legopants #transphobia

We should start using the term "trans privilege" or at least way more often
Not only because it'll infuriate the extremists on the left and TRAs, but because it's true for TiMs. I know a lot is male privilege blended in too but adding a trans identity seems to get you more in certain situations.

Trans privilege is having your concerns about healthcare in America listened to by politicians and or professionals.

Trans privilege is being able to go online without seeing hatred in the form of jokes or memes or comments because it'll be immediately deleted or full of support in the replies.

Trans privilege is getting people banned for making you uncomfortable when misogynistic, racist, or homophobic people being reported stay.

Trans privilege is people agreeing the way you're fetishized in porn is disgusting and not right.

Trans privilege is having a double mastectomy covered by insurance when women with documented pain and discomfort can't get even reduction, or when women have to raise funds somehow to remove the literal cancer from her breast by mastectomy.

Trans privilege is being able to decide how people should think about you and view you when nobody in the world can.

Trans privilege is getting subreddits deleted from existence because you don't like it when rape subs and other abusive shit exists.

Trans privilege is avoiding jail time or getting a lesser punishment after a crime.

Trans privilege is being allowed to send violent rape and death threats to women and have it be justified by all.

Trans privilege is being able to claim a genocide despite literally nobody dying for their identity when the War on Women or femicide is deemed not happening or not important.

Trans privilege is deciding you're allowed in any group you want to be in regardless of if it's for something specific that you're not.

Trans privilege is being invited to speak to the president or interviewed by news stations about your "human rights" or whatever.

Trans privilege is getting away with gaslighting and abusing everyone you ever meet.

Trans privilege is the police taking you seriously when you say you feel unsafe because of someone and investigating them.

Trans privilege is demanding someone find you attractive and date you with people agreeing.

Trans privilege is being sympathized with when you shoot up an elementary school.




So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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