Lubbock #fundie #homophobia

You and many others completely miss the point of the militant Gay/Lesbian "community."

Remember, I said Militant.

If a Lesbian couple walk into my photography studio and start trying to book me to photograph their wedding, and I tell them that homosexuality is against my religious tenets, that based on my religious beliefs, I can't not photograph their wedding, the next day I get hit with a lawsuit for discrimination.

If two Gay men walk into my bakery and start picking out a wedding cake and I tell them that I do not do wedding cakes for Gay couples because it's against my religious principles, I get sued.

I don't know if you are truly not aware, or just willfully ignoring the fact that photographers and bakers have already been put out of business because of those exact scenarios. One of those [the photographer] was victim to that scenario in New Mexico, and the cake shop in Denver that refused to bake the cake is also out of business.

I haven't read the Arizona Bill, but from all accounts, it was poorly constructed. That may be so. I wouldn't know how to start to write a law that actually does give businesses the absolute right to refuse service and protect that business from a discrimination lawsuit if it refused to provide service to a Gay/Lesbian couple, based on the business owner's religious beliefs.

But I know that the Militant Gay/Lesbian "community" has successfully used a person's religious beliefs to hammer them into submission, and I know it isn't right.

If a Muslim cab driver will not allow a blind person into his cab with a guide dog, based on the Muslim belief that dogs are unclean, the Muslim cab driver should have the absolute right to refuse service.

To my knowledge, no Muslim cab driver has been sued, although many refuse to allow people with service dogs into their cabs.

Gays/Lesbians will not cross a Muslim. No way, no how, but it's open season on Christians, and that runs the gamut, every phase of Christian life is under assault, and not just from Gays and Lesbians, but they are the most vocal and the most militant.

The idea that so many have expressed is that a Gay/Lesbian couple will just go to another purveyor of service if that purveyor has strong religious beliefs about Homosexual marriage is silly.

They won't seek another purveyor, they will sue.

They have and they do and they will continue to sue.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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