
Bradford C. Walker #wingnut #psycho bradfordcwalker.blogspot.com

Narrative Warfare: The Purge Of Wokeness Begins
The God-Emperor of Mankind has begun the Counter-Reformation of America to destroy the Death Cult.

Trump signed an Executive Order setting all of this off yesterday. This? This is a Big Deal.

"Critical Race Theory" is the ideology of the present Death Cult afflicting the United States in particular and the West generally. It has gotten into every corporation and government agency, down to elementary schools, and by signing this order and giving Attorney General Barr the go-ahead to wage lawfare Trump has begun the purge of this vile heresy from American life.

Read through that thread on Twitter. There are provisions, tied to Federal money, to compel state and local governments as well as private actors to purge Wokeness from their organizations if they want that sweet Federal financing for their groups. As the alternatives to Federal financing don't have (officially) the bottomless well of the Federal Reserve to call upon, this should go a long way to putting a stop to the heresy going on.

It won't stop it entirely. What it will do is flush the heretics out into the open where normies can see them, and that's where we come in.

When the heretics, freaking out, act up those need to go viral across all platforms. The Alt-Tech platforms are already friendly, so that's not an issue. It's the Three That Matter--Twitter, Facebook, YouTube--that will be a bother. Fortunately, they will make it easy for us to make them improperly famous; they will issue hashtags, so usurp them and use them to expose them. Sure, right out of the old Gamergate playbook, but it still works so why not use it?

We can't expect the God-Emperor to do all the work for us. We have our part, and it's not just in the voting booth. The ride never ends, folks, and remember:


Bradford C. Walker #sexist #wingnut bradfordcwalker.blogspot.com

Learning how to sift the real from the ephemeral, the rational from the emotional, is part-and-parcel of maturity for boys into men and this is best done by experience and example- something RPGs are very good at doing when played properly.

This should not be a substitute for doing real things, but rather a place to train in a safe environment; let them crash and burn here, where they can learn without injury, rather than out there where the consequences are real and permanent.

And this, I put to you, is why the Death Cult so badly wants to converge RPGs into SJW trash. It not just "a male space", it's one of the few remaining that have real impact when employed properly; fathers, I implore you, use this to aid in guiding your sons to manhood. You will be astounded at how well it works to begin teaching your boys how to be men when you can point to their own virtual experiences to bring the point home.

Bradford C. Walker #conspiracy #crackpot #homophobia bradfordcwalker.blogspot.com

I never thought my elderly preacher uncle was CIA, but he was when he was on mission in Uganda in the '60s. Never thought I'd run into spook-tied spawn in tabletop RPGs, but there's that MI6-tied guy who writes books about China (James Palmer) that curiously support a specific Globohomo narrative.

Most of the anti-porn crusading isn't going to find purchase with normies until the exploitation hits someone--some woman or child--close to them, or they can see how others use the porn business as a front for other nefarious perfidity such as compromising government and corporate officials at all levels of society so the network can blackmail them into doing what's demanded of them.


Scratching the surface for any corruption of the culture and you will find spooks involved. Not just KGB. A lot of this was CIA/OSS, and when you dig deep enough those distinctions disappear into the more familiar (for us, now) divide of pro and anti-Globohomo. This is where things like the Finders and all those missing kids being recovered come into the situation; the above-the-fold porn business masks the under-the-table trafficking of all sorts of vulnerable people, some of which is to slake thirsts that cannot be countenanced (e.g. the pedos those kids were meant for), and the rest is to play honeytrap in operations like that Epstein and Maxwell ran.

Bradford C. Walker #wingnut #racist bradfordcwalker.blogspot.com

Last night terrorists flying the Burn Loot Murder flag mustered to do just that yet again in Kenosha, Wisconsin in response to a totally justified police killing of a career criminal.


The rioting and so forth is intimidation. It is there to demoralize, terrify, and hobble the enemy. It is not there to exterminate the enemy. The violence put forth to stop this last night, while done in immediate self-defense, nonetheless is done to kill the enemy; corpses can't commit crimes. This is why when I say that the Wokies get violence wrong, I get people telling me I'm wrong; they mistake intimidation for extermination, failing to comprehend that terror regimes have to continue to terrorize to maintain effectiveness over time and as such become an ever-increasing cost that ends up bankrupting your regime. Corpse piles need only be heaped once; that enemy is now extinct and you are now free to make of his territory (etc.) as you will without regard for continued maintenance of control over a hostile populace.

This is why Wokies, like the other commies, have a very consistent playbook that involves disarming the populace and weaponizing state and media power against them.


Folks won't say so, but their behavior betrays their knowledge. They know it does.

