Adam Ford #fundie

(=Authors note: In this comic, the woman is the straw man liberal Christian and the man is completely in the right=)

Woman: Watcha reading ?

Man: Exodus.

Woman: Why do Christians even read the Old Testament ? The God of the Old Testament was so mean and like judgy and strict. Then Jeus came along and made everything about love and peace and happiness and forgiveness and acceptance. I seriously love the New Testament.

Man: Uhhh you might wanna read it a little more closely. But anyways, "The God of the Old Testament" ? And then Jesus came along ? God doesn't change dear.

Woman (afraid): But in the Old Testament God like killed people and stuff! And in the New Testament Jesus seems as sweet as a cupcake...he even let little kids sit on his lap and all that.

Man: God is love and God is also just. God is merciful and God is also a consuming fire. This is clear and true in both the Old and New Testaments. Besides, where do you think Jesus was before the incarnation ? Sitting in the clouds doing crossword puzzles or something ? We're talking about Jesus here. The second person in the eternal trinitarian godhead. The one who is "The Same yesterday today and forever." God the son. God. The son. God doesn't change. Are you following ?

Woman (visibly getting nervous): you're saying ?

Man: Mmmmm. Yeah.

Woman (completely mortified): The judgements...the flood...the wars...the plagues...?

Man: Yup.


Man: God is God. The father, the son and the Holy Spirit. Notice the son in there. Jesus is God. Now and in the Old Testament. Jesus has always been God.

Woman: How do you know all this ?

Man: "Cupcake Jesus" talks a whole lot about it in the Old Testament that you love.

Woman: This totally ruins the mental image I have of Jesus.

Man: The Bible is good at that.



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