
True Freethinker #fundie americanthinker.com

The only theocracy America is under threat of is a satanocracy! Just about every government decision has gone against Christians from Roe v Wade to gay marriage being pushed by judges as well as the media.

Society is in freefall and its not Christians who are trying to change things, we're the only ones trying to stand in the gap and maintain any sense of society as liberals try to tear down everything that holds a civilization together.

Gozza #fundie americanthinker.com

You have hit the nail on the head. The left/gays do not want the issue of anal sex to be discussed because they know that most normal people find it repulsive or at least consider it abnormal. Academia, MSM, Hollywood, all present gays as intelligent, stylish, cool, sophisticated people, but the thing that actually defines gays : anal sex, is never to be mentioned. And as we have seen with A&E, anyone who does mention it will face their wrath. If society would openly discuss what they actually do, then the coolness of homosexuality will disappear.

Jepha Hor #homophobia americanthinker.com

I've always thought that if the homosexual movement had any courage of its convictions, it would've stood by the "pedophile" priests and lauded them as "initiators of the young" into "something beautiful"--or faaaabyuluss--as well as hailing them as brave infiltrators of a hostile institution.

Hence, when I hear of India's recriminalizing sodomy, I can only say "JAI HIND"!

Ms_Scotty #fundie americanthinker.com

The rate of true pedophilia in the Catholic priesthood is lower than in the general population. The vast majority of predators were practicing homosexuals who never should have been in he priesthood to begin with. Since the New York Times, Washington Post, etc., will never, ever EVER say anything negative about homosexual behavior, voila! "Pedophile priests"!

Robert Oscar Lopez #fundie americanthinker.com

At Christmastime, those of us who can see the truth about these gay issues face multiple conflicts. The world believes that we are full of what Anthony Kennedy calls "animus." We are increasingly pathologized as haters or else criminalized as the purveyors of discrimination. Our politicians surrendered us for thirty pieces of silver from the Human Rights Campaign and Paul Singer long ago, while religious leaders either cave, as did most Methodists and reform Jews, or else cut ties to us to save themselves the bother, as have many Catholic and Anglican leaders.

The LGBT lobby has been ruthless about intruding into all our relationships both personal and professional to indoctrinate people in its sexual ideology. It doesn't matter that this ideology of biological determinism and sexual abandon destroys gays themselves, as well as the people around them who feel the fallout from their depression, sexually transmitted diseases, eating disorders, anxiety, exploitation, sexual assault, domestic violence, and suicide -- all the trademarks of a gay world that has been decaying from within while its self-appointed lobbyist overseers bicker with the outside world about same-sex marriage.

The more resources the LGBT lobby has shifted from reforming gay culture to erecting a façade of suburban marital normalcy that precious few gays can ever really obtain, the gloomier and unhappier gay people have become as individuals.

Yet to bear witness on this topic is relentlessly painful. The LGBT lobby has warped my relationship with students, my relationship with gay friends, my relationship with the press, my relationship with bosses at the university, my relationship with readers, and saddest of all, my relationship with my own family. My relatives, all well-intended liberal devotees of the New York Times, will believe what Frank Rich or Maureen Dowd writes about gays before they believe me, their own brother. Of the large brood fostered by our sprawling family tree, only I knew of my mother's sexuality from early on and viewed her partner as a second mother; not coincidentally, only I ended up coming out as queer and living a queer life.

"Let's agree to disagree," they say, when the topic of Governor Brown's signing a ban on ex-gay therapy comes up. "That's how you see it, but not necessarily how it is," they say, when I tell them about the epidemic of homosexual rape in the military, something I witnessed firsthand because I was the only one who served in the armed forces. "My gay friends tell a different story," they say, when I try to open up about what really happened between 1984, when I was first introduced to gay sex at the age of thirteen, and 1999, when I fell in love with the woman who would become my wife. "You've always been one to exaggerate." And at last, on the issue of our own mother, "I don't feel comfortable talking about this."

To bear witness and speak honestly means, sometimes, having to feel pain at the hands of people you love. In a time of chocolate cookies, fireplace stockings, and wrapping paper, I wish that John 5:13 didn't remind me that these are among the things that God expects us to surrender if it means we must speak a truth that others do not want to hear.

Wyatt Junker #conspiracy americanthinker.com

The Chaotic Variations

We have a conductor in the White House and the media are his orchestra. Whatever the conductor does, whichever way he moves his hand, the horns move in that direction. The conductor sets the tempo by forming an invisible shape in the air with his hand. When the conductor cues for an accelerando, the music speeds up. The conductor is also in charge of dynamics. When the conductor raises his arms to gesture grandioso the amount of air blowing into the wind instruments per cubic inch of lung volume increases, and likewise, to soften the orchestra to pianissimo, the conductor again traces back down with his limbs to quiet the noise.

So let's turn to Syria.

Right now we have a very good orchestra. By 'very good' I mean one that minds their conductor like no other before it ever has. It was merely last month, September, when Mr. Red Line was bailed out of having to act by Russia's dictator. Oh, there were caveats, of course, John Kerry would *ahem, cough* follow up with the compliance process of eliminating WMD. Well? Here we are only a few weeks later and it's as if none of this ever happened. But this is the conductor at work. He does this with everything. Regarding Syria, its pianissimo. Shhhh. Cuing the media, the conductor looks at his loyal White House brigade of followers and takes his hands and lowers them. Obediently, they all follow suit, almost mechanically, lowering their worshipful heads like trained animals. They don't want to embarrass their conductor.