Once it's smeared into their faces that BLM/Antifa is a clear and present danger to themselves, their families, and their property they will--and have in the past--had given no fucks about slaughtering such predatory threats when the government either cannot or will not do the job of ridding such threats. Last night was a reminder that this is true, and you can expect the media to feel this when they try to play BLM/Antifa as victims, as will the government actors when they try to wield state power. I've already put it out there that anyone on a jury in a case where Antifa/BLM attacked the defendant should flat-out nullify the charges and vote Not Guilty. I will do so if called. KTF.

Bradford C. Walker #wingnut #psycho bradfordcwalker.blogspot.com

The livestreams of the protests are lead by organizers focused around the usual local sources of street-level Commie faggotry: our university campuses and related NGOs. They're the ones organizing the protests and controlling the messaging, so observing them is a wise thing to do since I bet that they are tied to Antifa if not a front therefor because they (including the organized livestreamers like Unicorn Riot) believe that they can still get what they want because they have amenable authorities on the inside to fix things for them.

That's not just Minnesota At tourney General Keith Ellison, who is an Antifa supporter and whose son is an avowed member, but also Governor Tim Walz and U.S. Representative Ilhan Omar (both have adult children involved involved), and both Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey as well as St. Paul Mayor Melvin Carter are fellow travelers. Ellison is now the point-man for the prosecution of the former Minneapolis police officer accused of killing the would-be martyr. Ellison is being pressured to upgrade the charge from Murder in the 3rd Degree to Murder in the 1st Degree; the higher the degree, the higher the threshold for achieving conviction due to the greater severity of the charge, and thus pressure of this sort produces counter-intuitive results- it increases the odds of acquital.

And that will likely spark a new round of rioting if there is a new street-level team ready to launch them.


I have good reason to believe that this is not the case. At most there will be some violence that local authorities will be able to quell easily. The designation of Antifa as a terrorist organization (not "domestic", just "terrorist") allows U.S. Attorney General Barr to assign all 56 Joint Terrorism Task Forces to deal with Antifa and roll up its entire operational network. This includes people not formally affliated with the group, associates of the group, and so on; the sudden and wholly unexpected spread of the rioting to foreign countries makes a very strong case for international ties as men and material (especially money) has to cross those borders to make that happen, and that means a re-designation to "international terrorist" which makes things even worse for the criminals.

This threat, despite the theater, is waning as I write this. The rioting will end in the United States before the month of June is over, but that is not all that will be done; because the God-Emperor is insisting that this be handed by the mayors and governors, despite his mustering of Federal resources, he is exposing how these local and state officials are incompetent at their jobs or are actively treasonous to their citizens. The "catch and release" policies are now being highlighted as contributing to the problem where things are worst, and as such the optics for the G-E's enemies worsens by the day as other enemies flush themselves out in irrational bursts of heresy and sedition. (e.g. the heretical witches crying about Trump's visit to St. John's in D.C.)

And as for Trump, I don't care that your pet cause isn't being catered to--VDare, Gab, etc., that means you--because bigger stakes are on the table and the G-E is playing to win; grunts don't get to gainsay the boss, and you're all grunts. Pray you're not among the casualties when it's over, shut the fuck up, and shoot Left.

Bradford C. Walker #sexist #wingnut bradfordcwalker.blogspot.com

[On the Ms. Monopoly board game]

Filed under "Get Woke, Go Broke", it's good to see that this pozzed variant crashed and burned. Some good news on a Friday is a welcome thing.


The Death Cult finds this acceptable insofar as they retain control over the company, even if their Humiliation Ritual-as-Boardgame didn't go as desired, because crashing the organizations that they converge is part-and-parcel of the praxis of their creed. That's because these moves are cultural suicide bombings, and even failed bombings make an impact upon the target.

So long as the pushback doesn't cause them to lose ground on the moral level of conflict-which is where the Death Cult operates from--then it won't hit them where it hurts them because pain is not damage and they care about pain.

Bradford C. Walker #wingnut #fundie bradfordcwalker.blogspot.com

The Death Cult is not an aberration in an otherwise functional business. It's a Satanic anti-religion that's gained power across ALL institutions--public and private--in the West, and it's very reason for being is to defile and destroy all that gives live meaning and purpose. They revel in taking power over your shows, your comics, your toys, your games and ruining them so thoroughly that you quit them in disgust. They use their power in media and tech to control what you see and hear, following a playbook refined by their predecessors.

This is why Narrative Warfare is a thing. The SJWs are obsessed with controlling information, and that control not only includes what you receive, but also what you produce, and to do that requires controlling both the flow of information as well as what flows through them. You cannot act on thoughts that you do not have.

Yes, they do use 1984 as an instruction manual. They also use Rules For Radicals, so read that also. The combination results in things like this recent #orcposting flareup; it's a Humiliation Ritual, where they know what they say is bullshit, but by making you go along with it--in any fashion, however slight--they know that they're flexing on you, demonstrating their power, and thereby setting the frame by which all discourse is enacted.

