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I have been thinking a lot abot Heavy Rock/Metal music lately.
I went to the youth group my children attend and was shocked at what I heard, it sounded as though the Devil was present.
The music was very heavy with screaming. What is the Christian world coming to when it allows this type of music in the Church.
The Church should be a beautiful place with the Lord's presence.
Shouldn't people be attracted to Christianity because of Jesus and his Power? But the Church is attracting young people by using this dreadful music.
I like the odd rock song myself, but there must be a line drawn somewhere. I just cannot see how this heavy, agressive screaming music can be used to give praise and worship to our wonderfull Creator.
Music is an expression of the soul.
From a soul occupied by the wonderfull Spirit of God comes beautiful music.
All music should reflect the fruits of the Spirit - Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self control Galations 5:22.
I don't believe Heavy Rock/Metal reflects these fruits. It demonstrates aggression, rebellion, depression, confusion etc and it distorts the soul of those who listen to it.
I would like to hear some comments on this.



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