Vox Day #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia voxday.net

[From “Australia Abandons Free Speech”]

It’s fascinating how these states that literally go to war and invade other countries over “freedom” so rapidly abandon it in certain circumstances:

Laws banning the Nazi salute and the display or sale of symbols associated with terror groups came into effect in Australia on Monday as the government responds to a rise in antisemitic incidents following the Israel-Gaza war[…]

Well, that should certainly put an end to the risk that the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei will rise from the ashes of its defeat after 79 years and take power Down Under! Thank goodness Australian politicians are on guard against the risk of a political blitzkrieg. It’s rather like how the EU is all about “democracy”, unless the people vote against the dictates of their unelected superstate

Clown World is just relentlessly fake and gay. Never, ever, believe a single thing that the clowns say about their supposed principles or motivations. It is nothing but lies all the way down to the Hell out of which they climbed

You may be interested to note that the Bing AI image generator is now blocking prompts that contain the phrase “rainbow wigs”. The original prompt for this image was: demonic clowns wearing rainbow wigs climbing out of a huge fiery pit. Dark fantasy style, red glow. It was blocked, and based on some additional experimentation, I believe it was the connection of “demonic” with “rainbow”

Clown World fears memes because Clown World relies upon lies and memes point toward the truth. So, as Sun Tzu said: meme them until they block your prompt, then meme them some more



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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