
Thatdirtyallogay #fundie ouroboros492.tumblr.com

[This post is about whether or not people on the Ace Spectrum, e.i. Asexuals, Aromantics, Grey-Aces and Demisexuals, are allowed to call themselves "Aspec", a term that discourers claim was stolen from Autistic people.]

(Still waiting for someone to provide a source to back up the claim that “aspec” was ever commonly used to mean autistic.)

though ive never heard the term “aspec” used for the autism spectrum, you should really listen when actually autistic people tell you to stop stealing our phrases

(While listening to autistic people is great in theory, it doesn’t really work. Every autistic person is different and has different views on the term “aspec” being used.)

yeah, but if even one autistic person has a problem with it (hello, i have a problem with it), you should stop, or else risk being seen as a callous hell-demon from hell

(You just said you’ve never heard the term “aspec” used to mean autistic. If aspec is not a word that’s used by the autistic community, then it’s not up to you as an individual to say that no one else can use it.)

i guess not, but the entire autism community is saying to not use it, so maybe dont use it