles per hour, throwing the dinosaurs that were supposed to exist then off of the earth (maybe that's why they're extinct, eh?)

JoJo! #fundie forum.myspace.com

3) When sex becomes a factor in a relationship, it starts to dominate the relationship. Meaning that if you continue on that path, your emotional intimacy and closeness will suffer at the hands of physical intimacy.

4) On the contrary--a vow will change sex from solely lust to solely love because after marriage, you are delighting in pleasing the OTHER person. Premarital sex, on the other hand, seeks to only please yourself.

[You cannot possibly know that, as you are an unmarried virgin, and you cannot make such sweeping statements about other people, anyway.]

And I'm sorry Sierra, but you know what? Those are my beliefs and I'm standing by them.

Ivan #homophobia forum.myspace.com


do you people know that there are some people who prefer to have sex with animals? should we accept their "sexuality" too??? BS..... now you are thinking that animal is not a human being, so it's different..... but i have another example...
do you know that there are people who prefer to have sex with little kids? "Mr. Jackson for example :-)..... Should we accept their sexuality too??? now, you can't say that kids are not human beings...

yes, i think that HOMOsexuality, Pedophilia, and Bestiality are in the same category....

THE WORLD IS LOOSING MORALS.... 50 years ago homosexuality became pretty much socially acceptable.... few years from now Bestiality will be accepted, and another 50 years and pedophilia will be accepted.......

BUT IS IT RIGHT? no, of course, so we gotta cut it short where it began... at the Homosexuality.....

Vendetta #homophobia forum.myspace.com

If there is nothing wrong with homosexual sex, is there anything wrong with bestiality? But animals can't consent you say (neither do they consent to being butchered so you can have your hamburger, but oh well) What if an animal such as a dog engaged in behavior that indicated consent? For instance, I have a friend who's dog tries to hump her everytime she is on her period by thrusting around her crotch and legs. I kid you not. So would it be wrong if they made doggie love?

What does homosexuality and bestiality have anything to do each other? You see, many find homosexuality as "unnatural" and immoral for reasons such as there is absolutely no procreative value and their certain body parts are not biologically compatible. What are your reasons for thinking it would be wrong for my friend to make doggie love with her consenting dog, assuming you do think it is wrong?

Ethan #wingnut forum.myspace.com

[Authoritarian culture commits all of these atrocities against every individual, to randomly varying extents, it's in its structure.]

Authoritarian culture doesn't spoil people, that's why it's so effective.

Conservative Atheist #homophobia forum.myspace.com

Oh why am I wasting my time on you?....lol Ok I will make an exception just this one time.

Even though as humans we can deviate our sexual behavior for pleasure the sex act its self is designed through the evolutionary process to ontinue life. Homosexual activity does not continue life. Yes people can commit homosexual acts and yes they can be homosexuals but it serves no obvious purpose.

To claim its justified due to the fact that it has existed so long could also be applied to diabetes or any number of other genetic birth defects.

Mike Jones #fundie forum.myspace.com

Ok evolutions have said alot of things in this forum, but they really have not refuted any evidenced used against there theory. What i have basically heard from the evolutionist is "creationist are morons and scienctist have dated the world older than what the Bible says.

Well......maybe. The problem is Scientist over the past 50 to 60 years have used a number of dating methods. Well, if the first dating-method worked then why would they have to keep coming up with new dating-methods. The problem is none of them work. I would like to speak about them all but I don't have enough time, so i will just speak about the most common, Carbon-Dating.

The carbon dating method uses the amount C14 in the atmosphere. C14 is radioactive C12(regular carbon). By the way there is very small ammount of C14 in the atmosphere, like .00014, I think.
Well what happens is the sun's rays hit the atmosphere and turn some of the C12 in to C14. Following that, C14 will slowly change back into C12. It has been proven that C14 takes about 5, 700 years to decay back to C12. Meanwhile plants are breathing in CO2 and some of it is radio active C14. The animals then eat the plants and the animals die then turn to fossils, which recently has been proven it only takes a year to fossilize something. Anyway back to C14, well once the animal or plant dies to C14 continues to decay , in the fossil, back in to C12. When they find a fossil they will compare the amount of C14 left in the fossil to the amount in the atmosphere. Then they will use math to get the exact date. That is how the method of Carbon dating is used, but there are errors in it:

Error 1: back in the 1960s scientist wanted to know how long the atmosphere would take to reach a stage called equilibrium. Example of equilibrium: If I told you to fill a cup with water, however I put a hole in the bottom of the cup. Eventually the cup would fill up to a certain point where the amount of water going in is equiling the ammount of water coming out and you cant fill the cup up any more, that would be equilibrium. Where you cant put any more water in because the same ammount is draining out. Scientist tested the atmosphere and found out that it would take 30, 000 years for the atmosphere to reach equilibrium. Well, here is the problem. There is still 27% to 35% more C14 being added to atmosphere then is decaying out. Proving that the atmosphere has not reached equilibrium and the earth is less than 30, 000 years old.

