
ahsoisee "Father Time" #fundie my.att.net

I have just returned from a vacation helping my oldest daughter, her husband, and two kids move to Ohio.

The election went much like I expected, even though it is to the destruction of freedom in the United States and the remainder of the world. The depressed and downtrodden of the world no longer have a Christian United States to help them against the wicked of the world.

Not only is the United States become a subrate nation, all of the other nations will suffer with it. All of the poor of the United States will become poorer and the wicked leaders will take freedom from this country.

I am sure those who were led by the Holy Spirit of Christ voted against the evil Islamic candidate. I am also sure those who voted for Osama Obama do not have the Holy Spirit of Christ in their lives. However, those who have remained true to Christ will receive their reward in heaven.

I have studied the scriptures and see every aspect of Osama Obama and Islam fulfilling all of the prophecies of the Bible concerning the antichrist and the end times.

The United States of America, the protector of the oppressed around the world, is no longer a nation of God. It has become a nation of Islam and the wicked.

Islam "will" become dominannt in America while Christianity and its followers will begin to be persecuted and estranged from a once great nation.

God will not allow this nation to flourish under the Satanic cult of Islam. Osama Obama is the antichrist and has mesmerized the young, Islamics, and liberal Democrats into a blindness of which they cannot recover.

Within the next week, I will enter a post on these boards outlining most every event that will take place under Osama Obama and the wicked of this nation. When it is entered on the board, you can copy, paste, print it out, and place it on a bulletin board in your home.

You will be able to follow all his evil decisions and mandates for this country and eventually the world. You will have all the warnings right in front of you so, you will have no excuse when Jesus confronts you at the soon coming end time (7-10 years).

Those who voted money (economy) over Christian values will reap their reward in the near future. Those who remained true and voted Christian values over the economy will reap a richer reward after this life.

Am I a prophet? No, there are no more prophets, but the scriptures clearly describe the end time and the antichrist. All you need do is to read the scriptures and believe them.

Father Time

pepper8982 #racist my.att.net

We don`t live in Africa

correct,so why do you people insist on putting an African in the oval office? Voting for an unknown just because you love the color of his skin,which just happens to be the politically correct color,does not sound to me like you`re concerned with "putting America first."

Father Time #fundie my.att.net

(On a response to Obama supporters bashing Palin)

ahsoisee- 09/04/2008 01:19:48 PM (#1 of 10)
Reply To All

No, it is to be expected. Most of those on this board wanting Barrack Hussein Obama (Osama) as their President are Islamists.

Islam does not respect women nor children. They attach bombs to them and blow them up, stab them or cut off their heads if they do not do exactly as they order.

Islamists have no respect for women. The women who vote for Osama Obama are condemning their own lives to cruel slavery.

Father Time

ahsoisee "Father Time" #fundie my.att.net

(Note this an excerpt of a post against Unitarian Universalism. This person has posted the same 3 to 4 articles on Islam, Anti Christ, Rapture and other things, every day ever since joining. This below is the justification for the constant reposts.)

There are many who come to the board needing guidance and scripture. Many will see the truth as opposed to Satan’s lies on the boards. I am convinced that spiritual education and warnings against these antichrists are essential in combating their attempt to control the board and snuff out the Christian influence.

God wants us to present a twofold message. We should post scriptures of the love of God to the lost and messages to warn the wicked of God's soon coming wrath against them. I will continue to help those who are seeking Godly advice, but will continue to present posts of warnings to the wicked who oppose God and Christianity.

Father Time

mikpat #fundie my.att.net

One of the demeaning tactics used by religious bigots (those people who have no tolerance for another person's religious beliefs) is to hammer away that this Country was not founded on Judaeo- Christian principles but some other stuff. Well, rather then go into all the Christian beliefs of the Founding Fathers beginning with John Adams, Samuel Adams, comments of Alexis De Tocqueville, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, Patrick Henry, Andrew Jackson, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, thomas Paine, George Washington on. on, on,,,

Question:::::::::::If Atheism is a fact, a proven fact as propounded by Loubro the Windbag,,,,,,,,Why didn't all these brilliant men begin this Country with atheistic concepts like they did in Communist Russia?????????