But then, he quickly removes the composition off his music stand, rips the pages off altogether as they go falling off to the side and throws a new piece up. His hands start moving wildly in the air again. Distraction. Movement. Crisis. Energy. Get the heads looking over here again, look at me, Obama. The government WILL DEFAULT! Panic. We need more debt piled onto more debt or else we'll artificially crash the system, as if asking for more debt isn't crashing the system already. But for that logic to emerge would be impossible because the trumpets are so loud you can't hear anything else from the orchestra. Cymbals are crashing, drums are roaring, Obama's hands are dramatically waving from the shoulder joint itself in huge looping arcs.

There's no such thing as follow through or accountability. Anything this president says -- red lines, budgets, spending, his own healthcare law -- it's all crashing down around him and he just keeps on repeating inane non-truths. But alas, that too is the role of a good conductor. Monotone, the repetition of a single note, over and over, even as it numbs the mind of most, it will certainly sooth the hearts of his most dedicated faithful, the true believers.

Again, Syria. Not as if I care for that particular piece of geographical real estate or the people who inhabit it. However, only a few weeks ago the president was making sure all the rest of us were aware, and did. If there's only one thing greater than this president's ideological agenda, it is his own personal pride and arrogance. Not wanting to be put into a position where his own tough-guy words would turn him out as a wimp (red line), he had to pretend to be internationally macho like the guy who needs his friends to physically pull him back from a fight while he shouts brave assertions. Don't worry -- your orchestra pit is always there, sir. All you have to do is wave your arms around. We all know your base has the attention span of a gnat.

And before I forget, there is another term worth mentioning: Klangfarbenmelodie, defined as the technique of altering the tone color of a single note or musical line by changing from one instrument to another in the middle of a note or line. Well played sir. If the lulling of the stringed instruments starts to put us to sleep, it's easy enough to crash your gong to wake us all up, as all egomaniac children are apt to do if they don't get their way.

Oxbowridge #fundie americanthinker.com

I would roughly estimate that 85% of all in the legal profession are godless people who don't read the Bible, who laugh at it. I think I am rather safe with this figure of 85%. They only show up at churches on the rarest of occasions for some marriages, an occasional christening, or a funeral. And this is only for show, for keeping up appearances and making sure not to lose any potential ground in the climbing the greasy pole of societal status.

They have no moral foundation.

They don't understand this simplest of facts of the life we are given: No God = you have made yourself god.

All that matters is their six figure salaries, bonuses, what they drive, financial portfolios, what vacation property they own, career progression, who they knife in the back to get ahead, and who they can destroy through the power of the law.

The "Fruits of the Spirit?" They probably think that a term that organic gardeners use.

I have nothing but disdain for our legal professions, the law schools who produce them, and the faculty that is scum at these law schools.

I trust no lawyer.

Just as I trust no man who cannot produce, build, grow, repair with his own hands.

MommySher #homophobia #fundie americanthinker.com

The only purpose behind homosexual so-called "marriage" is the destruction of the family. It is all tied in with the Marxist, communist, socialist, progressive - whatever the totalitarian dictators are currently calling themselves - thieves of our liberties latest power grab.

The family is God's idea. It is His creation of the basic building block of an orderly society, for the rearing and protection of children. He created the family as the basic unit of government; the father as head of the family is supposed to be directly answerable to God. But man in his foolishness didn't want God telling him what to do; so he bands together with like minded fools in rejection of God and elects a government made up of the biggest fools in the pack and is answerable to theminstead. And in his mind he has made progress. Government (men) seeks its own power and wants no competition, so anything with the fingerprint of God on it must go. Therefore, Christianity must be outlawed and the family must be destroyed.

Today's fools think they are at the brink of a new Utopia. It looks like they are winning, but they can't win because they've already lost. They lost 2000 years ago when my Lord Jesus Christ died on a Roman cross and rose up again three days later. That doesn't mean that the ride won't get a little rough once in a while, so hang onto your hats!

I personally think that the United States has been assigned to the dustbin of history. The higher you rise the harder you fall and I believe that we are going to leave the biggest crater ever left by a fallen civilization.

Titus Greenwood #fundie americanthinker.com

I say let the Blue States go in peace. I'm not the first to say this on AT, but I agree with it. Let the Blue States have all the GUN CONTROL they want. Let them have all the ILLEGAL ALIENS they want. Let them have all the ELFARE FREELOADERS, those who refuse to work and ride the free bus! Let the Blue States have all the LIBERAL SOCIALISM they want. They won't need a army or navy because they'll need what money they can print to PAY for everyone who refuses to work. Let em have HOLLYWOOD and Alec Baldwin, Demi Moore, Danny Glover and all them Leftist fools who think they got it so bad in what was, a good, decent and God fearing nation! Let them have all the DETROIT'S, CHICAGO'S, LOS ANGELES'S and such places, that are decaying and rotting under the CORRUPTION and CRIME wrought by LIBERAL SOCIALISM. Let the 0BAMA'S, CLINTON'S, KERRY'S, REID'S and PELOSI'S of this Liberal Socialist utopia, RULE over their "subjects." Where only the police (hell they won't need them either) have guns and EVERYONE gets SNAP cards! Let em have 0bama as their Supreme Ruler. But as for ME, I want to live in a FREE nation, where FREEDOM and FREE ENTERPRISE are the norm. A nation where the CONSTITUTION is the core of law and honored and respected. A nation where ALL are equal under the law and have the opportunity to reach for the stars! Not a place where the government tells me how big a TOILET TANK I can buy, or where the government tells me how big my soft drink can be. I want to live in a country, where the PEOPLE tell the government what THEY can do, not the other way around.

Jan LaRue #homophobia #wingnut #fundie americanthinker.com

Thomas Jefferson, call your office. Five lawyers on the Supreme Court have issues with your handiwork.

A revised version of the Declaration is the inevitable outcome of their opinions in the same-sex "marriage" cases hammered down on Wednesday in Windsor v. United States and Hollingsworth v. Perry.

