There seems to be a lot of people who are drawn to the same sex. God does not condone same sex activities. He never has nor will He ever. Homosexualality is a sin. Many people claim they are born being gay and that is not so. Being gay is a learned emotion. Feeling gay is not wrong but to act out the act is.

Jesus was not gay, nor did he have a wife. God instructs us to remain single if we are strong enough. Yet there are people who are not strong enough and are allowed to marry. God allows us to be married and have sex with one person of the opposite sex.

Being gay or acting out in a homosexual act is not natural, it is a sin. People can make up whatever excuse they want to in order to make them selves feel better about what they are doing, but it is still a sin. It is better just not to have sex at all. Look at all the diseases that result in dirty sex.

There is no such thing as a gay right, there are only human rights, other wise your practicing reverse descrimination.

We are all sinners, repent for the time is drawing near and it will be too late.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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