
Daily-patriarch #fundie daily-patriarch.tumblr.com

The Son of Fate

I am the Son of Fate. Fate had given birth to me on a stormy night, hoping that her Son would be victorious in everything he did. For a long while, everything was great. Until, one day, I found a horrible group of people that threatened my very well-being. And for what, you may ask? For being born, unto Fate, as a White, “Cis-Gendered” Male. Just because I’m white, I must collectively pay for the sins of my Fore-Fathers? And just because I’m a male, I must collectively pay for the heinous crimes done by my people?

I thought is was all fucking stupid. People hate me because I’m me? People want me to atone for other people’s sins because I have something in common with them? What happened to Justice?

Apparently, I’m to “check my privilege”. Because I am a man, I am not aloud to silently admire an admittedly attractive woman? Because I’m white, I should not speak of my upbringings and my achievements, because it’ll “oppress” and “trigger” these fucking douchebags?

Well I say NAY. I am proud of who I am. I am proud that I am me. I would not change a damned thing about me, even if it meant the world. I’m complacent with being white, and I’m proud to be a man. I am humbled by others for my prestigious academic achievements thus far, and I will continue to push forward to become Great. I will fight every obstacle that dare interfere with who I am and what I am to become: A Middle Class White Man.

~The Patriarch