ocb #fundie apologetics.org

I have no intentions of backing down from anyone Jew or otherwise who tries to demonize Christianity because of a few bad apples who "called" themselves Christians. That would be stupid and it's clear that historically the Gnostics have done exactly that. They are perfessionals at hijacking religions and using violence to get their way.

A good stigma will whip a good dogma everytime and this is what I see one individual attempting to do here. He's wrong and I'm not going to shut up about it.

The Jews drew the first blood against the first century Christians, fact!
According to their own law, an eye for an eye, they are guilty for that.
For 2000 years now the true christian believers have been persecuted every bit as much and more than the Jews. It's still going on today. WWW.PERSECUTION.COM Therefore, if this individual wants a fight with one who follows Jesus Christ, he's got one .

ps. Brothers in Christ: We do not war against flesh and blood but powers and principalities in heavenly places, please remember that.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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