Error 2: If the atmosphere has not reached equilibrium then compairing the amout of C14 in fossils to the amount in C14 in the atmosphere would be pointless because there is more C14 coming in then decaying out.

Now if you are a evolutionist, don't just say Im stupid and wrong, PROVE me wrong. Do you homework and come back to me with a strong point against the method of Carbon-dating.

[Note: FSTDT.com did their homework, and Googled for 2 seconds and discovered carbon-14 <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon-14" target="_blank">decays into nitrogen-14</a>, not carbon-12 again.]

Jo-mama #fundie #homophobia forum.myspace.com

[Paragraph breaks added]

Sodom and Gamorah were destroyed for this very reason. Biblically it goes against God's word. Scientifically, the "main purpose" of every speices is to reproduce ( funny how God told us that first). That is why every speices has a male and female. If it was natural to be gay, then natuire would design it so that men could be with men and women could be with women and still reproduce. Considering that is not how it happens, homosexuality goes against nature and science. Even the animals that reproduce by themselves have a male and female organ for such reproduction.

To also back these facts, nature has a way of controling itself. If a particular anmal can not survive in an enviroment or is too heavily populated, then dieases start occuring to balance things out. 76% of all homosexuals have aids. This is God using nature to keep things the way that they are suppose to be. If humans were truly meant to be gay. then we would have been designed to be so and still reproduce. But considering that no man has ever had a babby, then I would say that homosexuality is not genetic or natural by any means. On the christian view point, well, there is a whole book against it so I don't really need to explain why and how it is wrong.

Bill #homophobia forum.myspace.com

All American citizens have certain rights because they are American citizens. Nobody I know of is trying to strip homosexuals or adulterers or liars of their citizenship, right to vote, right to own property, right to a trial by jury if accused of a crime, or any other legal right given to all adult Americans.

Homosexuals shouldn't have extra rights simply because they're homosexuals. They have no right to marry to each other. Cultures around the world for thousands of years only give men and women the right to marry. Two men shouldn't be allowed to marry each other any more than a man should be able to marry his dog or his sister.

Me #fundie forum.myspace.com

Pro-Life has nothing to do with religion.
Pro-lifers are pro-women, we believe
women deserve more than men. Abortion
is the idea that women need to kill and have
a surgery to gain equality to men (something
inachieveable anyways) and there's no
excuse or reason for abortion in this day and
age, you say you pro-choicers are pro-women,
yet you are killing us females everyday, how
does that make sense? How can you be a
damn commie when communists are so currupt?
Theres no avoiding it either, the commie curroption,
like the whole "theres 40 pigs and 200 ppl" scanario.
Communism doesnt work, sorry kid. Anyways, back
to the subject at hand... You say that you believe
in equal rights, but yet men cant get abortions, so
its soley a womans choice, undermining a man who,
say, would like to have his child.

Thankful For Life #fundie forum.myspace.com

abortion is murder, it says so in the bible, i know it does, somewhere, and i will find it! because you're probably not going to look it up yourself, but it is murder, no pregnancy is a mistake, how would you like it if someone aborted you? yeah you wouldn't be here, but if you could commicate in some scary and weird way, then you'd think abortion is wrong. you can have sex, but if you don't want kids, then you should probably be smart enough to have sex around the time when you're most likely not going to get pregnant like right after your period, or maybe you could use a condom? hey a lot of people do, but if you do get pregnant, it shouldn't be the baby's fault, it's your fault, you know and it shouldn't even be like that, you should be so happy, you now have something else to live for in this crazy world.

Marcus #homophobia forum.myspace.com

If you are born a Homosexual, meaning you have no Choice. They find a gene that declares you to be homosexual and can find it in the womb...Can I have an abortion if I find out my Baby is Gay?

There is no need for a Homosexual baby, they are no use to the human race... I would abort a homosexual baby.

JoJo! #fundie forum.myspace.com

And another thing--in Heaven, there is no suffering. I will most likely die before my future son does. So since there is nothing but happiness in Heaven, I won't think anything of my son "suffering in Hell" for his actions/decisions because I am in Heaven with Jesus.

your in the twilight zone #fundie forum.myspace.com

humpty dumpty had a great fall, but when he turned to JESUS, he was broken before the LORD.

