Gingerbeardman #fundie #homophobia

Assalaamu Alaykum,

To answer your initial question,

It is not having homosexual desires, or even acting upon them which takes a person outside the fold of islam, but it is the belief that such desires are acceptable or correct and Islam is wrong to condemn such actions. As for homosexuals being 'cured.' Yes it can happen. As someone active in Dawah I know of 4 homosexuals who embraced islam, 2 went straight eventually, 1 still struggles and the other turned back to disbelief as couldn't accept his desires were wrong, and needed help, he wanted to be homosexual and state it was ok and still be muslim at the same time.

When we explained this was not possible he chose his desires over following Allaah. This is his choice, this is the choice you also need to make. Struggle against your desires, perhaps to overcome them, or perhaps to struggle all your life for an ever lasting reward in jannah, or give up on Allaah and fall into disbelief. I've also come across quite a few 'camp' Muslim brothers, who if they'd grown up as disbelievers would no doubt be stereotyped as homosexuals and railroaded into that type of lifestyle choice, however because they were raised in good muslim homes they've not acted upon this and have the support not to do so.

Now you state if you had the choice, you'd choose straight. So if you wish to live such a lifestyle cut yourself off totally from those who pull you the wrong direction, live a life of emaan reinforcing actions and speech and eventually these desires will decrease. But you have to make an effort to try, not just deny it is possible because the prevalent society around you thinks this is so but you I assume don't accept their viewpoint on a number of other matters as a Muslim so why this one just because it reinforces your desires?



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