
Erik Rush #fundie erikrush.com

Don’t be fooled by this insincere and gutless tactic. Socialists and Islamists are not merely political opponents. They are deadly enemies to be neutralized, and with all due speed.

Erik Rush #racist erikrush.com

Well, the race-baiters are at it again, and with the uncanny tendency of their inflammatory rhetoric to come in waves within news cycles – or even touching them off; one wonders if they might be coordinated. So, President Obama says in his recent interview with the New Yorker that racial tensions have militated against his popularity among white voters over the last two years. While Obama did add that there are some blacks and whites who may like him simply because he is black, this does not mitigate the cravenness and utterly disgusting nature of his claim.

Indeed, I would submit that Obama would not have become president except for his ethnicity. That aside, he would be wearing an orange jumpsuit by now – at the very least – if not for the fact that he’s black. One could argue that his words were irresponsible, but the term “irresponsible” carries the connotation that he didn’t fully grasp what he was saying. Obama knew exactly what he was saying; lest I digress, he used the New Yorker interview to interject quite a few other points of salacious propaganda, all quite calculated.

Erik Rush #fundie erikrush.com

The crimes of the Obama administration have been well-enumerated; the evidence is available for all Americans to see, assuming they possess the energy and inclination to look. It is likely that many of our lawmakers, both Republican and Democrat, are criminally culpable and could be effectively prosecuted if our system was working in the manner intended. Sadly, due to decades of endemic corruption (that has been well-capitalized upon by the current administration), stacking of federal courts, and the faintheartedness of so many in power, America finds itself on the brink of totalitarianism, with many so well-indoctrinated or intellectually indolent that they literally cannot perceive the chasm yawning below.

The parallel tracks of reality versus the propaganda-driven fantasy of the political left and this administration is surreal beyond reason. I doubt that there has ever been a time in history when so many have chosen to believe lies rather than perceiving the truth that lies right in front of them. It was one thing in 2008 when few Americans could have been expected to know better in the face of the carefully-crafted cult of personality that was Barack Obama – but times have changed. While American presidents have undoubtedly done questionable things during their tenure, never before have we had in office a president that was openly treasonous and had the favor of trusted institutions willing to both countenance his treason.


This administration, much of the Congress, and the creatures who support the same in blissful, belligerent ignorance must be neutralized if this nation is to survive in any semblance of its intended form. And it must be done by any means necessary, because such criminals have proven that they are not dissuaded by trifles like legality. The law, in our President’s estimation, is what he says it is. This has been proven time and again.

So Obama and his cabal, and in all likelihood a substantial segment of Congress must go. We must also extricate the radicals and Islamists whom Obama has so kindly insinuated into high places in our government. And the culture of our government must change. Indeed, it will take some time and sacrifice, but America has never faced a threat such as this. In truth, I don’t think any nation has.

As for those who remain dedicated to fighting for the legacy of our precious First Black President and all that the left holds dear for reasons of ideology or ignorance, all I can say is that America has suffered casualties due to internal conflict before. If you’re going to ally with liars, slanderers, oppressors, deviants, thieves, wife-beaters, murderers, and pedophile rapists, don’t plan to be remembered as having been on the right side of history.

Erik Rush #fundie erikrush.com

Now, this really pisses me off. Not just as a Christian, (as such, I take Luciferianism very seriously), but given the moral ambivalence and social decline America is facing, to have inordinately revered celebrities (idols) embracing and advancing satanic cults is just too over the top. Wake the hell up, America.

Back in the 1960s, of course there was a pack of celebrities who foolishly hooked up with Anton LaVey, the author of the Satanic Bible (he published it in 1969). Many wound up regretting it, because contrary to their initial impression, it wasn’t all fun and games and a lot of sex.

LaVey had picked up where British occultist Aleister Crowley left off. Crowley styled himself as “The Great Beast 666,” and was so dark and freaky that the Masons kicked him out. Crowley’s motto was “do what thou wilt,” which LaVey also adopted.

According to recent reports, quite a few Hollywood celebrities and music artists are members of a little known satanic cult group called Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO), which has picked up where LaVey left off. Rapper Jay-Z, his mentally deficient wife Beyonce, and rap artist Peaches are among those celebs who are reportedly members of this group; Beyonce routinely flashes satanic signs and her latest album cover features the satanic goat’s head of Baphomet. Jay-Z’s clothing line, Rocawear, is replete with OTO imagery (such as sigils and the legend “do what thou wilt”).

Nice, huh?

These are not only people who millions of American youth idolize, but guess what – they’re President Obama’s good friends to boot! Other than Obama himself being manifestly evil and a supporter of Muslim Brotherhood killers, I have it on very good authority that satanic worship has gone on quite close to the sphere of this White House.