For those who think those rulings are merely about an insignificant "social issue," think again. In the words of the Prophet Isaiah:

"Justice is turned back, and righteousness stands far off. For truth has stumbled in the public square, and honesty cannot enter. Truth is missing, and whoever turns from evil is plundered."

For starters, Mr. Jefferson, "appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions," even when it comes to marriage created by our "Creator" is so 1776.

You and your 55 cosignors of the Declaration didn't get this line right either:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

So five wise guys and gals, not to be confused with Solomon, tweaked it, finding their inspiration in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Their revised standard version reads:

"We hold these delusions to be pretty darn clear that all people are whatever the heck they self-identify as, regardless of biology or DNA, endowed by their Supreme Judges with life, except, of course, for the unborn; liberty, meaning "the right to define one's own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life," as long as it doesn't offend the moral judgment of the Supreme Judges whose moral judgments trump those of their Subjects."

Justice Anthony ("Swinging") Kennedy wrote the incoherent majority opinion in Windsor, throwing out Section 3 of DOMA. That section defines the term "marriage" as one man and one woman "for all purposes under federal law, including the provision of federal benefits."


Thus, gay-enhancing states get to decide who gets federal benefits. If you can't connect the states' liberty dots to federal benefits, you obviously attended the wrong law school.

A supermajority of a bipartisan Congress enacted DOMA, which was signed into law by former President Bill Clinton in 1996. According to Kennedy, they were blinded by a desire to "demean," "harm," "injure," and "degrade" "same-sex couples" who were "married" somewhere.

It was a banner day for Kennedy and his chutzpah cabal. Where did Congress get the idea that it can decide who gets federal benefits?


Justice Scalia's dissenting opinion in Windsor unmistakably sounds the death knell for the right of self-rule enshrined in the Declaration and Constitution:

"By formally declaring anyone opposed to same-sex marriage an enemy of human decency, the majority arms well every challenger to a state law restricting marriage to its traditional definition."

aposematic #fundie americanthinker.com

With the traitorous Senate pushing, without reading for Marxists' sake, Bills designed to destroy America's Middle Class turning America into Cuba, or possibly worse, North Korea. Add the weakest Speaker of the House, or is he just another Master deceiver, in America's short 237 year History and what is left but enslavement to the raping and pillaging ruling class now busy with locking their subjects' chains. ObumaNOcare is the straw that broke America's back. This so called Immigration Reform Bill, in reality Amnesty with open borders welcoming the world's most despicable, is America's lethal injection.

liljenborg #fundie americanthinker.com

Religious right organizations have been fighting for father's rights. They have been fighting against the no-fault divorce laws that make it easy for women to walk out on husbands and stick them with ludicrous child support payments. They build family counseling centers and educate counselors who try to help those struggling to hold families together, many times, simply attending a church or even a bible study can help encourage "uncooperative" spouses. Values organizations are striving against the "hook-up" culture so prevalent in the American single's scene, college and high-school campi to prevent people un-ready for parenthood and marriage from getting into bed with eachother. They are fighting tooth and nail against the Planned Parenthood "safe sex" blather that encourages getting girls pregnant (and then turns a profit offering those women "family planning services" to end or take advantage -read: welfare and child support- of those surprise pregnancies).

And don't discount finding Jesus. You'll never imagine how much finding God's grace can bring healing and fix problems until you let it go to work in you. Yes, "the woman who got pregnant" screwed you in a multitude of ways, but letting Jesus deal with all the bitterness you're still carrying around will improve your life dramatically.

CharlieSlate #wingnut americanthinker.com

I like to say that liberals come in three flavors - like in a half-gallon of softened ice cream where the strawberry blends into the vanilla and the vanilla into the chocolate. On one side are the evil/arrogant; next come the arrogant/ignorant; next the ignorant/stupid. Obama, Pelosi, Reed, etc are the first group. Any collection of NYTimes reading, brie-eating, all-natural, fart-through-silk Westport Stupid Yuppie Scum fill out the broad middle. The last group is typified by the Congressional Black Caucus.

FeralCat #wingnut americanthinker.com

Dear Leader Emperor Barack Hussein Louie Benito Hugo Issuzu Obama's songbun system: The population of Dear Leader Barack Obama's developing Democratik People’s Republik of Amerika can be roughly divided into three tiers, and ones place in these tiers is called Obama songbun (based on North Korea's songbun system). An individual's Obama songbun is based on ones position at the time of Obama's ascendancy from questionable circumstances of birth to presidential occupation. Kenyan Obama himself, his Klingon wife and ruling party members, largely comprised of the capos of Rahm, Axelrod, Reid, Pelosi and the Kennedy family and their sub-capos, are the main elite. People who helped to bankrupt the nation while lining their own pockets are at the next level in the songbun hierarchy and often have high committee positions in congress or are appointed to cabinet and czar positions and other high offices. The lowest Obama songbun group is comprised of an as yet to be determined number of distinct classes, each with lower Obama songbun then the next. Tea Party members, conservative blog writers, conservative talk show hosts, Christians, and people who still believe in Ayn Rand's philosophy of individual rights and free enterprise or in the soon to be completely outdated U.S. Constitution and it's guarantee of the right of free speech and assembly have the lowest Obama songbun, and consequentially will occupy a role analogous to India's untouchables.

