
Lubbock #fundie #homophobia libertydwells.com

You and many others completely miss the point of the militant Gay/Lesbian "community."

Remember, I said Militant.

If a Lesbian couple walk into my photography studio and start trying to book me to photograph their wedding, and I tell them that homosexuality is against my religious tenets, that based on my religious beliefs, I can't not photograph their wedding, the next day I get hit with a lawsuit for discrimination.

If two Gay men walk into my bakery and start picking out a wedding cake and I tell them that I do not do wedding cakes for Gay couples because it's against my religious principles, I get sued.

I don't know if you are truly not aware, or just willfully ignoring the fact that photographers and bakers have already been put out of business because of those exact scenarios. One of those [the photographer] was victim to that scenario in New Mexico, and the cake shop in Denver that refused to bake the cake is also out of business.

I haven't read the Arizona Bill, but from all accounts, it was poorly constructed. That may be so. I wouldn't know how to start to write a law that actually does give businesses the absolute right to refuse service and protect that business from a discrimination lawsuit if it refused to provide service to a Gay/Lesbian couple, based on the business owner's religious beliefs.

But I know that the Militant Gay/Lesbian "community" has successfully used a person's religious beliefs to hammer them into submission, and I know it isn't right.

If a Muslim cab driver will not allow a blind person into his cab with a guide dog, based on the Muslim belief that dogs are unclean, the Muslim cab driver should have the absolute right to refuse service.

To my knowledge, no Muslim cab driver has been sued, although many refuse to allow people with service dogs into their cabs.

Gays/Lesbians will not cross a Muslim. No way, no how, but it's open season on Christians, and that runs the gamut, every phase of Christian life is under assault, and not just from Gays and Lesbians, but they are the most vocal and the most militant.

The idea that so many have expressed is that a Gay/Lesbian couple will just go to another purveyor of service if that purveyor has strong religious beliefs about Homosexual marriage is silly.

They won't seek another purveyor, they will sue.

They have and they do and they will continue to sue.

DoctorDoom #homophobia libertydwells.com

Realityland to liberal: race is NOT equal to or even remotely similar to sexual "orientation". For one thing, an interracial marriage is a HETEROSEXUAL union, which you leftist losers conveniently fail to mention. For another, only a liberal interlekshal can equate absolutely normal but instantly recognizable biological traits with an abnormal sexual preference that is totally undetectable unless the queer is a flaming fairy.

When strolling down the sidewalk, one not need to be Sherlock Holmes to detect a black person. However, deducing that a person is homosexual is impossible unless the queer is making a blatant public display of it. If queers are "persecuted" (e.g., told by a baker that he will not do a cake for a queer 'wedding'), it is because the queers have freely chosen to reveal their homosexuality.

Thought food time: homosexuals who feel that they must publicly "out" themselves are not brave or courageous or daring. They are immature, insecure brats who crave attention and require public approbation for their "orientation". The concepts of self-respect, self-confidence and self-control are alien to them. Their behavior is akin to children shouting, "Mommy, lookit me. Lookit me! MOMMY!" It matters not a whit to them what people think of their antics and behavior, as long as they are noticed.

There is always an almost irresistible urge to open a 55-gallon drum of whupass on them.

DoctorDoom #homophobia libertydwells.com

[DoctorDoom cites the anti-gay Lambda Report on Homosexual Activism to show that most gay males have hundreds of sexual partners.]

Another tedious teenage troll from the FISTED septic tank defecates on our doorstep.

The "error":

24 percent of gay men had over 100 partners
43 percent of gay men had over 500 partners
28 percent of gay men had over 1000 partners

As written, it is vague. However, it is safe to conclude that each line is based on the percentage of gay men referred to in the previous line, i.e.:

1. 24 percent of gay men had over 100 partners
2. 43 percent of the men in line 1 had over 500 partners
3. 28 percent of the men in line 2 had over 1000 partners

IAC, the promiscuity of the gay "lifestyle" is not only well known and described in many citations in post #8, but it is defended by the extremists.

"Now there is a move toward claiming that this (promiscuity) is part of a different, perhaps even superior, way of managing sexual relationships... The assumption that it is desirable to have frequent and varied sex partners is increasingly seen as a positive part of gay life style."
-- Dennis Altman, "The Homosexualization of America, The Americanization of the Homosexual, (NY: St. Martin's Press, 1982) pp. 16-7

Gay liberation was founded on a "sexual brotherhood of promiscuity", and "any abandonment of that promiscuity would amount to a communal betrayal of gargantuan proportions."
-- Rotello, G. (1997). Sexual Ecology: AIDS and the Destiny of Gay Men. NY: Dutton

A "lifestyle" that consists largely of random sexual encounters with strangers and "cruising" for blowjobs or butthumping has nothing whatever to recommend it. There is not a trace of feeling, let alone love, in the daily quest for the next orgasm. In the respect of endless lust for new "partners", it's not much different than the heterosexual equivalent. However, gay sexual behavior is by its nature more dangerous in a medical sense.

Come back when you get through puberty, kid.

Timberwolf #fundie libertydwells.com

Then we also must consider Creation a Law. Think about it before you answer because evolution fails on one MAJOR item...WHERE matter/energy came from? Since the LAW of Thermodynamics states emphatically that energy (and therefore matter) can neither be created nor can it be destroyed by NATURAL means, evolution fails.

Take that thought to its logical conclusion.

