AutisticSubhuman #wingnut

This is a public service announcement after someone today tried to make me feel guilty for laughing about Hillary Clinton's health issues. Is it poor taste to relish the thought that Hillary Clinton has a debilitating medical condition? No. Always remember this about Hillary Clinton:

1) She thinks you are deplorable and unsalvageable anti-American garbage that would love to silence you in any way possible.

2) She wants to flood the country with people that hate your guts and want you to pay for the honor of it all.

3) She advocates for every anti-white, anti-male, and especially every anti-white male policy she can.

4) She destabilized the Middle East resulting in pointless American deaths and flooding Europe with "refugees" that kill, rape, rob, bomb, run over, and destroy European culture and heritage.

5) She leads groups of SJWs to harass and destroy careers of honest people with legitimate concerns about the country.

6) She advocates for the petty grievances of legitimately shot criminal black elements while ignoring rampant black on white violence that happens every day.

7) She brings forward any and all ideas that weaken traditional families and culture that built America into a once great nation.

8) She is a corrupt thief that used her power and influence for pay for play schemes that enriched her at the expense of ordinary American citizens at every turn.

9) She represents the globalist snake that is swallowing the West whole.

Do not feel pity for this woman and, more importantly, don't let anyone make you feel pity for her. She hates your guts and will have no sympathy for anyone that opposes her.

I don't give a s**t about her and it does no good to pretend to. Remember who she is and what she represents. Put the pressure on and keep dropping negative news about Hillary wherever possible. People are affected by it. It's working and in fact it may be making Hillary that much worse by getting into her and her staff's heads as well.

Bro. Randy #fundie

Quite the contrary. When you joined, you did, in a very limited way, submit yourself to my authority within the scope this forum. In addition, I have been called by God and commissioned by my church to preach the Gospel. God tends to frown on those who disparage His anointed. Psa 105:14-15 He suffered no man to do them wrong: yea, he reproved kings for their sakes; (15) Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.

Astranagant #racist

Who gives a shit what color Tolkien's world was or wasn't.

Me. I do. This is a conscious effort to erase me and people who look like me. This is a conscious effort to dispossess us of our heritage, to plant a flag in our birthright and say "this isn't yours anymore." This doesn't end at fiction, we've seen history blackwashed (black English queens on Netflix and black Romans on the BBC) into propaganda, with the explicit aim of erasing the historical truth that England was once a much whiter (and much nicer) country.

Amishist #fundie

no it's all true, Darwin was a big racist that promotes eugenics. YOU are being bias and won't accept facts. It's right in the title "favored races".

Where I disagree with the film is they stop finding the enemy with Darwin and evolution instead of looking higher up at the Vatican who was behind it all, but the muslims, who made the documentary, would never slam the pope or mary.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy

Our torus universe expands and contracts
It is the breath of the cosmos

When it contracts it takes in data
When it expands it is integrating the received information of experiences

Cyclical apocalypses are universal contractions
Resulting in the depressurization of our realm

Divine plasma flows up and down the north celestial pole
When the Univeral Mind receives data the electromagnetic dome will break open
Our history has been totally covered up and changed
In order for the ones in power to hide their crimes

The Exodus event happened 600 years ago starting in what is now referred to as 1421
The parting of the Red Sea was a celestial event
The sea being the Cosmic Plasma Sea of Poseidon who was another version of Saturn

As the magnetic field changed Mars drifted down
This was the Son of Man descending in all his glory with his holy angels
Separating the sheep from the goats

Negatively charged human will be separated from the positive charged ones
The negative humans will magnetically drift upwards in the rapture

Moses was Mars and his trek up the Mountain of God to receive the 10 Commandments
Was the same as Hermes drawing edicts on the cosmic pillar to be laws for the people

Zeus Lord of the Middle Heaven collected all the gods to his holy habitation in the center of the world
This is the magnetic drift of the planets to the celestial pole during the apocalyptic data gathering episode

The next apocalyptic event will be the 7th Golden Age of Enlightenment

As plasma filters down into our realm and beings become infused with it
Lines of communication with animals insects and even with plants and trees will be restored
We will go back to the 5D natural way of life and interact with fairies again

All beings within the living organic simulation are an expression of the God Consciousness
All life gathers information for the Universal Mind

Our souls will evolve beyond the current avatar form
And we will become multidimensional operating at a higher level of frequency

Darthdiddler #fundie

Obama is the Antichrist

All the signs are there; does anybody else see it?

- He will be indwelt and empowered by Satan

- He will rise to power over 10 nations [from the old Roman Empire ... Europe?!]

- He will somehow be 'diverse from the rest' so we are not certain he will be European

- He will bring peace, yet conquer through treaties and war

- He will be very, very popular around the world

- He will be a great talker and speech maker

- He will likely be charismatic and physically attractive, like King Saul

- He will receive what appears to be a fatal wound to the head

- He will appear to be resurrected from the dead

- His right eye may be blinded and his arm completely withered

- He will enforce a "peace" plan or resolution [covenant] upon nation Israel

[It doesn’t say he signs this treaty, but he enforces some coming 'peace plan' or resolution]

- He may help to get the new Jewish Temple built in Jerusalem

- He will appear to perform miracles ("lying signs and wonders")

- He will require that everybody on Earth receive a mark or identification on their

forehead or hand and nobody will legally be able to buy or sell without it

- He will stand in a new Jewish Temple in Jerusalem and declare he is "God"

- Unspeakable terror and war will then engulf Earth for exactly 3½ years (1260 days)

- He will direct the slaughter of millions of Christians and Jews

- He will lead the armies of the world into Israel . . . Armageddon.

