
Faulkner #fundie agonybooth.com

*On a review of a documentary about "incels"*

Look, I'm not even gonna bother debunking this bullshit article, I'm just gonna say what I've always said and move along. This isn't a matter of entitlement, nor was it ever. Feminists need to get it through their thick skulls that men need sex, and without it, our minds start deteriorating. Feminism's reorganization of society has left a large part of the male population (and they are a large part, otherwise you wouldn't be hearing about them) unable to find willing sex partners. This is a problem, and since feminism is now the prevailing ideology, they must find a way to fix it. Otherwise, stuff like the Santa Barbara shooting will keep happening.

It's as simple as that really, you created this problem, now you must find a solution for it. You can kill us, give us the sex we need, or anything else, but you need to do something. Men don't simply "suffer quietly", it's against our nature, and no amount of lecturing about "entitlement" can change that. If we feel we've been wronged somehow, we'll react, some of us by lashing out on the Internet, others by lashing out in RL. The point is simply ignoring the problem and hoping it goes away isn't an option.