
pastor bob hickman #fundie bobhickman.weebly.com

the holy Spirit entered me b.r.h. like a body the same size as mine and started torturing and betraying me day one and is worse fourteen years, later-God spoke and does this and showed me visions-8-9-2011-I the Lord wrinkle my childs face by causing his facial muscles to tighten when using, stretching and wrinkling and difiguring him and let him see me in visions laughing at him, bob its your calling hollie said, put it under, hollie showed, her light watch, she wore, white robe, bob, hollie said, coming out, dont, thats Jesus coming out of, its bob, thats, hollie, its casey, appearing, hollie said, lets put it under, thats the weebly, hollie said, the new ministry of dreams, website, like an angel man, its, weebly ministryofdreams, like angelman, hollie said,