Conservapedia #fundie

Followers in Young Earth creationism have a different set of beliefs about the Earth. The Bible states in Genesis that the entire earth was formed in six days. Young Earth creationists believe, as Biblical chronology suggests, that the Earth was formed in 4004 B.C. Mainstream scientific journals discriminate against this point of view for "lack of evidence", despite large amounts of Biblical evidence backing this theory.

torino #conspiracy #wingnut

Politicizers of the Past

Here is a quote from 1991 (when the fear of Eastern European nationalism filled the pants of most academics who studied the area). Published, we kid you not, by a German (Austrian, but that’s a fake country always on the brink of not being around in a few years) who decided to apply the training he received on deconstructing German nationalism (indeed the concept of the German nation which still exists, barely) to other European nations. An individual well-schooled in criticizing his own people might find no trouble in criticizing other “lesser” (this time as regards their sensitivity/multiculturalism/spirit of tolerance) peoples when called upon to do so. And this proves true here.

He thinks our nationalism could be just like his so now that his people have stopped killing us, he thinks it’s time to start to lecture us. He says:

“existence of Romans, Germans or Slavs in the 5th or 7th centuries became important arguments in an endless series of national struggles…”

There it is – he is saying history should be a tool of current politics, to ensure the Slavs do not cause another holocaust… wait, what!? So, if in fact you come across claims that the Veneti are not Slavs or that something “definitely is not Slavic” or similar stuff, take them with a grain of salt, because the person may just be an ideologic propagandist who tailors his work to fit his preconceived political needs.

Not with a tinge of irony we note that in the 19th century the Slavic-Veneti connection was questioned by German nationalists – now it seems the very existence of Slavs prior to some period is being questioned by German “citizens of the world”. Someone asked whether we thought this individual was a covert German nationalist. We do not think so. Sincere lunacy though is no less problematic.

jenshops #fundie

[Re. the trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed]

I can't stand this anymore!!!What can we do???!!! This is OUR Country, how can we stop this horrific administration and the damage they insist on trying to inflict on us! There has to be a way. I am not a lawyer and I don't know all the ins and outs of the constitution but I have noticed that the more of us that screams and the louder we scream, it seems to back down some of the plans this evil administration tries to do. Healthcare, cap and trade, and who knows what else, would have been a done deal if it weren't for American's and their tea parties and people like Glenn Beck. We can't stop now!! I am going to research and see what can be done to stop these terrorists from having the other terrorists sent to NY for a trial that has more to do with making America look bad than with any justice!!!
I am so mad and sad I'm turning inside out!image

Andrew Anglin #racist #conspiracy #sexist

[From "I’m Glad There is a Race War in France (Even If Whites Aren’t Fighting)"]

All of these immigrants that white people have agreed to flood their countries with are going to roost mercilessly. The brown folk, the refuse of the world who we wanted to play daddy to, are harrowing and apocalyptic chickens[…]
The cops killed some Arab “youth” who was “fleeing the scene of a traffic stop.” His mother filmed it, and demanded a revolution, and the collective brown population obliged her[…]
Though the riots center around the suburb of Nanterre, the entire city is on fire[…]The immigrants are killing cops and seizing their weapons. This is now a war

Of course, this is the age of total censorship, so we can’t really confirm what is happening on the group, beyond what we see on video[…]
The global Jewish media is largely refusing to comment, showing only pre-approved clips, and pushing the narrative that this is France’s George Floyd. It is very similar to George Floyd, in that it is a dumb race hoax drummed up by the media[…]
The Moslems in France are not like American blacks. They are, instead, capable of a high level of organization. The blacks will just do violence because it is personally fun[…]
The Arabs in France have the clear goal of conquering France and forcing whites to submit to them[…]they can control the chaos that the blacks create[…]
The cops are fleeing the brown people[…]
I’m sure some of that is not wanting to be accused of racism for using deadly force – which is the only force they could possibly use here[…]
The most amazing thing about this is the media narrative. A race war is not at all amazing. Anyone with any common sense would have expected that[…]
My hope is that whites will see this, and they will remember it[…]
The first thing we need to do is stop listening to women. Then, we need to find a solution to the immigrant problem. After women, the biggest obstacle is the government, which is controlled by the Jews

