Flannel Avenger #fundie #sexist #homophobia iljboards.com

I think it's important that you do not consider yourself more righteous. The Bible does make it very clear that homosexuality is something that God is not ok with. But it's also clear that adultery, incest, rape, murder, thievery, conning people, lying, usury, idolatry, etc, are not ok with Him either. That being said, I don't see any good argument to allow homosexual marriages. So what if they love each other? If a pedophile loves a 9 year old girl does that make it ok for them to marry? If not, why should the way one feels about another determine the right to marry? It's not about feelings... Marriage is not a government institution; it is a Judeo-Christian institution. It is not up to the government of any state to redefine it... And no matter what the homosexual lobby says, and no matter what any judge says, they cannot change my mind about it, because my opinion is informed by God's Holy Scripture, which I believe to be infallible. I also find it regrettable that adultery is not a crime in this country anymore... Women are not respected as they should be in our world anymore. The respect of a woman is not in considering her co-equal to a man, nor is it ensuring that she has the same employment opportunities as a man. Respect of a woman is to treat her as a Gift from God to all men... we are to keep them from harms way even if they don't like it.



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