DoctorDoom #racist libertydwells.com

Liberalosers cannot possibly defend that non-Caucasian sociopath [Obama] on his own merits. Therefore they must frame everything in terms of his skin color, and attack as racist anyone who isn't lined up for lip space on his tarpaper roll.

I was not a racist prior to the creation of the Obasshole myth. He has turned me into one, a vitriolic one at that. The "N-word" seldom crossed my lips, and I made an effort to see the best in everyone. No longer. He and the scumbags that he emboldened have turned me against them. Stormfront is looking more reasonable by the day.

DoctorDoom #conspiracy #homophobia libertydwells.com

Two possibilities: Jeffrey Curley or Jesse Dirkhising.

Crimes against gays become national headlines for months, e.g., the vicious, nightmarish murder of Matthew Shepard, the poster boy for hate crime legislation. His death is used to this day by activists to justify all kinds of oppressive legislation and activities against "homophobia". The fact that there was little evidence to support the charges of gay-bashing never interfered with the shameless, opportunistic exploitation of his death to support gay "rights".

OTOH, crimes BY gays are invariably suppressed or ignored. From the link above:

Jesse William Dirkhising (May 24, 1986 – September 26, 1999), also known as Jesse Yates, was an American teenager from Prairie Grove, Arkansas, who was kidnapped by two men who bound, drugged, tortured and repeatedly raped him. Dirkhising died from drugging and positional asphyxia during the ordeal.

Dirkhising's death received only regional media coverage until a Washington Times article ran a story nearly a month after his death, noting the lack of national coverage in contrast to that given to the 1998 death of Matthew Shepard.

Shepard died violently and became an idol solely because he was gay. Dirkhising died violently and his murder was ignored because his murderers were gay.

This same P/C-darling syndrome affects the coverage of black crime. When a black is killed by a white, it's nationwide news, e.g., Saint Skittles. The OAKM liberals trip over each other in their frenzy to find new ways to call the killer a racist.

When a black kills a white, e.g., the two monsters who shot to death a white baby in a stroller, or another black (over 90% of black murder victims are killed by their "bruthas"), the OAKM hacks put their fingers in their ears, sing "LA DE DAH DE DAH", look out the window and watch the pigeons.

The basic principle: if a member of a politically correct minority commits a crime, any crime, it is not news; if a crime is committed against one of them, cover it to the saturation point. It has become far more brazen and obvious since the Magic Nigga was crowned. The OAKM don't even pretend to be objective any more.

DoctorDoom #fundie libertydwells.com

Here's how evowackos "debate".

• They use "science", "scientist" and/or "scientific" ar least five times in every grammatically incompetent sentence;
• They claim to be scientists/professors of science in prestigious institutions such as MIT, but their abysmal ignorance of science exposes them as teen trolls within a few posts;
• They are without exception pompous, arrogant, ignorant, contentious, insulting, brazen, shameless, and clueless;
• They are with few exceptions the first in an ev thread to raise the issue of faith and religion;
• They attack my Christianity and the Bible even though I have NEVER cited either in my incisive demolitions of their junk science;
• They accuse creationinists/ID advocates of being religious, but they worship Darwin and cite/quote TalkOrigins as their godless bible;
• They utterly refuse to address any scientifically sound rebuttal of their mythology;
• They universally insist that natural selection renders math and probabilities irrelevant and makes the impossible inevitable;
• They invariably cite consensus as their proof of evolutionism;
• They load their Plan-9-level bullshit with subjunctive-mode words/phrases such as "might have", "may have", "could have", "it is assumed", "it is thought", "it is supposed", "let us imagine", etcetera, and they have the balls to call that science;
• And on and on and on ad nauseam.

It would be refreshing to encounter one of the zit-popping little snot-eaters who actually attempted to debate rather than reciting their tedious mantras that we've all heard/read at least a hundred times.

DoctorDoom #racist libertydwells.com

As "rasiss" as it might seem, the fact that blacks have done little or nothing in the last several millennia to advance themselves does not speak well of them. Whether it's intellectual or cultural, their inability or unwillingness to make something of themselves is legendary. Their seeming preference for being slaves or social leeches in large part explains the centuries-old stereotypes, e.g.:

Q. How do you starve a niqqer?
A. Hide his EBT card in his work boots.

• Why is it that most countries under black rule are third-world shitholes?
• Why is Africa largely undeveloped?
• Why are US blacks content to live on the RAT plantation and live off of handouts despite their having been phucked over for many decades by their RAT massas?
• Why did they vote overwhelmingly for the No-Limit-Negro-In-Chief despite his having done not one bloody thing to make their lives better?
• What have they achieved in this country?
• Why would they rather wear Farrakhan's NOI circus-clown outfits and bitch about white devils than put on suits and ties and get decent jobs?
• Why is the large majority of urban violence committed by blacks against blacks?
• Why do they have only contempt for successful blacks who made it without the "help" of the racist black "leaders"?
• Who do they spew hatred against "whitey's world" when without it, they would have absolutely nothing?

How many blacks know that their "leaders" have led them into a slavery that is vastly more destructive and hopeless than any slaves endured before the Civil War?

There are no manacles, no chains, no barred windows, no external signs of enslavement. Their bonds are social and economic.

• They are taught from birth that whitey keeps them from getting anywhere in life, and that only the Head Homies like Sharpton and Jackson can he'p them to escape the poverty, the ignorance, and the despair.
• They ridicule and hate self-made blacks who achieved success in life without kissing the asses of the self-appointed "leaders" whose livelihoods depend on keeping blacks on the liberal plantation.
• They deliberately isolate themselves from the rest of American society and guarantee themselves failure in the job market by their refusal to learn the white man's English, instead speaking that ugly, ignorant dialect.
• They convince themselves that they cannot do anything on their own to succeed, and demand that they be given what they need and want, voting for whatever lying sack of shit promises them the most from the public treasury.