FeralCat #fundie americanthinker.com

Adherents to the House of Obama are fundamentally and unalterably opposed to the survival of the Constitution of the United States, and most particularly it's Bill of Rights. The House of Obama is based on the teachings of Karl Marx, Benito Mussolini, Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, the Queen of Hearts and Joe Isuzu. The House of Obama commands that democrats carry out mendacity, calumny and psychosis indefinitely against all opponents until the House of the Constitution, which is alien to The House of Obama, is not tolerated, and all Americans are brought under the complete domination of the House of Obama, where Obamariah is strictly enforced.

amerigal1 #fundie americanthinker.com

It's not our products or materials that make America great. I'm not throwing in the towel with those who have made a choice to disown their heritage and have chosen to forget the ideals that make up the great country we live in. hussein obama is hitler, a disaster, a toxic substance dredged up from the pits of hell made to look like every grifter's, revenge artist's and loser's savior and friend. America didn't forget itself----hussein obama spoke to the basest, most self centered desires of human beings. He plays and dotes on corrupting all that is good and decent. Those who chose him and chose to cheat for him have their reward. Most Americans are still good people who love this country. I don't believe that we are "done" or have forgotten who we are. I just don't buy it. And I don't buy the last "And it did." I've become very suspect of posters who at the end of their diatribe seem to be saying, It's all over, Give up!" Perhaps that's not what you intended, but it seems that way to me.

Jacobite #fundie americanthinker.com

After WW I, many German veterans got together to form Freikorps, to look after their interests. These groups were instrumental in crushing the Left in the streets later. US vets should do the same. Between Clinton and O'bwana, the highest levels of the US military are already lost.

FeralCat #fundie americanthinker.com

A radical Christian would be one who deviated radically from the teachings of Christ. Examples would be Adolf Hitler, Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi. A radical Muslim would be one who deviated radically from the teachings of Mohammad. Examples would NOT BE Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda, the Taliban, Major Hansen and the Boston Bombers as they all did just what Mohammad taught.

michael #homophobia #fundie americanthinker.com

You normally DO have trouble following logic that fails to coincide with your convoluted view of the world. Someday, when you finish grad school, maybe you can move to REALVILLE where reality matters and not what some silver ponytail prof. feeds you. Your biggest "trouble" is understanding ANTONIUS' religious faith and his core beliefs. Atheists rarely understand, you are no exception. Homosexual marriage, in REALVILLE will lead to a complege breakdown of our society. After all, once Homosexual marriage is the law of the land, it won't be long before perverts are dragging a 9-year old down the isle. And, some creep in a dress, will "marry" them. After all, it's their "lifestyle" and their "right." Or how about some dude who wants to "marry" his dog, or his "horse?" Isn't that a "lifestyle" choice as well? How about you Adam? Do you want to marry a man, dog, or maybe your pet rat? Wouldn't it be your "right?" BLUF: Once homosexual marriage is the law of the land, there is NOTHING to stop the above illustrated situations? Is that what you and your grad school cronies want?

Lightbringer #fundie americanthinker.com

[P]lease allow me to offer you a history lesson. My credentials go back nearly 3400 years, when my ancestors accepted God's laws at the foot of Mount Sinai; we Jews have seen civilizations come and go for a long time. And it is obvious that civilizations which appeared much greater than our little, poor, weak, and ever so unfashionable group, such as that of the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Romans, the Persians, the Babylonians, and many others, are no longer there, and we are, still keeping those silly laws that we delusionally believe some sort of divinity gave us once upon a time. One of those silly laws, adopted by our daughter religions Christianity and Islam, forbids homosexuality. Do you think that this might have some bearing on the short lives of those greater civilizations and perhaps on our longevity? Is it even the slightest bit possible that God controls history, and men do not?

Selwyn Duke #conspiracy americanthinker.com

And whatever Barack Obama is presently, I don't believe he will be a legitimate president come January 20.

This is why Congressman Allen West was right not to concede his Florida race. And, frankly, if Romney believes that the election may have been stolen nationally, he should withdraw his concession.



Yes, but so is vote fraud on the scale perpetrated by Obama's minions. And people needn't fear creating a national crisis - we are already in a national crisis. The only question is whether good Americans will stand and be counted or allow 2012 to mark our official descent into banana-republic status.

RealityObserver #conspiracy americanthinker.com

You have been WHERE the last few decades?

The goal of the "Green" movement is - reduce the "excess" population, let Gaia "heal" from the horrible "wounds" inflicted upon her by mankind.

Of course, part of that is eliminating the "unfit" and "impure" - by any means necessary, either before or after birth.

Sounds VERY National Socialist to me.

Chestertonian #fundie americanthinker.com

It's far worse than the article indicates. Secular humanism is only a tactic, not the goal. The progressive left is the world's biggest Gnostic cult. Scientism is their philosopher's stone; the "Lost Word" seeking to transform lead into gold, a metaphor of turning humanity into gods (or Transhumans) and immanentizing the Eschaton (we are the ones we've been waiting for..."fundamental transformation"). Science is magic and miracle in this system. Witness the "transhumanists" and the quest for immortality. The calls for a "scientific dictatorship" from HG Wells to Richard Dawkins.

When "citizen of the world" Barack Obama told an eager Berlin audience that he saluted the "divine spark within us all" he was simply reiterating the Gnostic cosmogony spoken against by St. Paul and St. John in the New Testament.

In this worldview, it is compassionate to abort babies, since material existence is the true evil and who would wish to punish women with babies, or punish babies with existence. Pessimism is the surest sign of Gnosticism. This world is not a good world corrupted in the fall of man, you see. This world is evil because it's materiality is itself "separation from the Divine Spirit". Material wealth is the sign of a necessary evil (necessary for the Gnostic gospel to proceed in all realms of influence); that, unless used to spread the ancient anti-philosophy of the Luciferians, must be countered, confiscated and defeated.

