
Peter Kreeft #fundie peterkreeft.com

Sex is, quite simply, our society’s new god; our new Absolute. Anything is done, tolerated, sacrificed, justified, sanctified, glorified for this god.

A third of our mothers murder their unborn babies in sacrifice to this god. Of course abortion is about sex. The only reason for abortion is to have sex without babies. Abortion is backup contraception.

Or, look at the acceptance of divorce. Families, the one absolutely necessary building block of all societies are destroyed for this god. Half of American citizens commit suicide for this god; for Divorce is suicide of the ‘one flesh’ that love has created.

No one justifies lying, cheating, betraying, promise-breaking, devastating and harming strangers; but we justify, we expect, we tolerating doing this to the one person we promised most seriously to be faithful to forever. We justify divorce.

No one justifies child abuse, except for sex. Divorce is child abuse for the sake of sex.

Even all the churches justify divorce, except one: the one that does not claim the authority to correct Christ–and she is accused of being authoritarian.

Peter Kreeft #fundie peterkreeft.com

Just as we have pillars of Christian faith, the saints, so are there individuals who have become pillars of unbelief. Peter Kreeft discusses six modern thinkers with an enormous impact on everyday life, and with great harm to the Christian mind:

Machiavelli - inventor of "the new morality"
Kant - subjectivizer of Truth
Nietzsche - self-proclaimed "Anti-Christ"
Freud - founder of the "sexual revolution"
Marx - false Moses for the masses, and
Sartre - apostle of absurdity.


We need to talk about "enemies" of the faith because the life of faith is a real war. So say all the prophets, Apostles, martyrs and our Lord Himself.