DoctorDoom #fundie libertydwells.com

Those of us who value REAL science have been exposed to the B-movie "science" of ETBs for decades. Your pseudoscientific religion cannot withstand objective analysis.

• Of what possible worth is a "science" that survives only by using the legislatures and the courts to enforce its exclusivity?
• Of what possible worth is a "science" that employs censorship to silence its critics?
• Of what possible worth is a "science" that seeks to destroy the reputations, the careers and the lives of scientists who dare to question it?
• Of what possible worth is a "science" that dares not encounter its critics in an academic setting?
• Of what possible worth is a "science" that is assumptions heaped on conjectures piled on suppositions overlaid with wild-ass guesses?
• Of what possible worth is a "science" that is untestable and unfalsifiable?
• Of what possible worth is a "science" that has exactly zero evidence to support it, and that considers "scientific" the premise that because something must have happened, it therefore happened?
• Of what possible worth is a "science" that attacks its opponents for using "outdated" arguments, but that has as it foundation a book published in 1859, when knowledge of the awesome complexity of life did not exist?
• Of what possible worth is a "science" based on a "theory" that must explain everything and that allows no exceptions?
• Of what possible worth is a "science" that defines what is scientific and that uses that definition to discredit anything that does not agree with it?
• Of what possible worth is a "science" that is intractably hostile to REAL science?

DoctorDoom #fundie libertydwells.com

[DoctorDoom's letter to the people at A&E over Duck Dynasty.]

Sent to the feedback email address...

Writing as a mature, responsible, self-respecting, self-controlled, Christian gay man, I strongly encourage you to reconsider the foolhardiness of "suspending" Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty because of the screeching and wailing of the mouthy, militant minority of the gay/lesbian community. You have done yourself no favors by catering to the strident, obnoxious, highly overrated handful of queer hyperactivists.

Was it for ratings? Have you asked yourselves where you are going to get enough gays to compensate for the loss of viewers that your obsequious submission to a few tantrum-throwing faggots (yes, the term is offensive, but no more so than they are) must certainly provoke?

Do you seriously believe that the regular viewers of Duck Dynasty appreciate your obvious obeisance? You know as well as I do that the bitching queers who led to your unwise decision have never watched the show and never will do so. IMO, this folly will reflect negatively on your Nielsens.

Far too many businesses fail to grasp that the high-profile thugs such as GLAAD do not represent the majority of gays/lesbians. Their aura of significance is generated by the fawning media and companies who give them far more relevance than they merit.

Penalizing Mr. Robertson for privately expessing a politically incorrect view in order to appease a microminority will prove to have been a major error of judgment. I for one hope that the entire cast walks out and leaves you with nothing to replace the show. And if these reports are true...

• A&E tampered with the show by bleeping words that were in no way offensive in order to give the impression that there were vile words spoken by Christians;
• A&E demanded that the name of Jesus not be used because it might "offend" Muslims, as though your Muslim viewership is even a blip on the Nielsens;

... you demonstrate that you are unworthy of having the show in your lineup.

Bob R

DoctorDoom #fundie libertydwells.com

I'm not.

• I'm one of those people who think that "President" Obastard is a sociopath, a narcissist, a pathological liar, a wannabe dictator and an enemy of the state.
• I'm one of those people who think that he is monomaniacally obsessed with destroying America.
• I'm one of those people who think that he has set back the cause of racial equality and harmony by at least a hundred years.
• I'm one of those people who think that he is a textbook example of the consequences of allowing ignorant or stupid people to vote.
• I'm one of those people who have only contempt for idiots who say that anyone who opposes him is a racist when they worship him solely because of his skin color.
• I'm one of those people who think that he is all the evidence we need that evil always prevails when good men do nothing.
• And I'm one of those people who are 100% certain that this country will not survive unless he and his treasonous bedfellows are removed from power and dispatched in the manner that has befitted traitors for millennia.

DoctorDoom #fundie libertydwells.com

"I see no problem with theory (and speculation)."

Nor do I, but when every aspect of a "science" consists solely of theory and speculation; when there is no possible way to test and falsify theory and speculation; when theory and speculation become quasireligious doctrine; when theory and speculation are are enforced by the legislatures and courts; when we are told that our kids cannot understand the natural world unless they are required to base their understanding on theory and speculation; when the true believers in theory and speculation attack as "ignorant" and "unscientific" anyone who dares to question the theory and speculation; then theory and speculation cease to be rational and becomes cultic.

As for artists' drawings becoming evidence, need one mention the infamous Nebraska Man, Hesperopithecus haroldcookii? Why have evolutionists swept it under the carpet rather than openly admit that it was bullshit from the getgo?

For the curious, Nebraska Man was the centerpiece of the preposterous Scopes "Monkey Trial" in 1925, immortalized in the egregiously inaccurate movie, "Inherit The Wind". Ol' Nebby's species, an entire race of early "man", was fleshed out from a single tooth, and the invented creature was used as proof of evolution. The smug, arrogant evolutionists sneered, "See THAT, you blankety-drat creationists? Evolution is a FACT!"

Evolutionists have been strangely silent about this lamentably bad science ever since the single tooth was later discovered to have come from an extinct peccary — a pig.

A pig made monkeys of evolutionists. Not surprisingly, Hollywood did not make a sequel titled, "Disinherit The Windbags".