The family, faithful Churches, true philosophy and patriotism are all impediments and delusions in this system: delusions that keep the ignorant (non-Gnostics) from embracing their truest selves, which is as an emanation of the "collective soul". Individualism is evil because it hides the "true nature of reality" (we are One) in selfishness. Therefore, individual salvation does not and can not exist. Recall Mr. Obama's assertion that his individual salvation was dependent not upon himself or his "god" but upon collective salvation. This is the root of the progressive faith that government must solve all problems...the "collective will" must solve all problems.

The secularist pose is just that, a pose. The goal is Luciferianism, complete with rituals, sacrifices and a new age (ancient) hodgepodge of mythos that all, metaphorically and symbolically, tell the same fundamental story: "ye shall be as gods."

Witness the ease with which the left literally idolizes their leaders, from the cult of Rousseau, Napolean; Lenin; Stalin; Mussolini; Hitler; through the "self-actualization" cults of Astarte in the 20's to Guyana, the Family, the Process Church, the Manson cult and Heaven's Gate; to the faux-Greek "Throne of Pergamum" complete with rays-of-the-sun emanation/iconography for the One, Barack Obama. Even the pop versions today and their admiring press calls them "rock gods" and "Divas."

We're in big, big trouble folks. This isn't secularism.

pvzecchino #fundie americanthinker.com

Agree. As you say, God always has the last word and this will be no exception.

The Left is fulfilling satan's lie told to the first couple, that were they to do as he suggested, they'd be just like God. That's all the Left wants to be: God.

But it can't so instead it mimics God in perverse, horrific manner. Two hundred million dead during the last century is a prime example of its toxic mimicry.

The smug Left thinks it's unique. It's not. It's doomed.

Mark Musser #conspiracy americanthinker.com

It has been recently revealed that the EPA has far surpassed the dark humor of blowing up kids and people on film that global warming scare-mongers promoted a few years back. In real life, the EPA has been conducting human experiments on people by piping diesel fumes from a running truck mixed with air into their lungs at a North Carolina university. The agency has ginned up yet another green crusade -- the lethal dangers of diesel fumes. They even had a gas chamber set up to accommodate the environmental research project that shockingly recalls the death camps in Poland.

Not surprisingly, the EPA is now in the process of being sued for conducting dangerous experiments on human guinea pigs. The courts will decide whether or not serious laws and practices were violated, including the international Nuremberg Code that was set up after sixteen Nazi doctors were executed for medical terrorism. After the barbaric fallout of Nazi Germany, where many people were treated like experimental animals, the Nuremberg Code was designed to be an international governing set of principles to regulate the practice of human experimentation. The whiff of the Jewish holocaust is therefore unmistakable.


Rudolf Hoess was SS. The SS was the greenest faction of the Nazi Party. It was run by Heinrich Himmler, who was an animal lover, vegetarian, and organic farming enthusiast. Himmler detested hunting. In an instructional letter sent to Dachau Concentration Camp and Ester-wegen, Himmler stated, "I wish the SS and the police also will be exemplary in the love of nature. Within the course of a few years the property of the SS and the police must become paradises for animals and Nature." In many ways, the SS was Hitler's "green" praetorian guard.

Both Hoess and Himmler belonged to a proto-Nazi wandervogel youth group called the Artamanens. The wandervogels of the early 20th century in Germany were nature-loving youth groups that promoted many green ideas and practices. Artaman basically means "country man," with certain racial-indigenous connotations.


While no one died in the EPA's gas chambers, the agency is increasingly acting like proverbial wolf in sheep's clothing. Under the guise of acting on behalf of everyone's health, the EPA has crossed a pathological line where people have been potentially treated like experimental animals under questionable methods that conjure up the horrors of the holocaust. More telling is the EPA subjected human beings to a concoction of diesel fumes that it already said was lethal. If the EPA were truly concerned about human health, they would not have performed such experiments on more than forty people in the first place.

This sounds familiar

I swear I heard this in 2004 and 2008, but that can't be right.

Stella Paul #wingnut #conspiracy americanthinker.com

Will Obama Keep Power 'by Any Means Necessary'?

Let's go there: if Obama thinks he's losing, will he allow safe and fair elections on November 6? And if he does lose, will he peacefully turn over power to Mitt Romney on January 20, 2013? Or will he cling to power "by any means necessary," as a highly placed insider alleges?

Now, I'm truly sorry to raise such disgusting, un-American, crazy-sounding questions, but, alas, they're not crazy, and I've got a disquieting amount of evidence. The Democrats have already accused Romney of murdering a woman with cancer, financial felonies, and not filing taxes for ten years -- the last charge delivered by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on the Senate floor, on the basis of absolutely no evidence whatsoever.

By Democrat standards, I've got enough proof to put away Obama, et al. for life without parole.

Whatever chicanery Obama and his investors may be contemplating, it will probably unfold against some gargantuan crisis, manufactured or otherwise.

Standing+Wolf #wingnut americanthinker.com

I started thinking of Marxism as a religion in the 1980s. It has a set of holy books, schisms, revered leaders, an exclusionary attitude toward all other beliefs, fanatic followers who believe they're entitled to win converts by force, its own set of codified moral values, rituals, a hierarchic priesthood of annointed leaders, et cetera. It's since occurred to me it's not a religion, but an anti-religion. Marxism mimics religions in many ways, but considering its only actual purpose is to put and keep Marxists in power rather than improve or uplift the lives of its followers, I've had to refer to it as an anti-religion. Is that a worthy distinction to draw? Is that quibbling, or a significant difference?

I started to doubt the purported "science" behind so-called "anthropogenic global warming" almost as soon as I heard about it and saw the proposed "solution." Carbon dioxide is supposed to be toxic when that's what plants use to generate oxygen? Fossil fuels are going to wreck the planet, so we need governments the world over to take charge of even more aspects of our daily lives? It sounded like a con, a scam, a hustle, an elaborate pseudo-scientific lie—which is what it's turned out to be, of course.

