Tailgunner joe, carton253 #conspiracy freerepublic.com

(comments on a puff piece connecting Obama's inauguration with the anniversary minting of the Lincoln Penny)

How appropiate as Obama’s inauguration marks the day we will return to a form of slavery again under the banner of the Democrat party.

This is great!
Both One Term legislators from Illinois.
Both known for giving Speeches!
Both involved with a war!

One born in Kentucky the other born in Kenya oops I mean Hawaii


LOL! Obama, just do what Lincoln did. Raise an army and invade the country to see your policies put into effect.

He's promised to do as much with his Civilian Security Force that will be as large as, as well trained as and as well funded as our military.

We're going to need to bring the troops home from Iraq to help fight them off.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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