Michael ChristisKing #fundie

The Award
After the report of the captains and the wicked counsels of the twelve counselors. I saw Lucifer stand up on a platform and this is what He said, "we have three awards to give to those who have done more to make our kingdom come and our will done on earth as it is in hell. Our top prize goes to the spirit of slumber. This is the spirit that has distracted much of the army of the Holy One and put many of them to sleep. The only reason why we rule over many lives and regions today is because of the work of this Agent and his legions." I watched as the spirit of slumber and distraction walked up towards the platform where Lucifer stood. As he walked, everyone in the whole assembly went to sleep and did not wake up until he collected his award and returned to his seat. They went to sleep with their eyes wide open; they were active and still moving, but asleep. This is the same spirit that works to immobilize the leaders of nations bringing them into a drunken stupor and creating moral incapacitation, especially when critical decisions need to be made. This spirit holds leaders long enough in disorientation to effect changes and to turn the course of a nation to darkness irrevocably. They are also responsible for planting wicked counselors that influence kings towards evil. The award looked like a golden cup laced with shining stones of all colors and shapes. This cup was for divination. Along with increased authority in Satan's kingdom, he was also given a scepter.
Following him was the second prize given to a serpent-like spirit who was awarded for seducing leaders. He came on his belly as a serpent of many bright and beautiful colors to receive this award. When he arrived at the platform he took the shape of a beautiful woman; she was completely spotless, pleasant, beautiful and charming to look at. The whole assembly was hypnotized just by looking at her but the spell she cast was broken when she turned back into a serpent to crawl back to her position. She was given a silver cup laced with precious stones.
The third winner was also in the form of a lady; she is the spirit of mammon. She is the harlot of Babylon who prostitutes herself for the silver and gold of the nations. She wields tremendous authority among the nations of the earth. She uses silver and gold to cause nations, individuals and institutions to bow and worship at the throne of Lucifer. She sets nations up to depend on her by showing extravagant generosity beyond words, especially in their times of distress. Once nations, institutions or individuals come to enjoy the fruits of her "kindness", they then begin to depend on her. After showing all forms of "kindness" to her new guest, she then quietly waits for the honeymoon of their newly-found relationship to be over. Once this time of flatten* has fully-bloomed and she has come to know that her new guest is depending on her. she then brings out the shackles. Very few escape her maximum security cage. She guts life out of her captives and leaves them as zombies in her hard labor prison camps. Kings and Queens of the earth worship her. Many have pledged their very souls to her. She is single-handedly responsible for many who are called to preach the gospel not answering their call. Although she was given the third place award, she has caused the greatest number of people to become and remain loyal servants of Satan; bound to him and his slavish systems. She is the deal-maker for Satan. She buys nations, individuals, institutions and territories in times of their economic hardness and life turbulences. She gives them deals they cannot refuse when they need it most. Not many turn down her deals; those who do. suffer tremendous consequences. She brings to mind the statement of Satan to God in Job 2:4. "Skin for skin! Yes. all that a man has he will give for his life." Coming to collect her award, she was decked out with very expensive jewels and precious stones. She was coming drunk looking very much like a Mardi-Gras character. She was drinking from her trademark gold cup and she was drinking her trade drink; the blood of the saints. The most shocking thing was that the crowd loved her and thought she was funny and very entertaining in her costume. They loved her because she brings results and whatever she does morally or in her private life is no big deal to anyone. "She helps the economically troubled, she feeds the hungry, she intervenes when we have natural disasters, she is very effective in what she does, and she is the most caring and most sympathetic person ever". Satan praised her as the kings of earth agreed loudly. She received another shiny necklace made of gold and decorated with all kinds of precious stones, as well as a brand new gold cup.
At His closing remarks the spirit of prophecy came upon Lucifer, the chief deceiver who deceives the world. He prophesied almost as if he was under the control of another. He lifted up his voice and said.
"Let it be clear to everyone here today and let no one be deceived. Though we make war against the Lord God Almighty and against His Christ and Against His Holy Ones, we will not win. Never mistake the silence of the Almighty to be foolishness or weakness. A great storm is coming. It is not a water storm it is going to be a firestorm. It is going to be like no other. It is the army of the purified ones marching to the Command of the Holy One. God is not a man that He should lie. His Word is true; always. None of our efforts will stop them. They are planted on the eternal rock and the shout of the Lord God Almighty is among them.
The saints are the firestorm and the day of their rising will bring a horrible judgment. It will be a day of darkness and gloom, a day of thick clouds and deep blackness. Suddenly, like dawn spreading across the mountains, this great and might\' army will appear. Nothing like it has been seen before or will ever be seen again. Fire burns in front of them, and flames follow after them. Ahead of them the land lies as beautiful as the Garden of Eden. Behind them is nothing but desolation; not one thing escapes. They look like horses; they charge forward like warhorses. Look at them as they leap along the mountaintops. Listen to the noise they make—like the rumbling of chariots, like the roar of fire sweeping across a field of stubble, or like a mighty army moving into battle. Fear grips all the people; every face grows pale with terror. The attackers march like warriors and scale city walls like soldiers.
They march straight forward never breaking rank. They never jostle each other; each moves in exactly the right position. They break through defenses without missing a step. They swarm over the city and run along its walls. They enter all the houses climbing like thieves through the windows. The earth quakes as they advance, and the heavens tremble. The sun and moon grow dark and the stars no longer shine. The Lord is at the head of the column. He leads them with a shout. This is His mighty army and they follow His orders. The day of the Lord is an awesome, terrible thing. Who can possibly survive?"
I wondered how these Kings of the earth who have given their kingdoms to Satan and other subjects of Satan can still remain loyal to him after such a clear speech that spells their end. Wisdom replied to me and said. "They only hear and understand what Satan wants them to hear and understand. Besides this, many of them for the lust of power and wealth have sold their souls to Satan and cursed the Lord God Almighty and His Righteous Spirit. They cannot turn back now. Yet many of the kings of the earth can still be redeemed. But the cost of reaching them is very high, because they are constantly guarded. The turning of one can quickly mean the turning of many."

anon1822 #psycho #sexist

Do you fantasize about being a big, bad, dangerous dude? (not to attract women)

I look like a weak, polite, nice dude to strangers.

But sometimes I fantasize about looking dangerous. Not even for women, fuck them, I don't fantasize about this for women at all. Like I fantasize just walking down the street, everybody looking at you knowing you are a bad motha fucka. If I did that not even my baldness would matter. Nor my missing front teeth where the fillings keep fucking falling. Just a bad fucker who looks gnarly.

But I'm just a weak introvert who has to be polite cause he's so anxious of any consequences. And tbh I seem to have too much empathy and conscience, guess my parents raised me that way. I'm empathetic despite hating humanity in general. Doesn't do me any favors though.

Also I my body is a piece of shit lol. By now I'm really unhealthy, got several problems. But even as a teen I was weak. I went to the gym for like 4 months and saw no progress, literally none. Never could even do a pull up. And tbh to look the way I fantasize I'd have to get on steroids and that's a no go for many reasons, my fucked heart would blow up and tbh it's pricey too.

If I was like that I wouldn't be so anxious at least. Damn, I'm agoraphobic by now. Can't walk down the street without fearing I'll be seen by somebody that used to know me or heard about my many public embarrassments.

Dale #fundie

Once or twice a week is not excessive at all. Most guys masturbate around once a day (some more, some less). Again, as long as you are doing it within the boundaries God has set (no porn, etc.) and setting your mind to fulfill His glory, then you can't go wrong!!

Cate Montana #magick #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot

Our world is in the grip of a powerful, intelligent, interdimensional influence that has been involved in the deliberate programming and degeneration of humanity for thousands of years. Priests and shamans, philosophers and mystics of every culture in the world have described this hostile, inhuman Presence and named it. For the ancient Greeks it was the Archons-the Powerful Evil Ones. In Christian literature it's Beelzebub, the devil, and Satan. For the Hebrews it's Abaddon. In Islam it's Iblis or AshShaytān. To Native Americans it's wetiko and windingo. To the Hawaiian kahunas it's e'epa.

Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung called this deceiving force "antimimos, the imitator and evil principle" and equated it with the Antichrist. The Russian mystic philosopher George Gurdjieff called it "the machine." Sri Aurobindo, an Indian philosopher and guru, termed it the Hostile Forces. Hollywood portrays these entities as physical vampires. Modern-day philosophers and science fiction writers often refer to this Presence as the mind parasites.

Despite world-wide recognition of the reality of this insidious "other," humanity has not yet caught on to the Archons' presence. Why? Because over the millennia these advanced yet soulless beings have created a thought matrix of lies-a false reality for us to live in that keeps us fundamentally blind to their presence and cooperative with their ultimate agenda.

Cracking the Matrix: 14 Keys to individual & Global Freedom explores the nature and presence of what humanity has (erroneously) labeled "evil" on this planet, helping people finally see this non-physical interdimensional Force, understand its agenda, and recognize its blatant presence behind current global events. Most importantly, the book outlines how to break free of this Force's controlling influences, coaching the reader to stand up in their true spiritual nature, aligned with life/love, ready to create The New Earth that has always been prophesied.

Anonymous #sexist

The Last Jedi: De-Feminized Fanedit (aka The Chauvinist Cut)

Specs: 1280×720, x264, 46 minutes, MP3 2.0 audio

Basically The Last Jedi minus Girlz Powah and other silly stuff.

It would probably be easier to make a list of things that were kept instead of things that were changed. Hardly any scene got away without cuts.

The resulting movie is (wait for it —) 46 minutes long.

Yeah I know, it’s not ideal. It’s made from a CAM source (the most recent HDTC one with the Asian hard subs, which is pretty watchable). It has issues. But it had to be done.

You will probably enjoy it most when you view it less as a blockbuster movie and more as some kind of episode from some non-existent mediocre Star Wars series.

Here’s a short rundown of changes (spoilers! full list in description.txt):
– No whiny/reluctant/murderous psycho Luke.
– NO HALDO! She simply doesn’t exist. Her whole subplot doesn’t exist. The Kamikaze is carried out by Poe. ( = Poe dies.)
– Leia never scolds, questions nor demotes Poe.
– Lea dies. Kylo kills her.
– Kylo is more badass and much less conflicted and volatile.
– Kylo takes on more of Snoke’s guards, Rey struggles with a single one.
– No bomber heroism by china girl in the beginning.
– No Canto Bight.
– No superpowered Rey.
– Luke is not a semi-force-ghost and is smashed by the first laser cannon shot. (sorry, I just had to!)
– Phasma is finished after the first blow by Finn. (Women are naturally weaker than men, she isn’t force-sensitive, and we know nothing about any exo-skeleton in her suit)
– Asian chick speaks less, doesn’t bully Finn, Finn doesn’t try to escape, she is never formally introduced. She is just there and occasionally smiles at Finn or screams “Finn!”. She has no sister. Serves her right for all the heinous stuff she did.
– Lots of little cuts reducing the number of female facial shots. Too many to count. (Pun intended.)
– Quite a few scenes rearranged so that the flow of the shortened movie is still somewhat coherent.

Obviously it’s far from perfect. The source is not even on DVD-level. Some of the technical edits were slacked because why not, it’s a CAM source (e.g. some masks and Snoke disappearing). Sometimes there’s an extreme zoom despite the mediocre quality. There are plotholes and continuity errors and some cuts are not as smooth as they should be, especially audio transition-wise. But for what it’s worth, it can now at least be viewed without feeling nauseaus about most of the terrible big and small decisions they made in this film. Also, at least the intro sequence is now very watchable and actually much cooler without all of Leia’s nitpicking. Now it’s all one united Resistance fighting without inner conflict and that’s much more satisfying to watch. Due to the extreme shortening, the whole movie is much more fast-paced now, at times unfortuantely also rushed due to a lack of usable filler footage

Tina Korbe #fundie

At The American, AEI resident scholar Andrew Biggs highlights an interesting study that confirms what most conservatives probably already know to be true of themselves: We understand why our liberal friends think what they think more than they understand why we think what we think.

[University of Virginia professor Jonathan] Haidt’s research asks individuals to answer questionnaires regarding their core moral beliefs—what sorts of values they consider sacred, which they would compromise on, and how much it would take to get them to make those compromises. By themselves, these exercises are interesting. (Try them online and see where you come out.)

But Haidt’s research went one step further, asking self-indentified conservatives to answer those questionnaires as if they were liberals and for liberals to do the opposite. What Haidt found is that conservatives understand liberals’ moral values better than liberals understand where conservatives are coming from. Worse yet, liberals don’t know what they don’t know; they don’t understand how limited their knowledge of conservative values is. If anyone is close-minded here it’s not conservatives.

Haidt has one theory to explain his results, while Biggs has another. Haidt says conservatives speak a broader and more encompassing language of six moral values, while liberals focus on a narrow subset of those values. Biggs says conservatives understand liberal positions because they’re inundated with them — by the media, by academia, even to a certain extent by the culture.

Haidt and Biggs both have a point. It takes just about a year of actively debating politics or witnessing the debate of politics to realize that (a) the two parties to the debate don’t speak the same language and (b) the liberal party will have few opportunities to learn the conservative’s language. It’s not only that we don’t use the same words, it’s that we also assign completely different meanings to the same words.

The president’s prattling about the Buffett Rule is a perfect example. He repeatedly uses the word “fair” when he discusses this rule that would require anyone who earns more than $1 million a year to pay at least 30 percent in taxes. The Buffett Rule is actually officially named “The Paying a Fair Share Act.”