And that's what propaganda controls: The Frame Game.

You buy into their framing of the issue when you accept their terms, however implicit, via attempting logical argumentation- be it Dialetic or Rhetorical. They don't care; they can and will be total bad-faith shitters in order to maintain control over the frame, constantly making you adjust to their shifting of goalposts, knowing that onlookers are inclined to see this as them flexing on you and therefore being in power over you. The result? They win the fight that matters, and you're wondering yet again why Culty Kathy hasn't been guillotined yet.

Bradford C. Walker #wingnut #homophobia bradfordcwalker.blogspot.com

Cernovich made an error the other night. He called for a Culture War cease fire until Corona-chan's dealt with.

The sentiment is not without merit. Mike's a good guy. Mike's coming at this sincerely. The error is that he expect the enemy to relent. They will not. They are the Death Cult, and Corona-chan is a blessing to them despite all the damage being done to Globohomo. The SJWs are not ceasing to cancel and thought-police wherever they have clout, and they are ruthlessly enforcing their Narrative Warfare pushes despite Corona-chan threatening to crash it all. Why? Because the Death Cult operates on the Moral Level of warfare, and that level doesn't DO good-faith measures like this.

Instead, you get them following fellow travelers Rahm Emanueal and Saul Alinksy, for whom crisis is nothing more than the opportunity to ram through measures that otherwise would be difficult or impossible to pass. The mayor of college town (and thus Death Cult center) Champaign, IL has done just this, as Brian Niemeier notes on his blog today. The Cult doesn't regard Cernovich as human, let alone as someone they can respect, so the very idea of relenting in the face of Corona-chan causing chaos is unthinkable. Far more likely is that some galaxy brain is trying figure out how to execute a gay op on him, his wife, and their children using Corona-chan to pull it off.

There is no relaxing against someone who regards your existence an abhorrent offense worthy of summary execution, and that's the Death Cult. Daleks and Skynet are more merciful; if they could, they would cancel Mike from life right now with full approval of their conscience.

Bradford C. Walker #wingnut #fundie #sexist bradfordcwalker.blogspot.com

[On the history of science fiction]

The other thing this shows is that John Campbell's push, putting the genre into a ghetto and making it all about Big Men With Screwdrivers (i.e. Porn For Werner Von Braun Type), really is a heresy. When you strip the Romance out of the genre, you're engaging in cultural iconoclasm. It is not a surprise to me anymore that that rejecting Romanticism led to genre ghettoization because by stripping out the wonder you also strip out the beauty and the ties to (believe it or not) tradition that makes any body of literature able to hold the substance that carries meaning to the audience. It's exactly the same thing that you see to college girls who go Feminist and deliberately make themselves ugly and wretched in service to that Satanic ideology.

Bradford C. Walker #wingnut bradfordcwalker.blogspot.com

[Responding to a new line of Star Wars tie-ins]

Pop Cultists on suicide watch.

I get how Vox Day feels now when he sees another Marvel or DC decision being done about how the SJWs just got to double-down one more time and increase the poz in the product. No wonder he went ahead with doing a small indie film of "Rebel's Run" to promote Alt-Hero; with the Big Two racing each other to the suicide chamber, the Japanese eating their lunch, and Euro comics doing just fine it's not a mystery at all as to why he's unconcerned with them vs. Arkhaven's superhero offerings.

If this is what we can expect out of the Mouse going forward, then it's clear that neither Filoni nor Favearu will save this property unless and until they seize power and pull a Night of the Long Knives on Culty Kathy's followers in the company (which means canceling this project)- and that this is coming out now indicates that such a thing is not at all guaranteed.

So, rather than get mad, I see this as an indicator that Star Knight--if I can do my part--will become a real and viable competitor sooner than later and I need to adjust my expectations accordingly. Excuse me while I adjust my 2020 and 2021 schedules.

[Note: Star Knight is his self-published book series]

Bradford C. Walker #wingnut bradfordcwalker.blogspot.com

[On the new Star Trek series]

Those in the Death Cult who are running the Pop Cult deliberately demolish these idols to induce despair, and when vulnerability is greatest they move in like the cult recruiters they are and pull an emotion-targeting attack to indoctrinate the Pop Cultist and bring them fully into the Death Cult as the answer that relieves the pain of their Pop Cult being destroyed. Mouse Wars, Marvel/DC, videogames, etc. all use this playbook: the Pop Cult is the honeypot, then the front is demolished and because the Pop Cultist has nothing real to fall back on they are left open to being preyed upon and pulled into the Death Cult in full to relieve the grief.

This? This is malice. The incompetence is the method used, nothing more; those hacks are as disposable as the audience to the cult. The Mammon Mob is there to provide cover from the other end of society while financing operations, even if they sometimes take control from the Death Cult because the Cult threatens to ruin their business, but ultimately it too serves the ends of the Cult.

