Peter B. Meyer #magick #wingnut #quack #conspiracy

“Why was I born and what am I doing on this planet?”

It all begins with the birth of a child, whose soul enters the foetus in the mother’s womb during the third month of pregnancy with the help of an energy code. This is how the game begins for each individual.
Immediately after birth, the defenceless child is attacked by a system called the “Matrix” with a terrible force that is supposed to block the child’s brain, especially the pineal gland and it’s intuition.

The child, originally born as a king and complete sovereign, is taught by its parents that it’s completely stupid, dependent, incapable of making its own decisions, so everything must be decided for it by others. This is a basic preparatory stage for further demoralisation of a little person, because in order to accept a complete programme from the Matrix.
Do you ask why?

Because they want you not to be able to escape slavery. The whole system is pyramidal. Down there are the ordinary people and up there are the people who control them. There are two pyramids in the system, the maternal and the secondary. Both pyramids have to be bypassed, otherwise you get lost in them.
The maternal pyramid is dominated by six fallen angels whose orders are received by the Vatican. The Vatican then passes them on to other levels, the secondary levels. The secondary levels are churches, governments, police, courts, schools, laws, offices, soldiers and all the authorities that control and limit humanity.
You are offered poisonous food and if you eat it, you get into a secondary pyramid. The secondary pyramid is supposed to catch all the people who never got caught in the clutches of money and credit and never allowed their time to be stolen.
The secondary pyramid is a gigantic pharmaceutical apparatus with all its stages in the form of doctors and poisonous pills. Each person is responsible for his own body and must never leave it in the hands of others.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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