Darwin Was Wrong #fundie newscientist.com

All the monkey to man evolution theories of our "ancestors" of: Piltdown,Nebraska,Peking,Cro-Magnon,Java,Heidelberg and Australopithecus Man..ALL HAVE BEEN DEBUNKED, but are still being taught as REALITY in our schools of "higher education".....They teach THEORIES OF'EVOLUTION'... NOT FACT...it is an ASSUMTION.. They take a single fragment of bone, and create whole genomes of cave men.... There is NO fossil record to prove we EVOLVED.... MICROevolution is is not evolution either - it is VARIETY of KIND(like humankind)....... DONT FALL FOR THIS TRIPE about now they can make a caveman talk... Maybe I need to get some stupid idiot in the Government sponsor me and to throw money my way, so I can prove that my car can talk if given time to EVOLVE......



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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