Conservatives have been quick to cede the word “fair” to the president. Instead of debating whether The Buffett Rule actually is fair, we’ve focused on the idea that economic growth and entitlement reform are the keys to deficit reduction. We know that our definition of “fair” is different than liberals’ definition of “fair,” so we’re never going to be able to convince liberals that the Buffett Rule actually is unfair. In a world dominated by liberal influences in the media, academy and culture, we have no choice but focus on the fact that The Buffett Rule would do very little to reduce the deficit.

If liberals understood the conservative definition of “fair,” they might better understand how it’s possible to oppose the Buffett Rule. As the debate stands at this moment, it’s conceivable that the average liberal thinks conservatives actually oppose a rule we think is fair just because we don’t think it will adequately reduce the deficit. But why would anybody oppose a fair rule? In fact, we oppose the Buffett Rule because, by our definition, it is unfair — not to mention that it does very little to reduce the deficit. (As an aside, I’ve been searching for an article in which a conservative argues explicitly that the Buffett Rule is unfair and am finding it surprisingly hard to find. Has anybody read a good one?)

The word “just” is defined as “based on right.” Our concept of what is fair starts with our concept of what is a right. Whereas progressives think that rights are given by the government, conservatives think that “we are endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights.” Among our God-given rights is the right to keep the fruits of our labor. So far, I have never heard a good argument that we have a right or a claim to the fruits of others’ labor unless they have promised them to us for some reason. We certainly never have an intrinsic a priori claim on the fruits of someone else’s labor.

As long as he is allowed to keep what he has earned, the conservative thinks he has been treated fairly — even if others have more than he has. The liberal has a completely different definition of fairness. Liberals seem to think we have a right to the same fruits no matter what our labor.

It is true that different kinds and quantities of work yield different kinds and quantities of fruits. That is sometimes hard to take — but if, in the end, we receive the fruits we agreed to when we selected our labor, then the fruits we receive are fair. (For example, if we agree to a particular day’s wages and we receive that day’s wages, then we have been treated fairly. Nobody changed the deal to which we agreed.) In making the choice to be a secretary and not a hedge fund manager, for example, the secretary forgoes some of the fruits of the hedge fund manager — but obtains some fruits the hedge fund manager never tastes, say the fruit of more time to spend with family or the fruit of less stress. If we are not content with the fruits of our labor, perhaps we ought first to consider changing our labor, rather than demand we be given different fruits.

One last thought: Conservatives clearly have a more expansive view of what constitutes “fruits.” We do not measure success and fairness solely by money. In the example above, I recognize the worth of time off and less pressure — two intangibles. For all that liberals like to talk about conservative greed, it’s interesting that conservatives can content themselves with less money in exchange for other benefits whereas liberals seem blind to those benefits and just want the money.

Etienne Charland, Emergence Guardian #crackpot #magick #ufo #homophobia #kinkshaming

Yesterday, we did really huge progress, and that may very well be the nail in the coffin for Dark Sophia. There is still a lot of work to do, so I’m putting the information out there and am calling for all the support.

Dark Sophia is only a very tiny fraction of a very tiny fraction of what it used to be. Still — that very tiny fraction remains very dangerous. What’s feeding her? 80% of all pornography, 83% of LGBTQ+, 83% of all family dramas, 75% of victimhood, 83% of love/unlovable drama, among other things.
As we looked for the most difficult part of that, we found Sophia’s core. There were generators taking all those useful energies and feeding it into her core. 16 layers upon layers to refine the energy. Nothing that goes in goes back out, so we had to blast the doors open permanently.

3rd layer was full of the most toxic venom and clouds I had ever seen. I wanted to skip that one but nobody else volunteered to take care of it… so I had to do it without touching it.

2nd layer was full of gunpowder. Each tiny grain has the energy of a sun. With CERN that they tried to activate a few days ago, they tried to open a portal to a pan-galactic demon. I identified 18 such pan-galactic demon. That gun-powder was enough to completely incinerate 6 pan-galactic demons and at least 25 major strongholds without a fight.

1st layer was full of ashes and fumes of pure corruption. It can corrupt absolutely anything. That core seems 80% responsible for all the energetic infections and corruptions we’ve been dealing with? 48% of all Shapeshifters are born here, made of pure corruption ashes. Clearing this will only weaken the shapeshifters by 15% though.

So, we need to finish clearing up what remains of that core, and any means of regeneration, or any hidden pockets, and clear up porn and LGBTQ+ that’s feeding it.

The core wound is “nobody loves me”, and that feeds everything else.

Istvan #fundie

If you believe that there is no God, life and death becomes meaningless. Without an eternal soul, you are no more than a bunch of molecules, a living mass of material. So according to this godless dogma, squashing a human being is exactly like squashing an ant or a tomato.

tobigforyou #fundie

[In reference to a video of a goat repeatedly licking an electric fence]

"that goat is not better than you. you guys love sin, and although it is killing you you go for another lick. then you go to hell and it is over"

Mrs Kellie #fundie

[The fault lies not with the woman who refused him but with the man who continued despite her protests.]

WRONG. The woman sinned by not dressing modestly, and tempting the man. The man sinned by lusting after a woman that is not his wife, and raping her. In your example the woman sowed seeds of lust in the man, and she reaped the consequences of her actions. While both were guilty of sin, legally the man will be punished criminally.

[Looking at it in another light, if a man went out with a fancy suit and got mugged, would you say that the man was tempting his mugger?]

No the mugging is not his fault, nor did he sin. He may have not been very smart about being on a good side of town, and not going overboard in being flashy. I don't believe the Bible says that being rich is a sin, but it does talk about women dressing modestly.

Gordon Klingenschmitt #fundie

"Dr. Chaps" said that former FCC chairman Julius Genachowski failed to adequately enforce the decency standards during his time in office and that was because there was a "demonic spirit of tyranny or immorality inside of him."