When you lament that your kids' rooms look like pig sties, remember their predecessors.

At least Southwest Colorado Man had a somewhat more noble ancestry. He was invented from the tooth of a horse. The evolutionists never owned up to that blunder, either.

Did Kettlewell see peppered moths landing on tree trunks and being eaten? No. In fact, he glued them there for his infamous photos. Peppered moths almost never land on tree trunks. They much prefer the underside of leaves where they are not visible to hungry birds. And, Kettlewell did not explain why this mythical "evolution" did not occur in even one of the hundreds of other species of moths and butterflies that inhabit the British Isles and were therefore exposed to exactly the same influences. Lastly, he did NOT elaborate on the fact that the various shadings of peppered moths have existed together for however long they've been around, and that changes in populations of existing species do not constitute evolution.

Why is Ernst Haeckel's "recapitulation theory" ("ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny") still found in textbooks even though it has long since been proven to be a colossal fraud? Ditto the Piltdown Man, another hoax created by a Jesuit priest name Tielhard de Jardin, who was trying to harmonize evolution with Christianity and had to invent his own evidence when nature failed to provide it.

• The Java Ape Man, Pithecanthropus erectus, was constructed from a small piece of the top of a skull, a fragment of a left thigh-bone, and three molar teeth, found over a year and a range of 70 feet in a river bed full of bones of extinct animals. There is no consensus of opinion on its worth.
• Another Pithecanthropus found in Java in 1926 was invented from the kneebone of an extinct elephant;
• Every trace of Peking Man has vanished;
• Etcetera etcetera.

In Origin of Species alone, Darwin used subjunctive-mood expressions such as "Let us assume", "We may well suppose..." etcetera over 800 times. That's a mighty schitteload of assuming and supposing for the so-called "central theory in biology".

DoctorDoom #fundie libertydwells.com

Here's how evowackos "debate".

• They use "science", "scientist" and/or "scientific" ar least five times in every grammatically incompetent sentence;
• They claim to be scientists/professors of science in prestigious institutions such as MIT, but their abysmal ignorance of science exposes them as teen trolls within a few posts;
• They are without exception pompous, arrogant, ignorant, contentious, insulting, brazen, shameless, and clueless;
• They are with few exceptions the first in an ev thread to raise the issue of faith and religion;
• They attack my Christianity and the Bible even though I have NEVER cited either in my incisive demolitions of their junk science;
• They accuse creationinists/ID advocates of being religious, but they worship Darwin and cite/quote TalkOrigins as their godless bible;
• They utterly refuse to address any scientifically sound rebuttal of their mythology;
• They universally insist that natural selection renders math and probabilities irrelevant and makes the impossible inevitable;
• They invariably cite consensus as their proof of evolutionism;
• They load their Plan-9-level bullshit with subjunctive-mode words/phrases such as "might have", "may have", "could have", "it is assumed", "it is thought", "it is supposed", "let us imagine", etcetera, and they have the balls to call that science;
• And on and on and on ad nauseam.

It would be refreshing to encounter one of the zit-popping little snot-eaters who actually attempted to debate rather than reciting their tedious mantras that we've all heard/read at least a hundred times.

DoctorDoom #conspiracy libertydwells.com

I've said it before and I will say it again: far from being an irrelevant bit of trivia, this is the most crucial factor in the Obastard presidency.

It if is proved, now or later, that he is NOT a natural-born citizen, then constitutionally he was never the President. Therefore:

• Since 20 January 2009 the United States has been without a president.
• NOTHING that he did while falsely in office is valid.
• Every law that he signed is null and void. ObamaCare was never a law.
• Every EO that he issued is erased.
• Every military action that he authorized was illegal.
• Every dollar of federal expenditure that he approved was spent without authorization.
• The takeovers of GM and Chrysler were illegal.
• The moratoriums on oil exploration were illegal.
• Every treaty that he signed was invalid.
• Every appointment that he made was negated. The SCOTUS therefore has two members who are there illegally.

And on and on. If he is demonstrated to have been in office fraudulently, this country faces a constitutional crisis that could quite literally destroy it. The only question is, should we just bury it and hope that no one ever finds out the truth, or should we press for what is right and damn the consequences?

Closing thought from Moo-chelle:

"Barack has led by example. When we took our trip to Africa, and visited his home country in Kenya..."

OH NOES! The Sasquatch is a birther!!!!!!!

DoctorDoom #wingnut libertydwells.com

The cold, hard facts: liberals want children to die by gun violence, the more the better. I am 100% certain that they high-fived each other when the Sandy Hook tragedy was reported. To liberals (e.g., Obastard, Feinstain, Schumer, the Brady Bunch, and the vermin at DUh and FISTED), dead children are politically advantageous in terms of disarming the populace.

Lubbock #fundie libertydwells.com

[Emphasis added.]

How long before an American soldier here leaves his base and is beheaded on an American street at high noon by a Muslim?

It seems to me that it’s not going to be long until the only Islam-unconquered land/continent left on earth is the contiguous United States --forget Canada, and I don’t know how long that’s going to last. If you get your hands on a globe, and draw a circle around all of the Muslim dominated, or soon-to-be-dominated lands, it’s pretty obvious that it’s going to take a Second Crusade to stop it. I don’t know if any nation on earth has the will, the United States included.

