
jeepman1983 #fundie sitelife.wwmt.com

[Our president is not muslim. He never was and it's not our businesss if he converts in the future. This is America. . .built on religious freedom!]

America was built on Christian Freedom.

[Jeepman...can you point me towards the sections of the Constitution that state that? Or, any other laws for that matter.]

Goalie... I made my last statement based on historical deduction. Back in 1787when the Constitution became official, the Christians of the day far out numbered the non-christians (Jews, Muslim, Hindu, Atheists, ect). From this fact, I deduced that our Founding Fathers were not concerned with non-christian religions but more so the freedom of christian denomination. My original statement is that America was BUILT on Christian Freedom clearly refers to the beliefs of our Great Founding Fathers.