Is AGW a religion, or a cult within the Marxist anti-religion? Is self-styled "environmentalism" actually a whole and complete belief system in and of itself? Much as Germany's numerous, well oranized nature worshippers of the 1930s jumped on the Nazi band wagon, I have a hunch "environmentalism" or "greenism" is more like a cult than a whole religion or anti-religion. If it's not a cult, would it add clarity to regard it as a sub-set of Marxism or a Marxist front that masquerades as a respectable ideology? It seems to me "environmentalism" supports Marxism in an indirect way: collective "thinking" and tyranny are the goal, and the fake "scientific" means is almost interchangeable with Marxist fake "history" and fake "scientific socialism."

I doubt I'll ever understand why so many people embrace lies when facts and genuine scientific hypotheses are so much simpler.

irnee #fundie americanthinker.com

Here in Baltimore, a mosque has just been approved right in the center of the most orthodox area in town. I don't understand it. It's a beautiful old home right on the corner of a large lawn and my husband told me the neighboring synagogue said they are going to work with them in the community. What?

Oh, that's right, silly me, most of the synagogue members also vote for Owebama. It gives me the creeps just driving by imagining it. God help us.

journey #racist americanthinker.com

This country is regressing under little Barry/Holder. Barry acts, thinks, and talks like an African king. What is the real level of little barry’s IQ/intelligence? Very difficult to know since he got into all those elite schools and was president of Harvard Law Review due to being black/AA and nothing else. He runs everything/all decisions exclusively through Valarie Jarrett, another inexperienced know nothing = pure insanity. This country is being run by two black inexperienced know nothings, incredible! All black majority controlled nations, inner cities = chaos, corruption, high crime, living on handouts, a complete dismal mess. So the question is asked, how does this country benefit by putting blacks into position of power? Very dangerous delusional game this country is playing. This country can still save itself by electing R+R into office, deporting all illegals, mandatory birth control on Hispanics/blacks to bring back a 90% white majority.

Janet Levy #fundie americanthinker.com

[A Mosque Is Not Like a Church or a Synagogue]

The marked proliferation of mosques in the U.S. since 9/11 should raise a red flag for Americans. Recent controversies surrounding mega-mosque construction projects countrywide -- many in locations with almost no Muslims to speak of -- have grave implications for the future of these targeted communities and areas beyond.

Accelerated mosque-building -- in Murfreesboro, Tennessee; Staten Island, Brooklyn, and Ground Zero, New York; and Santa Clara and Temecula, California, to name a few -- carries significance beyond the mere construction of a collection of Muslim houses of worship. It represents yet another orchestrated effort to oust traditional American values and replace them with Islamic practices, laws, and beliefs.
Although most U.S. mosques heretofore have been built without resistance, the newly attendant controversies present speciously polarized views between, on the one hand, ostensibly welcoming, tolerant, multi-culti progressives who deny any possible radical agenda despite substantial evidence to the contrary in existing mosques and, on the other hand, so-called fearful, Islamophobic, ignorant bigots unwilling to embrace diversity. Mainstream media's predominant point of view is that any opposition to mosque-building represents a blatant unwillingness to integrate Muslims into American communities. This view disallows the possibility that such objections represent appropriate, reasoned responses to an attempt to destroy America from within and supplant its culture with a supremacist, totalitarian, and misogynistic ideology.

Islamic terrorism expert Steven Emerson, executive director of the Investigative Project for Terrorism, attributes the spate of mosque-building and land acquisition to the Muslim American Society (MAS), an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood. Emerson contends that the MAS has been actively buying up property and establishing mosques to control the appointment of imams who "distribute the message they believe is necessary to spread Islam around the world."

It should be noted that a mosque is totally unlike a church or a synagogue, entities that serve their communities under the law of the land and are both empowered and restrained under the First Amendment of the Constitution. Under the Establishment Clause of that amendment, the government is prohibited from establishing a state religion or conferring preferential treatment on one religion over another. Although the government may not interfere with religious beliefs and opinions, the proscription of religious practices is permissible, as in the examples of polygamy and human sacrifice.

In the U.S. and in other Western countries, Christians and Jews freely and critically choose their brand of theology from a multitude of ecclesiastic offerings and determine their individual levels of religious observance or none at all. The exercise of faith and the observance of faith-related practices occur across a broad spectrum of individual behaviors based solely on personal choice.

In Muslim countries, no separation exists between mosque and state. Islamic doctrine or sharia controls all aspects of a person's existence, from the correct way to use the toilet to permissible forms of lying, or taquiya. For Muslims, Mohammed is the perfect man, whose every example must be emulated, even though by Western Judeo-Christian standards he was a mass murderer, pedophile, rapist, torturer, and looter. Furthermore, Islamic doctrine is immutable, and any criticism of the traditions and practices of Mohammed is considered apostasy, which is punishable by death.

No free individual will exists or is allowed when it comes to practices and observances. Sharia must be strictly followed. A mosque is a symbol of this ultimate authority and serves the function of organizing every aspect of life in a Muslim community...

inspectorudy #racist americanthinker.com

[About the coming "race war."]

If it were only Blacks we might have a chance. But we know the Muslims are waiting for their big chance and who knows about the Mexicans. The average White person is so brainwashed that it will take the loss of a family member in each family before the fog lifts from their eyes. We are seeing the results of the Golden rule applied to evil monsters that do not know what the Golden rule is. By turning the other cheek we only lose both side of our collective faces.

wintertime1 #conspiracy americanthinker.com

More disturbing to me than having a likely usurper in the White House is that all of governors, state attorneys general, state secretaries of state, all law enforcement agencies, all federal and state senators and representatives, judges, all of the Marxist media and nearly all of the conservative media, and ( saddest of all) our very highest military, have done nothing to stop it. **That** is very scary! Indeed!

