dubya #fundie the-niceguy.com

I'm so sick of these double-standards. I'm sick of the "women are innocent victim angels" mentality by you and other men.

It makes logical sense that women are liars and scum on their OWN behalf, but when men like you do it, it makes no sense, because you're arguing against your OWN well-being.

One day you'll meet a lady with honey oozing from her tongue, she's convince you that you belong together, that you're in love. You'll get used to daily sex, until one day the matriarchy decides that she didn't consent to the latest sexual episode, and you'll end up in the slammer where hordes of white-knights and manginas will spit on you and call you a rapist. And you'll get 15 years. And you'll register as a sex-offender and have people write notes threatening your life.

And then you'll fucking understand the scope of the problem.

Women have no power except thru men.

Their power is white knights and manginas.

Their power is the sheriff.

Women are ALWAYS going to be liars. Because it's logical to lie when you get a benefit from it. That's human nature. If men could get benefits from lying alot of them would do it too.

It's the men that need to be reached. The white knights and manginas. THEY need to be educated.

Every man who isn't an MRA is tying his own noose.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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