
Juliet Yelverton #crackpot #magick healing-waters.co.uk

Working personally with clients I have witnessed sexual abuse issues relating back to a feeling a being raped at the point of conception. This particular person had accessed their cellular memory of identifying themselves as the egg just prior to fertilization by the sperm. The sperm was perceived to be aggressive and attacking. Another client struggled with a sense of being worthless; endlessly giving and over-extending herself for others, yet not feeling that she was worthy to receive either love or attention. She identified this psychological state as being rooted in her ‘survivors guilt’, as the sperm that had made it to the egg, whilst millions of other sperm died. Karlton describes this stage of pre conception as The Holocaust, in his book ‘The Sperm Journey’. Someone else that I worked with who suffered ongoing abdominal pain was able to access the memory of his umbilical cord being cut, causing tremendous pain and suffering, From that memory, he then regressed further to the stage of being a sperm as it was losing his tail at the point of conception. He experienced this as being an agonizing death.

It is possible to heal from these early traumas, using regressive and re-patterning techniques developed by Karlton Terry and Dr William Emerson. Karlton has also pioneered ground breaking work with healing pre-natal trauma in babies, through his deep empathic understanding of their suffering. He is able to interpret their body language and hand gestures as a means of them explaining to him what they suffered in the uterine experiences. He has had some stunning results at his baby clinics. One baby that had been born by caesarian section could not crawl. He had been receiving physiotherapy on a daily basis for many months without success. After one re-patterning session with Karlton, he was able to crawl.