Look at Merry Olde England. Mohammad is the most chosen boy name there now; their soldiers are beheaded at high noon on public streets and citizens are told not to over-react, don’t judge Islam by that one act. One act? Have you followed the Muslim-perpetrated crime in England against infidels? It’s out of control, and no one is doing anything about it over there. Everyone is frozen in their tracks by Political Correctness –just like the United States of America.

England fought back Hitler and the Third Reich, but today they have no will to fight Islam; indeed, they seem perfectly content to roll over and play dead –and dead will be exactly what they all are when the Church of England goes out of business.

Dearborn, Michigan. Christian churches can not ring their chimes there now because it offends Muslims. Muslims took it ot court, and the Muslims won.

We all know what it's going to take to put a stop to the march of Islam, but to date, no one has the will to engage the enemy on the battlefield. It's easier to kow-tow and gravel and give in, than to gather up the guts to say, Enough!

Think Dresden. That's what it will take. A few billion dead Muslims --"innocent" men,women ad children, to stop it. If you kill enough of them, then tell the rest to stop it or they're next, you will stop it.

Now. Shooter will be along shortly to tell me how stupid I am.

DoctorDoom #fundie libertydwells.com

[Carly Rae Jepsen refuses to participate in the Boy Scouts of America Jamboree over their ban on gay scouts/scout masters.]

Can you say "dyke", boys and girls?

Earth to queers: if you want to see how welcome the obsession is with forcing the Boy Scouts to admit homosexuals, start your own scouting organization — e.g., Gay Scouts of America — and see how much of a market there is for the concept. Allowing the degenerate minority of insatiable agitators to ram their demands down the BSA's throat is not going to win supporters.

As for that ugly one-hit-wonder bitch, until this thread I never heard of her. It is an introduction that I dearly wish had been indefiinitely postponed.

BUCKEYEPETE #fundie libertydwells.com

"First Lady: ‘Imagine’ an America Where Kids Beg for ‘More Fruits, Vegetables’"

Send the little brats to San Fagcisco. They can get all the 'fruits' they want. But, they'll have to hire some wetbacks to harvest their veggies.

Bitch needs liposuction on her fat ass..................if she could find a doctor willing to look at that naked thang.

DoctorDoom #fundie libertydwells.com

Evolution is a big lie perpetrated, not by autocrats or Big Brother, but by people who fancy themselves intellectual and scientific. Such beliefs prove one thing: intelligence is no guarantee of wisdom.

If the rest of this piece seems just a tad on the facetious, cynical side, it's simply because this writer has a hard time being serious while discussing such silliness as Darwinism. Nevertheless, where the context demands it, we will of course be properly pedantic.

A definition of evolution is in order: it is the theory that all life-forms evolved from lower forms, and in the beginning a single cell, which mysteriously appeared from non-living organic matter, was the great-great-etcetera-grandfather of all life. Everything evolved strictly by accident, random events, uncontrolled changes without logic or reason. There was no intelligence or purposefulness behind the staggering number of transitions that started with Cell One and wound up with ants and elephants and hummingbirds and oak trees and human beings, with frogs and philosophers.

To appreciate the absurdity of it, consider this mathematical trivia: if one of each letter from a Scrabble game is dropped in a pile and chosen at random, the probability of selecting them alphabetically, or in any other specified order, is 26 factorial, meaning 26 x 25 x 24 and so on. That comes out to one chance in a bit over 400 septillion (4 followed by 26 zeroes).


Now imagine, if you will, that the 3,568,489 letters of the King James Bible are spread out across a parking lot. A chimp is then assigned the job of picking up the letters and laying them in a row. Evolution's principle is that letter by letter the text of the Bible is perfectly reproduced.

Needless to say, the mathematical odds against accidental, uncontrolled evolution beginning with a single cell and ending with the diversity and disparity of life forms now on Earth are too enormous to even calculate. (It was estimated that the chance evolution of a horse involves odds of one in 10e60000, which is the technical way of saying 1 followed by 60,000 zeroes. Some odds!)

Lubbock #conspiracy libertydwells.com

[About the D.C. Navy Yard shooter who killed 12 people.]

Somebody --or some entity, was running this guy.

The Wet Dream of the Left --right after Socialized Medicine [mission accomplished], is to disarm the citizenry.

He was being treated by military psychiatrists for serious mental disorders. He was filled with hate for White America.

Somebody was running him.

Ergo Proctologist Sum

DoctorDoom #conspiracy libertydwells.com

The bastard is an avowed enemy of the United States whose entire reign as America's first king was a non-stop quest to destroy this country. It would not even remotely surprise me were he to board a plane for Kenya or wherever and publicly annouce that the "birthers" were right. It would be his final act of contempt and hatred for the nation that shamelessly kissed his mulatto ass.

Atty Tude #fundie libertydwells.com

Because - like good little liberals they are - they believe that being beautiful, like being rich, is unfair, materialistic, and it leads to discrimination and objectification of women. Why do you think that People magazine's list of Most Beautiful People get more and more laughable every year? EVERYbody must be beautiful. So they go pretend to see beauty everywhere. Even where it does not exist. Otherwise it's discriminating and, of course, racist.

IOW, it's the old 'envy' thing again. Ugly women are jealous of pretty ones, so they demonize beauty just because they don't have it. Exactly the same as with wealth. Typical and characteristic of liberals.

Also, feminazis believe that pretty women, and/or those who wear makeup and perfume, are shallow, vain and dumb (yes, I know; can't you just feel the sisterly love?), who want to improve their appearance just to please men.

That's why 99% of ugly women are liberals. Because they can get away with showering only occasionally, and generally looking like something out of the garbage bin. For feminazis that is equivalent to "taking women seriously."

