
James Rea #fundie guns.com

(In response to the owner of a shooting range banning Muslims from entering)
I say good for her. A lot of you talk about the rights they have under the Constitution being that they cannot be discriminated against because of their religion. Islam is nothing more than a cult following. It is not a peaceful following as they try to make people believe. This is a nation founded on Christian beliefs, values, and principles and our forefathers gave reverence to God the Almighty, the one and only true God. The way I see things, if there is anyone in this country who is not a citizen of this country, they have no rights. The vast majority of Muslims deny our laws because we are not a Muslim nation, but yet the have infiltrated our society and are trying to force their beliefs and laws onto us. If I had my way, they would all be gone back to their Muslim homelands.