Pinocchio was a wooden boy, but when he accepted CHRIST, he became a real boy.

the only reason why the power rangers never lost, is because they had JESUS in their life

the only reason why agent scully couldn't see what moulder saw was because she hadn't accepted CHRIST yet...

charmed lasted long, cause they saw harry potter, but when i came in, i showed the the bible

harry potter, goe's on, cause they watch charmed, but when JESUS showed up, HE sent in the x-men, to show them who got's the power...

[it goes on like this for about 3 more pages]

Trey #fundie #homophobia forum.myspace.com

sorry but...Homosexuality is NOT GENETIC.

it has NOT been "scientifically prooved.

that is false.

also...the bible has NEVER been proven wrong...

God created us perfectly is what the bible said.

and he also destroyed soddom and gomorrah for gays mainly...

so God would destroy an entire city for sumthing that was genetic and NOT their fualt?

that is HIGHLY UNLIKELY...in fact.

that would be a very unust and unrighteous thing for GOD to do.

so that is ruled out completely.

so i am sorry to say that

nobody is "born homosexual"

the way the human body is created...makes it not possible to actually be BORN homosexual.

so...now we conclude all FALSE ALLIGATIONS of ppl being born into "HOMOSEXUALITY"

thank you.

= ]

Marcus #homophobia forum.myspace.com

If you are born a Homosexual, meaning you have no Choice. They find a gene that declares you to be homosexual and can find it in the womb...Can I have an abortion if I find out my Baby is Gay?

There is no need for a Homosexual baby, they are no use to the human race... I would abort a homosexual baby.

Vendetta #fundie forum.myspace.com

It's not rocket science but here it goes: the penis was made for the vagina and the vagina made for the penis and that's how you were conceived.

You know that feeling in your gut when you hear about beastility -- that it is wrong and sick? You have that feeling because in your heart of hearts you know it is wrong. Many have the same thoughts and feelings about homosexuality until they reach a certain age where they are brainwashed by society to think it is okay.

jasonanthony #fundie forum.myspace.com

[After the original poster posted news stories about the fossil findings of scientists]

As for the original poster. so the earth is billions of years old and creatures and man must have been evolving for millions. ok so most of the rest of the fossil record is a joke but they finally found something real? why havent they found thousands of evolving fossils by now? over "millions" of years of evolution and they find ONE F***KING fossil??? yeah, you go ahead and put faith in that. thats not a beating Christians will prove its a joke just like the rest. a joke by the devil and hes laughing you right now. coming up the fossil record

I Am Unbreakable!!!! #fundie forum.myspace.com

[Do you believe that homosexual sexual activity is morally wrong?]

Yes, no matter what scientific aspect you take: Tab A always fits into Slot B. Male and female parts; even in electronics. Two male plugs don’t produce electricity just like two female slots don’t turn on the lamp.

Brian Michael C #fundie forum.myspace.com

The Bible makes clear in genesis cain was cursed with Black skin, nearly all christians believe this. Many groups of people most likely were further cursed with dark skin when they became wicked...this is how things were done according to gods will in the past. For example in the book of mormon the lamanites were cursed with dark skin to differentiate them from the Nephites who they tried to kill. The Nephites were ordered not to mix with the Lamanites because they had not kept gods word and embraced wrongful ways.

I suggest you read the book of mormon.

dave #fundie forum.myspace.com

(I have never understood how loving someone is a sin JUST because they are the same sex as you... Why would "god" put homosexuals on this planet if he was just planning on sending them to hell anyways?)

How do you mean?

Love, like homosex waiting in prisons for the next bus load of newbie "recruits?"

Do you mean Eros, like short-lived sexual relationships?''

Or, like "married" homosexs who experience 10-16 unprotected sexual encounters annually? (pun intented)

Keith #homophobia forum.myspace.com

[Gay Mariage should be legal. Im not gay I know being it is against God But thats ME.]

Ok seriously, if everyone had your type of mindset, this would be one screwed up nation. If we should tolerate gay marriage, why not tolerate guys marrying dogs. Why not tolerate murderers and rapists. Why not tolerate serial killers. I mean seriously, when are we going TO START STANDING UP FOR WHAT IS RIGHT! Come on guys.

[ok your comparing having two people marrying to people marry animals and murders and rapist. what the hell is wrong with you?]

marriage is defined as one man one woman, if u allow one thing outside of that, why not allow another?

Walt #fundie #homophobia forum.myspace.com

(Why is homosexuality a "sin"?
I have never understood how loving someone is a sin JUST because they are the same sex as you... Why would "god" put homosexuals on this planet if he was just planning on sending them to hell anyways?)