DoctorDoom #fundie libertydwells.com

It would appear that the militant queers have competition for the most outrageous, repulsive "parade" in the Big Rotten Apple.

How about a Christian Day parade? Or a Conservative Day parade? How about nuking that urban cesspool?

Timberwolf #fundie libertydwells.com

That the medieval peoples referred to "dragons" becomes far more interesting, doesn't it? And that scientists referred to dinosaurs by the same term, only inventing the term "dinosaur" about 160 years ago, lends credence that dinos were with us much more recently than "scientists" would have us believe.

DoctorDoom #fundie libertydwells.com

Bratty child, you have not shown ONE sign, not ONE trace, of scientific competence in your scribblings. You, like every other omniscient, self-worshipping juvenile, do not debate, discuss or argue. You merely attack. The only reasonable conclusion: science education in "skoolz" has become a pathetic joke, and you are the proof of that.

It would be futile to attempt to provoke an ignorant, arrogant pissant like you into engaging in an actual debate on the subject. I have yet to encounter an evowacko who is capable of anything other than snotty, hostile, insulting rhetoric. On the continuum of scientific knowledge, evozealots are between the paramecium and the lobotomized kumquat.

Please be considerate of the adults here. Go find a nice, dark corner, curl up in the fetal position, suck on one thumb, insert the other in your aft aperture, play switchfinger, and reflect in your primitive way on how much better life would be if you had a functioning brain.

Go back you your chatroom and try to impress your fellow barely-post-pubescent punks. Maybe they'll ask you to show them your "thing" again.

BTW, Bonzo, I was flaming when the best part of you ran down your daddy's furry leg and dripped on his banana peels.

[Emphasis mine.]

Franko #fundie libertydwells.com

Dr. Schweitzer CAN'T come to any other conclusion because she is trapped. The possibility that the bones are not millions of years old can not be entertained, NO MATTER WHAT THE EVIDENCE IS - even if it's screaming in her, or any other believers in long ages of evolution's, face. The Priests of Evolution will not allow it. Dr. Schweitzer needs grant money, and anyone who goes against the grain will lose their funding also.

The obvious conclusion, if one has no bias, is that the bones can not possibly be anywhere near 68 million years old. The only reason to claim that the bones are that old is by faith in the religion of evolution, not by scientific observation.

So how old are the bones? No one can know for sure, but OBSERVATIONAL SCIENCE says they are not millions of years old. Any other suggestion would be one of faith, not science.

So when scientists claim to know that dinos died out 68 million years ago, I know they are wrong. They should know they are wrong, but they refuse to entertain the idea, they are in denial. They can't let science take them where it leads, they have blinders on.

DoctorDoom #racist libertydwells.com

The Kenyan n*igger's treasonous ass must be protected at all costs. What amazes me is that the survivors haven't vanished or been found in Fort Marcy Park. I would not be startled to learn that the regime has murdered Obomination's critics.

This brazenly criminal "administration" puts the Mafia to shame.

DoctorDoom #conspiracy libertydwells.com

In a warehouse somewhere are signs for resrticted areas, curfews, detention centers, military zones, and all the other trappings of a nation governed by tyrants. The more I see of the Kenyan nígger, the more I am convinced that he will not leave peacefully. It will take a coup or an act of violence by high-level personnel to remove him from power. Whether those who can achieve that end have the nads to do it is another matter.

Venus de Smilo #racist libertydwells.com

"i recall a live interview regarding the race riots in los angeles years ago - it was a salaried official of planned barrenhood and she said something like 'can you imagine how much more damage and looting and death and injury would have occurred if we had not previously eliminated so many young black males ?' i doubt if a copy of that interview will ever be found intact -"

Harsh as it is, she makes a valid point. By and large, about 90% of blacks are savages. They're violent, have no impulse control and have no ability to contemplate consequences nor the future. They live in the moment.

Lubbock #racist libertydwells.com

[Regarding Michelle Obama]

Okay. What do we know about Sasquatch?

First and foremost, she's ghetto trash.

I don't care where she claims to have been raised or how, I don't care where she claims to have gotten her high-powered "education," what airs she gives herself, what kind of pomp and ceremony she aspires to, she's ghetto trash.

We all remember the photo of her deplaning AF1 in short shorts, a wrinkled blouse and flopping tennis shoes.

Only ghetto trash, aspiring to be the first Lady of the United States, would allow herself to photographed in public, deplaning AF1 in such a manner.

So we've established what she is.

Now look at what she mandated that kids had to be fed.

When you look at the food objectively, you can only conclude, she didn't have a clue what most of the food was, but she thought it made her look smart and sophisticated to throw the names around.

DoctorDoom #fundie libertydwells.com

Earth to DemonicRAT: there IS no "budget debate". YOUR party has not presented a budget for five fukking years, since the NO_LIMIT_NIGGA-In-Chief polluted the People's house with his vile, odious presence. Reality time, rectum with legs: you don't WANT a real budget. You prefer the CRs so that you can throw fukking tantrums about the Republicans blocking your hyperleftist agenda.

In my not even slightly humble opinion, you are all traitors. You should all be deposed, tried, convicted of treason, and put down like rabid animals.

DeclinetoState #fundie libertydwells.com

(regarding the death of a teen on his birthday)

Europeans are more enlightened than are we American barbarians, who would want to throw the book at the perp. Three-and-a-half years in the clink is an adequate consequence for taking a (gay person's) life.

