
Darth Sidious #wingnut #sexist #psycho welmer.org

I’m all for feminism, I only wish it would hurry up already and finish off what’s left of this pathetic society. The sooner this entire shithouse goes up in flames, the sooner I can start a roaming band of warlords.

Our mission: destroy and suppress all technological invention in the new world order. We need to go back and stay in the stone age. The only rule of law will be force. Secondly, we’d have to invent a religion that forbade all forms of independent thinking other than death and destruction, in order to prevent this mess called “society” from ever occuring again. All the rich fuckers who enslave us, we shall eat them and their babies. Anyone who spends time inventing shit, we’ll feed to the lions and watch them die slowly and painfully. The only men that will rise to the top won’t be rich, they’ll be the mericiless, ruthless, remorseless brutal killing machines. The only babies that will be born in the new dawn, we’ll be born to our women slaves, that way we can keep the population under control. Only the strong and ruthless will breed, all else will parish and die. Society and it’s weakness will be purged, it’s only a matter of time—.. just look at the Taliban if you don’t believe me. But we should do better than the Taliban. Think Ghengis Khan.