
SL Alliance #fundie z4.invisionfree.com

They'd probably legalize rape and make the justice system uber lenient thus handing the US over to crime.

Liberals tolerate sexual corruption, they even condone it as pointed out earlier by that link with them valuing the pleasure of perverts more than a paralysis patient's life! So they think people have a right to rape now? Well what about the right to privacy and the right no be left untainted, I know their victims never wanted it, what about their rights?!

The Dems only care about indulging in their twisted desires and forcing everyone to think like them. They are going to break tons of rules in the constition I know they will!

If the dems win no one will be safe from sexual perverts and rapists. They'll be running rampant as they force police to hand them flowers instead of arresting them like they should. Also besides banning videogames, turning the police against the innocent and making them side with criminals and wasting tax money on useless programs like researching how to let lesbians get each other pregnant they will probably initiate a MASSIVE holocaust of Christians, those who oppose liberalism, homophobes and Muslims.

They already have "warned" Christianity, all they need is the power. Whether Christian or not you must realise that they are breaking the first amendment. If this happens this may either lead to a socialistic/communistic America where true freedom is but a phantom memory or maybe as Artanis told me once, CIVIL WAR!

Amasian #fundie #homophobia z4.invisionfree.com

If you truly love God, you won't be homosexual. Why? Because if you love "him" (I use him because he is the father) then you will obey his commands; and hence, no homosexuality for you.

Erm, hermaphrodites? I have never heard of a real one. And I would never ever want to see pictures of one either. And if I did I want to be 100% sure that it isn't photoshoped.