Timberwolf #fundie libertydwells.com

There is just as much...in fact MORE...evidence for exactly what Russ Miller is claiming than what "modern" geology can claim.

Laying down the layers of the Geologic Column? That could ONLY have been done rapidly and in the presence of much water and continual vibration (earthquake-like). Dr. Walt Brown describes the process in his book In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood.

There are so many things explained plausibly by Dr. Brown that "modern" geology and "evolutionary science" either cannot or will not explain, it is laughable that evolution continues to be taught as fact, when it is merely the pipe dream of those who want to disavow God.

As I said before, sad & pathetic...

DoctorDoom #fundie libertydwells.com

[The instant someone actually disproves evolution with solid proof, scientists will abandon it.]

Bullshit. Evolutionism isn't a science. It's a cultic, naturalistic religion that is zealously and mindlessly adhered to by people who are utterly terrified by the implications of the only alternative. They cannot disavow it because that would be an admission that they were wrong, and they will seek to destroy any "infidel" who strays from the fold of the pseudoscientific religion of Darwinism.

Ask any scientist about the dire professional and social consequences of daring to express doubt about the doctrines of the cult of evolutionism.

Evolutionism's "science" consists of drawing the curve and then plotting the points. It starts with the desired outcome and bends, warps, twists, tears and shreds the evidence to make it conform to their religion's dogmata. They ignore, suppress and censor any evidence that is not in lockstep with their cultic doctrines. They enforce exclusivity in academia by the power of the legislatures and the courts.

One would think that if the jackasses are so confident of their braying, they would relish the opportunity to confront creationists in a neutral venue so that they can once and for all dispense with those "Bible thumpers". Howeveer, they resolutely oppose any public debates with competent, informed creationists. Why? A: because each and every time they have tried it, they have lost the debate, usually decisively. ETBs are accustomed to controlling the setting, and when faced with a worthy opponent who is not cowed by their bullying tactics, they fold.

tac #conspiracy libertydwells.com

Our children are the future of America, and our public schools are systematically training them to become accustomed to living in a “Big Brother” police state. All across the United States today, public schools have essentially become “prison grids” that are run by control freaks that are absolutely obsessed with micromanaging the lives of their students down to the smallest detail. As you will read about below, students all over the country are now being monitored by RFID microchips, their lunches are being inspected on a daily basis by school administrators, and the social media accounts of students are being constantly monitored even when they are at home. Of course these sorts of things do not happen everywhere just yet, but on the path that we are on it is just a matter of time. At this point, many of our public schools very closely resemble “totalitarian dictatorships”, and so if the United States ever slips into totalitarianism the students of today will actually feel very comfortable under that political system.
Stalin and Hitler would be smiling knowing the children are being prepped so well.

Timberwolf #fundie libertydwells.com

The liberal brain is inferior. It can do nothing but EMOTE...there is not one shred of logical THOUGHT that emanates from the pie hole that is connected to a liberal brain. It can only drone on in touchy-feely, condescending, morally relative BS.

DoctorDoom #racist libertydwells.com

"Justice" is their buzzword, but those repulsive coons don't want justice. They want a lynching. They really ought to reflect on where they are when they spew their "Trayvon is God and Zimmerman is Satan!" rhetoric. It's 100% certain that in the south, there is a rapidly growing contingent of good old boys who are ready to start treating the NO_LIMIT_NIGGA infection with lead antiseptics.

The bastards want justice. They'll get it. And they won't like it.

Lubbock #racist libertydwells.com

["Larry Elder to the GOP: 'Stop talking to blacks like they are children'"]

Hey, Larry! I hear this from my 16 year old grandson. Stop treating me like a kid.

The only retort is --of course, Stop acting like a kid. You want to be treated like a grown up, act like one. [He's at that age where he can either be a kid or a grown up, depending on how it's most beneficial to him at the moment --kinda like blacks.]

And by the way, Larry, it's the Communist Left in this country who have treated people of color like children; like plantation slaves having to be looked after and cared for and fed and housed by Massa.

It's Conservative America who fought the fight to free the slaves; we Conservatives have given people of color every opportunity known to man to grow up, but it's easier for them to sit in front of the taxpayer funded flat screen, swilling Budweiser, watching Bball, and whine that the flat screen isn't big enough.

The ones who escape the Plantation and take advantage of opportunity are roundly and soundly put down by the likes of you, Larry. House N*gger sound familiar, Larry. That's what your ilk calls Condi Rice. Uncle Tom sound familiar, Larry? That's what your ilk calls Clarence Thomas. 0prah say a whole bunch of us withe folks just need to die. How's that for bringing the races together, Larry?

DoctorDoom #racist libertydwells.com

The monomaniacal obsession of the Obots with defending their indefensible, Kenyan-born traitor is becoming palpable since the 1/16th negroid asshole has been publicly self-immolating.

If one ever finds himself in need of a recognized authority on the taste of Obastard's pubic paraphernalia, he need only enlist the services of a pathetic useful idiot like this "I won't register at WLD because I'd be sliced, diced, shredded and pureed in the forum!" liberaloser.

Has he played the race card yet?

BTW, kid, BOTH of the BCs that the son of a bitch produced are documented frauds. And why does the commie wannabe have a SocSec nuimber for the state of Connecticut, where he has never lived or even visited? Shouldn't it be a Hawaiian number, O Enlightened One? Oh, BTW kid, why have he and his lawyers spent millions of dollars to bury every trace of his past if he has nothing to hide?

Admit it. kid, you worship him only because his skin is melanin-surfeited.


