Diana Lesperance #fundie narrowwayapologetics.com

What hope is there for the world when it is filled with sin and false religion?

This is why I write about the great blessings that have been brought about by the Bible. What other hope does the world have? Hitchens thought the only hope was a world without religion, but then, if that world included the abolition of Christianity, it would be a world that was still filled with slavery, child sacrifice, cannibalism, illiteracy, scientific backwardness, disease, and on and on, because it certainly hasn’t been the atheists who have rid the world of all of these plagues. It has been fundamentalist Christianity that has improved the world.

Even now, atheists have barely made any contributions to the world’s problems. What I see them doing for the most part is traversing web sights and making snide remarks and ad hominem attacks on anybody who believes in the scriptures in any way.

What is the evolutionary hope for the world? What is the atheist Christmas?

Is it Barack Obama? Is it the Dalai Lama? Is it communism? Is it a world without religion, as Hitchens believed? What is the hope of the world to you?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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