Homosexuality a sin of abomination (at least in many religions anyway). Love and lust, there is a difference. Love is unconditional, lust is . . . well covetousness. Just because there are homosexuals doesn't mean God put them there. God didn't 'put' sin in this world, but merely allowed sin's existance so we could see the consequences of sin--pain, suffering, death, sickness, etc. God wasn't planning on sending anyone to hell. However, there is a point where people become unrepentant and must go to hell, and where that particular line is drawn is determined by God.

Captain Planet '08 :) #homophobia #fundie forum.myspace.com

[on why homosexuality is wrong and not natural]

When two guy's have sex they can only penetrate eachother through the crack which I think is disgusting because of all the crap that's in there. They both must face the same direction and thus one guy's twig and berries will be projecting from the two. Because no man has a vagina they can't become one flesh when having normal sex.

Women don't have Jimmy and his two buddies hanging around so they can't naturally penetrate eachother and become one flesh.

Oral with dudes can't be natural because the legs will be poking out from different directions as will the ladies if they participate in oral sex.

Oral with the opposite sex still isn't natural because you still have the leg issue and often someone is further down if they are not on top of eachother.

Anal with opposites is still excluded from natural sex because once again your are sticking your think in a crap hole and a womans tits are usually projecting outward.

When the Bible is speaking of becoming one flesh it literally means that there is nothing sticking out in the clear and that the man and woman are facing eachother. Face to Face.

Carl #fundie #kinkshaming forum.myspace.com

porn is sin... what happens between a man and a woman is to be between them only , and that is to be behind closed doors, not on film....

do what you want, abuse you're bodies but when you're screaming in the fire of hell dont say I didint warn you to stop... seek help now while you got a chance to change...

i wonder if there are roses in heaven #fundie #sexist forum.myspace.com

[The poster is male.]
o yeah and i seem to recall a verse that explains why women go through pain in childbirth......o yeah, it's a consequence of SINNING. so it's something that they are just gonna have to deal with, because it's the consequence of their own actions. or arent you a strong enough woman to accept the reprocusions of what you've done?

Davidoff #homophobia forum.myspace.com

Let's call a spade a spade. Homosexuality is perversion, exactly like mental retardation. A homosexual is just like someone with down syndrome, and they need mental help. I don't hate a gay guy any more than I would a mongoloid...

Anthony the Human #fundie forum.myspace.com

Yeah we all know the pagan roots of Christmas, but reguardless of the roots...it is still celebrating the birth of Christ the Saviour. Jesus gets all the glory, not pagans. Like it or not, if you are participating in Christmas, you are worshipping Jesus Christ.

LJ #fundie forum.myspace.com

[I'm a witch]

you know its funny cause i have never heard in the news about people casting fireballs or anything else i dont understand why you would believe in something that just cant happen i dont mean to be mean but im just currious have you ever cast any spells that actually worked and when they fail repeatedly what makes you keep going on because when i pray to god and things happen it gives me faith but if i kept trying to pray and get things done and none of my prayers are ever answered i would definitly lose faith

spontaneity, baby. #fundie forum.myspace.com

our society is fucked.
making people think they're gay.
i bet if everyone grew up without tv or computers or anything like that then they might still fuck around with both sexes but they would still make babies like we are naturally supposed to.


["Yeah, animals are gay because of t.v. and computers."]

animals are not gay
they dont have a sexual preference.

Will #fundie forum.myspace.com

Personally I think that Saudi Arabia has one of the best governments in the world. Censorship is a government right, and they use it well. When you land in a Saudi airport they check you for everything, magazine ads selling cigerettes and things like that. They take it all so that their people dont know what some sin is, and thus they can not commit it.

mr_romance #fundie forum.myspace.com

don't these people read the bible or go to church. bout why sadam and gamora was destroyed or why the most people who moses led out of egypt when he went up to the mountain. the people down below were partying, worshiping false gods and making love by having same sex stuff spouses cheating. god would not let them cross into the holly land. or even read corinthians where i think peter said you can be gay but you can not have any king sexual activity. you have be abstinent. guess its to hard for them to go ask a priest if its wrong or not

Ethan #fundie forum.myspace.com

To me, Christian values and family values are synonymous. The Bible can do wonders for saving marriages and raising model kids.

[In all seriousness, have you ever actually read the bible, including all the parts where parents sleep with their kids, rape victims are sold to the rapist, children are killed and then replaced (by God, no less), virgins are offered up to God as a sacrifice, etc. etc.?]

yeah, by OTHER GODS. Genesis is full of that kind of stuff. most of the old testament is god's contempt for what israel is doing.