S.H. and Reb Gutman Locks #fundie mpaths.com

[S.H. writes in to Reb Gutman Locks.]

S.H.: I take my 9 year-old grandson who has ADHD and related issues to an after school "chug" (club) of Kapuera hoping to build confidence and control impulsive behavior. He is in a special education class in Talmud Torah.

Today, while sitting outside the classroom during his third lesson, I heard drum beating Kapuera music with men singing. The music made me uncomfortable. I remember hearing in a shiur (Torah class) that non Jewish music has negative effects on a Jewish neshama (soul).

I would like to know if I should stop sending my grandson to this chug, and if learning Kapuera and hearing its music permitted. The instructor, a young bachur (teen Torah student) from Brazil who seems to be shomer mitzvoth (keeps commandments) says there is no problem but I would like to have a Torah perspective.

Reb Gutman Locks: That Brazilian slave music has an entirely non-Jewish tradition, both physically and spiritually. I personally did not like it as it reminded me of the spiritualism of Africa.


Search to find what your grandson does especially well, and try to help him to develop that talent. Obviously, if it is music, you will want him to learn pleasant, Jewish music.



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