Peter B. Meyer #ufo #magick #crackpot #conspiracy

Planet Earth has entered an octave higher in the Galactic Spiral and this is changing its vibration and frequency. These frequencies will pierce the veils and release consciousness. A new age is dawning. Nothing will ever be the same again. All earthly souls who have not completed their learning process will have to move to other schools, to other third dimensional planets. This mutation point is also the beginning of our homecoming.
The heroics begin beyond the borders of this planet, originating in star kingdoms and alien civilisations such as Atlantis, Lemuria, Mu and more recently the ancient civilisation of Tartaria.

Many people will be convinced once they have read and understood all the relevant FWC versions of our history. This will become popular and widespread in the not too distant future, and will eventually be studied and taught in schools, universities and scientific institutions.
With much more of their DNA active than the average human being today, the Lemurian people soon learned to become quite multidimensional. Free from stress and major outside influences, they developed quite extraordinary psychic abilities. Although the Sirians had set up the Grid and closed the Stargates, the Lemurian priesthood could still astral travel, at first only far enough to reach the outer limits of the Grid system, as they progressed over time.
For example: Less than 500 years ago, our world was culturally and technologically far more advanced than it is today! Unknown cabal agents caused a cataclysm and used the chaos to seize power.

Between 1865 and 1876, our last ancient civilisation, the Tartarians, were destroyed under the waves of more than 300 metres of mud, and today the first floors of these buildings are buried under metres of sand and mud, traces of which can still be seen in cities around the world.

Soon we will have back the free energy that the cabal did not want us to have. Prepare for many shocking realities to manifest.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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