A 37% approval rating for the Magic Lawn Jockey, for Mr. Yes We Can, for the Neo-Messiah? Golly gee willikers all gosharootie, how can that BE? Is it possible that even the braindead jackoffs whose votes were bought with Obamaphooones and promises of more handouts have begun to see through the lying sack of dog shit's phoniness?

DoctorDoom #fundie libertydwells.com

I have said for years that once gay "rights" opened the door, other "orientations" would follow suit. Career queers have mocked and attacked me for warning about the unanticipated consequences of demanding rights based on sexuality. And now it is coming to the fore. Damn, it's boring to be right all the time.

What the queer agitators deny publicly, they affirm privately.

"Sex by eight or it's too late."
-- NAMBLA slogan

Gonzo #racist libertydwells.com

[Hank Aaron calls out the Republican Party on its racism.]

Just another liberal coon that gets his talking points, and intelligence from the Democrat Run Plantation.

Hey Hank, it's a shame you never managed to aspire to be anything more than another typical liberal spear chucker.

DoctorDoom #fundie libertydwells.com

Earth to ETB (Evolutionism True Believer): science, pure science, seeks answers no matter what those answers might be. It does NOT rule out any answer for philosophical or ideological reasons. If all the research and studies and evidence point to an inevitable conclusion that this or that cannot possibly be explained other than by design, it is NOT scientific to reject that conclusion because one doesn't happen to like it.


Evolutionism is a mindless, cultic religion that would rather believe in fairy tales than in what the evidence clearly demonstrates.


You are "blocking its teaching" because you cannot disprove intelligent design coldly, logically and intellectually. If you ETBs were so bloody sure of your egregious mythology, you would welcome the opportunity to confront creationism and intelligent design in the classrooms and thoroughly disprove it. But you don't. Why is that?

The simple answer: ETBs are of a single mindset: "We cannot possibly refute what they are saying based on the existing evidence, so we will use the legislatures and the courts to censor all opposing viewpoints and enforce exclusivity for our outrageous pseudoscience."

And ETBs have the brass balls to call their fabulous fiction a "science".

DoctorDoom #fundie libertydwells.com

The salient point is how many people are migrating TO liberal shitholes like New York, Mexifornia, Ohio, Michigan, etc.

The curse is that liberal asswipes move out of the cesspools that they created, resettle into less corrupt states, and then try desperately to turn those states into fucking clones of the ones that they left.

IMO, this crap won't stop until it becomes legal to shoot liberals.

Terry #conspiracy libertydwells.com

What about that story about those two homosexuals guys from Odumbo's church (Rev Wrights), that mysteriously "knew too much" and were found dead shortly after his 08 campaign started?

Think the Rev. knows more than he's sayin? image

Ewee...an to think that part of the description of the anti-christ is that he don't really like wimmins and that he'd be a tall "dark man".... Well...if he manages to get reelected...then I guess we'll know a lot more won't we....LOL The only part that don't fit is that the anti-christ is suppose to come from around the area of Turkey or Iraq in the middle east.

So much for conspiracy theories eh?

Apollo5600 #fundie libertydwells.com

Romney is like a bullet in the head. Suicide is the coward's way out. I will go third party, even voting for Paul, over that degenerate Romney. If the country wants to commit suicide, let them do so! If Romney wins, it is clear that God has decided to bring judgment on the country. A Romney nomination does not bode well for our future. It's time to start stocking up on food and ammunition if you haven't already. Go and sink with the USS Romney, I'll stay in Texas.

sunsettommy #racist libertydwells.com

Barry Sotero will get the usual 90%+ of the black vote because they are stupid as hell.

You need to read the book BOSS about Mayor Daley who would for over THREE decades get over 90% of the black vote in his mayoral elections and then run right over them.The blacks never would consider voting for a republican candidate who would have given them much better representation.

Blacks are stupid as hell when it comes to voting it is like a virus that courses in their blood that make them chose the candidate with a letter D next to their names.

That is why they are in a world of shit!

DoctorDoom #racist libertydwells.com

I'll be blunt. Prior to the neo-communist Magic Lawn Jockey lying and bullshitting his way into the People's House, and exploiting his skin color at every opportunity, I was not a racist,

Prior to the DemonicRATs saying that anyone who voted for McCain was a racist, I was not a racist.

Prior to the Kenyan-born Africoon brazenly flipping off McCain and HRC on camera, I was not a racist.

And then the "messiah" who promised that he would would bring racial reconciliation and harmony to America orchestrated an unending attack on anyone who dared to challenge him, invariably calling his critics racists.

The obsolete farm equipment appointed a consummate racist asshole as his Attorney General.

The Mississippi wind chime spent twenty years in the pews of the church of the brazenly, blatantly racist "Rev." Jeremiah Wright.

The Rottweiler's chew toy wrote a book, "Dreams of My Father", that is loaded with racism.

The homo-simian injected himself into a shooting in Florida, saying that if he had a son, he would look like the punk-ass darkie, Trayvon. Remember him?

The tree ornament is the most racist bastard who ever polluted the People's House. Because of him, the First Ho and his hyperleftist regime, I am now a racist.

And if I choose to use one or more of the various epithets that refer to the Kenyan porch monkey, that's my choice. Anyone who doesn't like it is invited to liplock on my 100% red-blooded American ass.

Timberwolf #fundie libertydwells.com

[If life started spontaneously by chance on this planet, how come death exists?]

Especially if energy/matter is eternal.

One would think that the ability of "stuff" to never "wear out" would be passed on to life that just happened to arise from said "stuff".