Our nation is in serious trouble. The usurper in the White House is merely a symptom of deep moral rot infecting nearly all of our cultural, legal, and political institutions. May God save our nation, I pray.

Pam Geller #fundie americanthinker.com

Did you know that the turkey you're going to enjoy on Thanksgiving Day this Thursday is probably halal? If it's a Butterball turkey, then it certainly is -- whether you like it or not.

...I discovered that only two plants in the U.S. that perform halal slaughter keep the halal meat separated from the non-halal meat, and they only do so because plant managers thought it was right to do so. At other meat-packing plants, animals are slaughtered following halal requirements, but then only a small bit of the meat is actually labeled halal.

Now here is yet more poisonous fruit of that scandal.

...Across this great country, on Thanksgiving tables nationwide, infidel Americans are unwittingly going to be serving halal turkeys to their families this Thursday. Turkeys that are halal certified -- who wants that, especially on a day on which we are giving thanks to G-d for our freedom? I wouldn't knowingly buy a halal turkey -- would you? Halal turkey, slaughtered according to the rules of Islamic law, is just the opposite of what Thanksgiving represents: freedom and inclusiveness, neither of which are allowed for under that same Islamic law.

Flavius_Maximus #conspiracy americanthinker.com

The Author is mistaken Obama is not a Natural Born Citizen. Justia is a Legal Document and Law Case History website which has become a Go To source for most bloggers and lawyers needing a quick resource for citation has deliberately tampered with the citations and text of case(s) that inure to Minor v. Happersett. This is the only Case that SCOTUS has ever ruled on that is directly on point to the requirements of Article 2 of the Constitution on the definition of a Natural Born Citizen! Yes, changing SCOTUS Case Documents is a Federal Crime, several members of the Legal Community are following up on this most grievous subversion of our Legal System.

This tampering occurred in the run up to the 2008 election, this SCOTUS case affirmed that Natural Born Citizens are children born to Citizens and are defined as the Mother and Father or Parent(s) must both be Citizens at the time of the Child's birth. In the case of an unknown Father the Mother's citizenship would be sufficient. Obama by releasing the truly flawed and faulted document declared himself ineligible to be President. Not to be one who would let a little trifle as this ruin his chances, he had the Federal Election Commission declare a "person" born under his circumstances declared a Citizen! Why let SCOTUS rule when he can do so by caveat, long live the KING.

An intriguing possibility If his Father was Frank Marshal Davis he would be a Natural Born Citizen. Sweet Irony Indeed, hoisted on his own Petard, Pity the Poor Fool that cannot tell the difference between a Turd and a Truffle!

Matthew Vadum #fundie americanthinker.com

Registering [the poor] to vote is like handing out burglary tools to criminals. It is profoundly antisocial and un-American to empower the nonproductive segments of the population to destroy the country -- which is precisely why Barack Obama zealously supports registering welfare recipients to vote.

scythe #racist americanthinker.com

Affirmative Action and Racial Profiling are one and the same. The profile justifies the action. Our 44th President was the beneficiary of racial profiling as well. Funny how profiling doesn't bother the usual jackals as long as it reaps large rewards for those at the receiving end. When Al Sharpton et al shout about how terrible it all is, they should be reminded that they wouldn't be where they are today if millions of stupid white people didn't profile him and others and conclude they must go to the head of the line. Haven't we had enough of the outright pretense and lies?

Tbert00 #racist americanthinker.com

Us Southerners get tired of hearing how badly we treat blacks by those up North who have no direct experience with what we have to put up with. Well, the world got a good look at just what we have to put up with on a daily basis in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina with blacks and low-class whites taking advantage of the chaos to loot business for flat screen TVs, jewelry, and other "necessities" for survival. You want to know the difference? The "white" people behaved themselves in the face of adversity. White to me is not just a skin color; it means responsible!

Prof. Michael Filozof #fundie americanthinker.com

The political strategy of conservatives and Republicans for the last several decades has been purely reactionary -- to wait for leftists in power to screw up, then reap the electoral rewards...But this strategy concedes the agenda to the left. At no time has the right actually been in control of the national agenda in any meaningful sense.

... By failing to form a militant conservative movement, defend bourgeois values, and suppress leftist radicalism, the right has created a monster. The left has already gotten nearly everything it wanted -- abortion, pornography, welfare, homosexual marriage, socialized medicine, a submissive and internationalist foreign policy, out-of-control federal spending, and federal interference in virtually every facet of American life.

... The right's strategy of conceding the national agenda to the left is exceedingly dangerous. The left's solutions to any one of a number of issues on the table -- deficit spending, cap-and-trade, energy security, Iran's nuclear program, illegal immigration -- could deal a mortal blow to the nation.

Bill Flax #homophobia #wingnut americanthinker.com

Gays have every bit as much right to get married as you or I. And in fact, they should.

A homosexual man has an identical right to take a woman in holy matrimony as may any other man. Likewise, the rest of us have just as little right to take some guy and pronounce him a bride. This isn't a question of differing rights. Our rights remain in perfect symmetry. Homosexuals are now and always have been permitted to marry[...]

It doesn't matter how many moral lines are breached, the homosexual activists will keep agitating because it's not persecution they resist, but internal loathing projected outward. Social mores are merely a scapegoat. Tradition and virtue represent punching bags on which to relieve their rage. In truth, the Left wants not for gays to marry so much as to abolish the very concept of marriage.

Marriage is the foundation of coherent society and the conduit distilling our fallen natures into civilized community. Many studies reveal the correlation between marriage and everything from income generation, our children's academic achievement and lower crime rates. Undercutting the family exemplifies folly. The conventional family offers society its best chance to excel[...]

