mj #fundie christianitytoday.com

totally different kind of slavery there. slavery in the bible isn't like the slavery of modern day. Jewish culture slavery was a way of paying off a debt. it as more of being a servant for a certain amount of time. After a certain amount of time they were set free. the problem isn't about homosexuality. The problem is failed worship. That goes for anything. Obesity, anorexia, bulimia, anger problems, disobedience, etc. there are three things that would need to happen for a Christian to ostracize any one living happily in sin. 1. The person says that they are a Christian. Not a church goer, been baptized when I was a baby, give money to the church, do good deeds person. They say that they profess Jesus Christ as the king of their life. 2. An individual confronts the person about their sin. If the person is/does seek treatment from a counselor then they can remain in the church and you are to support them. But if they continue you grab another person. Then an elder.



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