And even though Genachowski outwardly appears very polished and successful, "the demonic spirit influences him to abuse and, dare I say, molest and visually rape your children"

Dave Blount #fundie

Barack Hussein Obama: Third World, Pro-Muslim, Anti-American Radical

Most of us knew in advance that Obama would favor the Muslim world over America. How someone like that could be elected only a few years after 9/11 is a miracle of evil that only a priest or a psychopathologist could explain. Depending on their level of awareness, voting for him may be the most shameful act ever committed by those who put him in a position to destroy our country.

Drich #fundie

Regarding Jesus falsely telling people in Matthew 16:28 that the end of the world would come in their lifetimes

Hold on cowboy, Christ says "28 “Assuredly, I say to you, there are some standing here who shall not taste death till they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom.”

So the burden of proof on you to establish that Christ's Kingdom did not come as described before all of those men died.

CH #fundie

Aristotle expounded on the fall of Sparta at the hands of their women. It’s brisk reading and, to CH readers, offers familiar theories about the sexes. The ancients knew more about the nature of women than do our modern, plugged in Wiki warriors with the world’s PC knowledge at their fingertips.


Translated into New Shivvian:

“Hordes of pampered, ballcutting, materialistic, meddling, careerist, status whoring, slutty Spartan women riding the cock carousel and riding their hapless hounded hubbies, became self-sufficient property owners and heiresses of a few very wealthy aggrandizing men, thereby robbing Sparta’s beta males of the opportunity to establish affordable families of their own, leaving the city down the road with too few men to defend itself against invaders who themselves didn’t give a shit what proto-feminist Spartan women thought.”

CH is fond of recapitulating the axiom that women are perishable and men are expendable, and this is true in the whole and assessed over discrete blocks of time. But perturbations in the male population caused by long term fluxes in the expendability side of the equation will lead, as observed and noted by Aristotle, (a thinker so great you could jam the writings and wailings of all of history’s leading feminists and mangina suck-ups into a single fold of his cerebellum and it would scarcely amount to more than a fleeting musing in his daily mental output), to the ruin of a nation.

Biologically, men are indeed the expendable sex. A population group (i.e., a nation in the old timey sense of the word) can withstand short term shocks to its total number of men; it doesn’t take but one man to munch a few celery stalks and pop a few zinc tablets and carry on in his duty to impregnate an army of patriotic women and repopulate the countryside.

But given enough male expendability over time, and the first order axiom of fundamental sex difference starts to break down. For although a single man can, conceivably, star in a version of Boogie Years and spread his seed to the four corners of the country to rebuild a stricken population, that single man is also critically vulnerable to overrun by hungry barbarians who get word of a land where they can dine on honeydew and drink the milk of paradise for the low low price of one man’s scalp.

Feminists, equalists, open borders nutjobs, and assorted degenerate misfits ought to keep in mind that their beloved “progress” comes prepackaged with the seed of their destruction. CH (and Aristotle) will slap on the warning label; now it’s up to them to heed it.

cultureshift #fundie

Unfortunately, the medical community realized two things: 1) killing unborn children is REALLY profitable and 2) they needed to revise the Hippocratic Oath to still be considered ‘doctors’.


To be clear, an abortionist is NOT A DOCTOR, no matter how many times the Hippocratic Oath is rewritten.

various commenters #fundie

[RageFuel] Tyrone and Chad Can Get Away With Stealing

Getting food at Subway at my uni, and these fucking mega Tyrones (definitely here for sports) are getting their food. The fellow blackcel monkeys behind the counter are ooga booga-ing with these Tyrones holding up the line. After the Tyrone pays for his sub, he just walks over and takes two things of doritos without even hiding it.

At the same time, a fellow incel next to me got completely fucked. They switched his sub with an online order and started putting shit he didn't want on it. He told them to stop and they didn't even apologize, ask if it was okay, or if he wanted a new sub.

More proof that you just have to be attractive to be venerated by society.

Tyrone = GL black guy or tall and muscular black guy?

He was GL, tall as fuck, ripped, and just perfect in a lot of ways. Seriously a giga-tyrone.

Primitive game too strong.

The same thing it means for Chad, Chang, Super Pajeet. 8or8+/10 Aesthetics and not short with decent shoulder width and a slim or muscular physique. Don't listen to the other idiots claiming otherwise and saying face dosent matter for blacks.

Black men have massive dicks and white women die for that.

I have experienced this at my high school, but never at my University. That is probably because the athletes at my school are already considered royalty and would never have to purchase their own food.

OP = Uncle Tomcel. Why are you talking about your own kind like you're some alt right faggot?

Tallfags already get everything handed to them in life, but no they need even more. All tallfags and the roastlets they fuck deserve to be acid faced. I hate the early puberty fags that were tallfags until everyone caught up to them in puberty. Just seeing their life quality decrease a fuck ton just because they aren't tall anymore makes me rage inside.

White men have big dicks too, well almost all of them (not me)

good, more alt-right soldiers were created that day

Rafael Cruz #fundie

In recent decades, however, Cruz said he’s seen the United States follow the path toward socialism, and worried that recent developments meant American freedom may soon be threatened.

“When I lost my freedom in Cuba, I had a place to come to,” he said. “If we lose our freedoms here, where are we going to go? You know something? There is no place to go.”

Recent movement in some states and by the Supreme Court advancing gay rights and allowing same-sex marriage is part of a plot to undermine the traditional family structure and eliminate religion, clearing the way for a socialist state in which government is worshipped as a god, he said.

“Socialism requires that government becomes your god,” he said. “That’s why they have to destroy the concept of God. They have to destroy all loyalties except loyalty to government. That’s what’s behind homosexual marriage.”

President Barack Obama’s signature Affordable Care Act, he added, will kill the older Americans.

“Let me tell you, our lives are under attack. —” he said. “Obamacare is going to destroy the elderly by denying care, by even perhaps denying treatment to people who are in catastrophic circumstances.”

