cedric worthington broadaxe #fundie #dunning-kruger #pratt youtube.com

(From “I reply to a page claiming they can "Prove Evolution Is False - Even Without the Bible")

This video does not do what it claims to.
Like many similar efforts, it merely rehashes numerous examples of micro-evolution and discredited 'missing links'; spends a lot of time eulogising over the Establishment 'consensus' about Evolution, and ridiculing the sanity of those who question it.
It utterly fails to answer the two serious questions which (as 21st Century Genetic knowledge increases) now threaten to relegate Darwin's Victorian Era theories of Abiogenesis and Evolution to histories dustbin.

These questions are:-
Excluding the highly skilled process of Genetic Engineering within the confines of a state of the art Genetics Laboratory, there's no known observable process by which new genetic information can be naturally added to any organism's genetic code; so how did blind luck/random chance at the bottom of Darwin's "warm muddy pond" supposedly achieve such miraculous results in the distant past ?
Without adding new genetic information at every step of the process, how can any living thing have evolved from amoeba to man; let alone have originally spontaneously generated itself into Life from a mush of non-living/inert chemicals ?

Would be seriously interested in hearing an intelligent answer to either/both the questions above, as I've grave doubts about the traditional magical/mystery style religious alternative; which only really leaves 'Intelligent Design?
IE: some sort of Captain Kirk type Extra-terrestrial Geneticist, who did the job as part of a Planetary Terra-formation Project??

Designed by aliens? (Crick, Watson, atheism, panspermia...
Francis Crick and James Watson have used the occasion of the 50th anniversary of their discovery of the DNA double ... He does this with a theory called panspermia.

Panspermia - Wikipedia
Panspermia (from Greek πᾶν ...The Nobel prize winner Francis Crick, ...and the distance to the target, guided by high-resolution astrometry of 1×10 −5...
History · Proposed mechanisms · Extra-terrestrial life · Extremophiles



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