Rather than seek to undermine such a foundational institution necessary for healthy society, homosexuals ought to get married. Marriage would temper their urges and channel their desires into something beneficial for both them and society at large.

J. Robert Smith #fundie americanthinker.com

Global warming adherents are simply replacing God -- Christian or otherwise -- with constructs of their own. It's quite remarkable that socialism or Marxism -- which are generally hostile to religion or faith, which lay claims to objectivity and reality, and which most global warming adherents are in sympathy with -- should fall into the hands of those who, despite their protestations, are decidedly antagonistic to the openness and dissent that in large part makes science science. Granted, socialism and Marxism are frauds (the latter especially), but they maintain some pretense of being reality-tested.

Global warming isn't a religion, not even figuratively. It more resembles a cult. In a couple of generations -- let's hope -- the global warming camp of our time will be seen clearly as having occupied the fringe of science; a heretical (in scientific terms) movement given to wild claims and inspired by a cultish fervency to convert fellow humans to their extreme beliefs -- findings and facts be damned.

Nancy Coppock #conspiracy americanthinker.com

Making an already weak economy even worse is the intent of the Cloward/Piven Strategy. It is imperative that we view the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan's spending on items like food stamps, jobless benefits, and health care through this end goal. This strategy explains why the Democrat plan to "stimulate" the economy involves massive deficit spending projects. It includes billions for ACORN and its subgroups such as SHOP and the Neighborhood Stabilization Program. Expanding the S-Chip Program through deficit spending in a supposed effort to "save the children" only makes a faltering economy worse.

If Congress were to allow a robust economy, parents would be able to provide for their children themselves by earning and keeping more of their own money. Democrats, quick to not waste a crisis, would consider that a lost opportunity.

Larrey Anderson #fundie americanthinker.com

For many on the left, environmentalism has become a religion, no real surprise there. But the reason for the need of some religion, any religion, to fill the spiritual void on the left is rarely discussed. This article will examine some of the implications, and complications, of the new green creed -- which is, in fact, an ancient creed. It was once called "paganism."

Allan J. Favish #wingnut americanthinker.com

Usually, children's books do not scare me. But I just read a children's book entitled "Barack" by Jonah Winter, with illustrations by AG Ford, published on September 30, 2008 by Katherine Tegen Books, an imprint of Harper Collins Publishers. "Barack's" dust jacket states that it is for children ages 4-7. This book scared me very much.

I am scared because of what this book will do to my daughter and other children who read it. My little girl is six and a half years of age. I will not allow her to read this book or have it read to her without my being able to explain to her what was omitted from the book. I will be checking with her school teachers for the next five years or so to make sure that she is not exposed to this book without the material that was omitted. To do otherwise would allow my child to become a victim of political deception.

Bruce Walker #wingnut americanthinker.com

College has long been bigoted toward conservatives. We have all seen it in the elevation of relatively untalented radical Leftists like Angela Davis, Ward Churchill, and William Ayers to professorships while genuine conservative scholars like Newt Gingrich were denied tenure. David Horowitz has built an entire organization simply to defend the individual rights of students against bullying by radical professors (professors, some of whom in their day overran college administration buildings and intimidated the campus faculty.)...

...Our colleges have adopted the same attitude toward intellectual inquiry and scholarly objectivity that colleges in the Soviet Union and in Nazi Germany. The Communist Party in the Soviet Union demanded, for example, that biologists use the fantastically silly theories of Lysenko, and those who did not ended up in the Gulag. The Nazi Party insisted that colleges use Nazi racial theories in every area of study, and with very few exceptions, the professors of Germany nodded in agreement.

Is Mein Kampus a more descriptive term for many colleges in America today? Once politically correct thinking was limited to those disciplines which deal directly with politics. Today biologists must have politically correct views on Darwinism, geologists must have politically correct views on global warming, and criminal justice professors must have politically correct views on President Bush.

A recent Zogby poll of Obama voters found disturbing (and controversial) results. These voters knew almost nothing at all, and that is hardly an exaggeration. I wonder how many of these voters graduated from college? I wonder how many of them teach at our colleges? I wonder how many of them spent their formative adult years in the bowels of Mein Kampus?

Bruce Walker #fundie americanthinker.com

The term "religious people" is meaningless. All people - especially militant anti-theists - are religious. The vital question is what one's religion believes. What I call "The Great Faith" of the Judeo-Christian heritage believes in a loving, good and just God - a Blessed Creator, as devout Jews might put it.

The history of Judeo-Christians is profoundly different than the history of other religious peoples, including religious anti-theists. The religious people of pre-Columbian American Mexico conquered other tribes simply to sacrifice them to Aztec gods. The religious people of Imperial Japan committed unspeakable crimes against the Chinese in following their national religion. The religious Nazis, who loathed passionately both Christianity and Judaism, committed unspeakable crimes against Jews, Poles and others. The religious anti-theists of Stalinist Russia and Maoist China murdered more than any other religion in history. And, of course, radical Islam murders indiscriminately.

No crimes of Judeo-Christians remotely approaches the holocausts of Aztecs, Japanese, Nazis, atheist Russia or atheist Japan. Why? Because all religions are not the same. Some religions are good and some religions are bad. Almost every single movement or belief which we now consider good originated in Christianity or Judaism. Abolitionism, prison reform, compassion for animals, equality before the law, medical science, systematic intellectual inquiry - nearly everything - traces back to a Christian or a Jew.

Timothy Birdnow #fundie americanthinker.com

Furthermore, we dont even see crossovers between the 5 Phylla (classes of animals) anywhere, at any time. Where are the giant mammaried mosquitos? Where are the snakes which deliver live young? I havent seen too many feathered fish around lately!

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