Andrew Anglin #homophobia #psycho #sexist #racist

Myanmar: Full Riot for Anal Democracy

I’m not even going to comment on how it is evil when the government cracks down on riots in Asia, but good when they crack down on riots in France or the Netherlands or Germany. It’s just too obvious to even mention at all.

Remember that the military turned the internet back on.

If they would have just left the internet off, nothing would have happened.

It does make you wonder if maybe the military wasn’t getting some bad advice from somewhere, because now, they’re not going back to status quo – now they’re going to go full anal.

This is also going to affect the situation in Thailand, where they have women rioting in the name of gay anal.

That is to say: if the military didn’t have the balls to go full on and shut off the internet, they shouldn’t have done anything at all. The West’s control of social media is absolute, and they can get large numbers of people to riot very easily.

Various commenters #transphobia

Spoiled TIM brat doesn’t think Reddit is protrans enough. It’s “terrifying”

( Committing_Tervery )

Thank you transphobes. I hate being trans so much because of you.

That’s a self-made problem. It’s easy to fix. Stop being trans.

( Carrots90 )
What happens when these people face real adversity?

Not the ‘failure to adequately grovel and simp’

( hmimperialtortie )
They never do.

( Carrots90 )
How about when he catches mom lovingly and transphobically gazing at his old baby pictures?

How she refused to aemd them to that service where baby/childhood pics can be ‘correctly gendered’. Ie history erased so your picture of you at Tball at 3 is defaced and turned into a ballet studio

( Genevieve )
Not pro-trans enough?? The western world has bent over backwards for them and their chosen identities, but the fact that they don't have complete subservience makes every single space they choose to intrude on not "pro-trans enough".

Pathetic narcissist. GOOD. I'm humored that you feel "terrified" over web pages in a browser that you can just easily click the x on so you can leave the "scary" situation. Goodness, they're babies, aren't they?

( suupersami )
Women are thrown rape and death threats when they say they don't want to have sex with males, or when they push back against abuse, or when they say they want female only spaces due to male violence, or just for merely existing... but oh no this poor man is reading stuff he doesn't like. OH THE HUMANITY.

( Itzpapalotl )
Maybe if you fetishistic Male perverts stop appropriating womanhood, people would like you more?

Wear what you like and do what you like to your body but STOP calling yourselves women, entering female only spaces, pretending you have anything to do with womanhood, demanding everyone cater to your delusions and fantasies. Stop policing language and beliefs of others... you are male, human males are called MEN. You are and will always be men. Leave us alone.

At this point “transphobia” is not validating every absurd claim they make. People are sick of “be kind” because it’s never good enough.

( Carrots90 )
Exactly. And their insistence on self ID has caused a lot of the hate.

Is it a ‘phobia’ if they are actually violent, unstable, predators? Or is it just healthy fear at this point?

Payton Gendron #racist #conspiracy #wingnut

A manifesto allegedly written and posted by the suspect in a mass shooting at a Buffalo supermarket that killed 10 people laid out specific plans to attack Black people and repeatedly cited the “great replacement" theory[…]
The manifesto, which appears to have been written by 18-year-old Payton Gendron, included a shared birth date and biographical details with the suspect in custody. The PDF was originally posted to Google Docs at 8:55 p.m. Thursday, two days before the shooting[…]
The manifesto, which has not been modified since it was posted on Thursday, includes elaborate details of a planned shooting. The document claims the suspect chose Buffalo because it was the city with the highest number of Black people in his vicinity[…]
The manifesto includes dozens of pages antisemitic and racist memes, repeatedly citing the racist “great replacement” conspiracy theory frequently pushed by white supremacists, which falsely claims white people are being “replaced” in America as part of an elaborate Jewish conspiracy theory. Other memes use tropes and discredited data to denigrate the intelligence of nonwhite people[…]
Gendron claims that he was radicalized on 4chan while he was “bored” at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic in early 2020

The document also claims “critical race theory,” a recent right-wing talking point that has come to generally encompass teaching about race in school, is part of a Jewish plot, and a reason to justify mass killings of Jews[…]
Gendron repeatedly cites Brenton Tarrant[…]
Suspect said he planned to post his manifesto and links to his livestream to 4chan, to a knockoff of the now-defunct extremist website 8chan and to servers he frequented on the chat service Discord, in part to see if his livestream was working

Mr Mannn #conspiracy

What is in this health care bill? Forced End-of-Life counseling. Its not called that, it has a pretty name, but every five years American seniors will endure a forced counseling session to discuss assisted suicide. Knowing the corruption that exists in this current administration, I can only imagine the vast number of forged names on suicide permission forms.

Also in this bill abortion clinics where procedures are100% paid for by the govt. No out of pocket costs and state laws like parental consent are nullified. People who chose to keep Down’s syndrome babies will very likely to be lied to and told the mother’s life is at stake, an abortion is the only way out. Lies are part of this socialist plan to eliminate the ‘useless eaters.” Adults with Down’s Syndrome will be denied life saving procedures.

People with expensive medical conditions will be denied health care. Its already the law of the land. You have no idea if this will mean YOU a few months down the road. If you develop conditions that require any expensive drugs or procedures at all, you will die.

That is the crux of Obama care. If you need care, it will be denied to you.

If this law had anything to do with health care, congress would not have exempted themselves from the same care that we are going to receive. This is about control over the people. Govt mandated granting or denial of health care. Need a life saving procedure? You need to pay off your Democratic congressman. Don’t have the money, your daughter looks very nice. The congressman will give her back to you in a week, after which you will gain your procedure. This health care system is designed for corruption. The people must beseech the elite for care, and the elite will grant a boon, after suitable compensation, of course.

JS #fundie

I say the Spaniards learn their lesson that multiculturalism/multiracialism is a poison that destroys civilizations. After all, the Reconquista and the Inquisition was to rid of the Jewish and Islamic elements from the Iberian peninsula so that Spain could become a unified nation with one set of norms. Colonizing Latin America was a mistake on their part, hence a moment of delusional greed that turned out to be a disaster. Unlike England and the Anglosphere world, which continues to march on to the multipolar drumbeat, Spain has distance themselves from the New World, and restricted 3rd world immigrants from coming in.

CH #sexist

Commenter PA once had a suggestion that you should only tip young White men, reasoning that economically self-sufficient White men are more critical to healthy sexual and marriage market functioning than are young women with spending cash (who are liable to ride the cock carousel with their economic freedom and liberation from needing beta male provisioning). Not to mention, young women can spread their legs for the easy life, which is an option unavailable to men.

I think that’s a good rule of life, and if you balk in the manner of a purs’d-lip white knight or quivering mangina, maybe you should remind yourself that tipping, however generous, never got a man laid.

apostalism #fundie

randcruztedpaul asked:

Why do you suppose there are several "denominations" in Christianity?

Because Man is full of sin, especially hubris, and is a race apparently incapable of digesting the Word of God. Paul engaged the Church in Corinth over the issue actually.

10 I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another in what you say and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly united in mind and thought. 11 My brothers and sisters, some from Chloe’s household have informed me that there are quarrels among you. 12 What I mean is this: One of you says, “I follow Paul”; another, “I follow Apollos”; another, “I follow Cephas”; still another, “I follow Christ.”

13 Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Were you baptized in the name of Paul? 14 I thank God that I did not baptize any of you except Crispus and Gaius, 15 so no one can say that you were baptized in my name.
-1 Corinthians 1:10-15

Protestants are particularly susceptible to this division it would seem. Fickle, loyal so long as the wind blows a particular direction and the sun is shining just so.

I often tell the story of how my grandmother’s church tore itself apart over the font size of the new sign it put up. It was one of the biggest eye openers I had to the failures of Protestantism. This is not to say that unity should be the end goal itself. On the opposite end are the Liberal Nondenominationals who allow anything and everything, whose only goal is unity (read “filling their pews and purses”) and “One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church” which is united in its heresy. It is no good to be united over nothing or united over heresy. Indeed it would be better to be an island in the world founded on God’s Word than either of those two, but that is not how God intended His children to live.

So there are denominations because there are false teachers, either malicious or simply misguided, and lazy Christians, who use “their” preacher as their translator for the Bible. The only way to comprehend the Bible is to have it revealed to you by God. That can indeed be through a third party, a preacher or website that helps you understand, but neither of these are substitutes for prayer and self-study.

Thanks for your question, if you have any more it is my utmost joy to answer them. Have a blessed day and be safe.

Unnamed teacher #fundie

The family of a Muslim child is upset because they say the 12-year-old’s teacher called him a terrorist in front of his classmates, KHOU reports.

Waleed Abushaaban, an honor student at a middle school in Fort Bend County, Texas, said the class was watching a movie on Thursday when his teacher directed the hateful words his way.

“We were in the class watching a movie,” Waleed told KHOU, “and I was just laughing at the movie and the teacher said, ‘I wouldn’t be laughing if I was you.’ And I said why? She said, ‘because we all think you’re a terrorist.'”

Abushaaban said the class was watching the soccer film, Bend It Like Beckham, after completing testing when the comment was made. He said the teacher’s comment prompted the other students to start mocking him.

“They were like, ‘oh I see a bomb!’ and they started all laughing and making jokes,” he told the station. “I was upset and I felt like I was put in the corner and like everybody was just looking at me.“

The school district has removed the teacher from the classroom while it conducts an investigation. But Abushaaban’s parents and local Muslim leaders want her fired.

“Just because my son is a Muslim doesn’t mean he is a terrorist,” Malek Abushaaban told KHOU. “He’s an American. He’s as American as anybody else. He was born here. That’s all he knows, is how to be an American.”

According to KHOU, the family plans to keep Waleed at the school, and aside from wanting the English and Language Arts teacher fired, they want students and teachers to undergo religious sensitivity training.

In a statement sent to KHOU about the incident, Fort Bend Independent School District officials say the teacher claims she was trying to make a point about negative stereotypes, but did so poorly.

“While the teacher reports her statements were made in the context of trying to make a point about negative stereotypes, District officials do not believe that the teacher exercised the appropriate sensitivity expected of the District’s educators, and do not believe that the statements were made in a manner that is in keeping with the District’s Core Beliefs and Commitments,” the statement reads.

It’s not the first time a young Muslim student has been the target of anti-Muslim sentiment in Texas public schools.

Last year, 14-year-old Ahmed Mohamed was arrested when he brought homemade clock to school. Teachers and school police accused the child of making a “hoax bomb.” Mohamed was cleared and in the midst of outcry over the incident.

David J. Stewart #fundie

So many people today ignorantly tout Martin Luther as the great reformer of the "faith only" movement; but, in reality, Luther was a heretic who fathered the Baptismal Regeneration movement. Luther is tragically burning in Hell. The damnable Martin Luther deception has caused Christians around the world to remain silent concerning the evils of the Lutheran religion. Lutheranism is of the Devil.


I read the Epic of Gelgamesh, but it wasn't as perfect as the story of Noah

It isn't difficult anyway to write a story about some flood and a youngster who made an ark to survive it

It's a mere coincidence... the same way u can write a story, and then later know that someone wrote the same story years ago

Moses didn't take nothing from old religions
He had his teachings from God himself

Michael Nietzsche #fundie

I laugh with great joy when I read about the duped Krixtstains being ripped off! It does my heart good when I read about the already "duped on 'dog' crowd" being ripped off all in the name of their non-existant 'dog'. I check your site just about every day————so keep publishing stories like this. My hope is that one day all these f–king money grubbing televangelist will be taxed on their ILLEGAL Earnings and then thrown in prison——. Where they then can kneel down on their knees and pray to Geezus that the pain will stop from being f–ked in the ass by other prisoners—. like they have done to their "FLOCK" for so many years———.signed, Proud to be an ATHEIST!