Bradford C. Walker #wingnut bradfordcwalker.blogspot.com

[Commenting on the new Star Wars]

This Is What Cultural Conquest Looks Like
I wrote the following at Empire Must Fall just over two years ago:

"Anciently, when a conqueror completes a conquest one of the things done to cement control and establish dominance is to change the mythology of the conquered nation. Their heroes get degraded, their deeds defiled, and the conqueror's heroes supercede them in all ways- often with ease. To the generation surviving the conquest, this is insult added to injury, but left unchecked the generations that follow will accept this degenerate mythology as normal- and if the conqueror is wise, they leave an out for the subjects to go all the way and buy into their control. It's the mythological equivalent of killing a man, taking his wife for oneself, and slaughtering his children by her before seeding your own to both remove loose ends and make her accept the conquest as inescapable."

It has come to pass.

And it's come in a manner that's too familiar to the historically literate: a weak and decadent regime allows traitors to take over, whose own actions either actively ally with the barbarians at the gates to let them in or doubles-down on the decadence that results in the incompetence that lets them through. The Pop Cult, betrayed by the Death Cult, is angry and fights back the only way they know how: rejecting the Death Cult leaders while doubling-down on the core object of Pop Cult worship.

(As for the whole Pop Cult angle? Sunday, at that blog aforementioned.)

I'd call it a farce, but no one's laughing- not even Corporate.

Bradford C. Walker #wingnut bradfordcwalker.blogspot.com

If there is one thing you can fault the God-Emperor for, it is being insufficient in looking out for his allies, and online is where he's failed hardest. While I fully expect the God-Emperor to win a second term, it's going to take more work to get the message out online this time due to Big Tech aggressively rigging the game against him this time around. First by changing the algorithims to make discovery all but impossible, privledging Fake News over the alternatives outside the Death Cult's control. Second by going after each ally online in turn and deplatforming them, up to and including financial cutoffs. (Just ask Red Ice.)

It is unwise to expect the God-Emperor to handle this in the time available. The wise thing to do is what the Supreme Dark Lord, Red Ice, and others have done: build your own platfoms, and diversify your presence in existing ones. The latter is very easy to do; set up accounts on competing platforms of that social media type, and ensure that people can follow you there if your FaceTwitTube accounts get nuked. The former is where you're going to need to spend either time or money because you've got to set that up and keep it up; this is where you can do the paywalled value-add thing that Red Ice does for its members-only site and Unauthorized does for its subscribers.

I suspect that, for most of us, we're restricted to the latter strategy for now. Fortunately there is no shortage of alternatives; the catch is getting links before the eyeballs of the audience who are on the main platforms, which is why many of us have opted for doing newsletters via email. (Yes, I have been very bad at this. I will fix this presently.)

As for what to do about the God-Emperor? Besides re-electing him next year, it's to push him--HARD--to smash Big Tech with the power of the state. Will he? Yes, but I think the big reason for a lot of delays in promises like this is due to the need to turn the Federal judiciary, which he has done at all levels- especially on the notoriously shitlib ends like the 9th Circuit and the DC area District courts. (Why should be obvious, but Anonymous Conservative gets into more details.) In short, he wants what he does via Executive power to not get messed with by the courts, and that takes time.

Which returns me to us relying on ourselves until that task is complete. In the meantime, I would recommend getting lawyers to review the Terms of Service; if Vox Day can beat Indiegogo by using their own TOS against them, you can too. Welcome to the Rice Fields.

Bradford C. Walker #wingnut bradfordcwalker.blogspot.com

[A Star Wars theme park ride breaks down]

Yep, that's the Devil Mouse enjoying the benefits of Muh Diversity and Muh Social Justice. It builds rides that don't work, attractions no one wants, and relegates talent that could actually produce value for its holdings to venues secured behind paywalls while failing to resist interfering with their work to fulfill Muh Convergence objectives. This is not confined to Mouse Wars. The new Skyliner pods have also had issues.


If the spiritual element doesn't bother you, then shun the Devil Mouse for your physical safety.

Bradford C. Walker #wingnut #sexist #fundie bradfordcwalker.blogspot.com

You know you've got something worth watching when you get a comment like this: "Yes. Monotheism is the missing link that D&D needs for a medieval authentic feeling in your game. I use it. In addition it does one of two things. It either keeps SJWs away from your game, or it attracts them because they want to break your game or be an antichurch outsider. In those cases they always end up quitting because they don’t get what they want."

That man--one Iron Cross--is not wrong. It is a good and effective filter; what SJWs you get will be the more cunning subversive sorts, in which case the go-to play is to call them out, confront them on their bullshit, and tell them to stop being shitters or get punted.

But it's another comment that really poured salt into the wound: "Wouldn't traditional Germanic polytheism scare SJWs away too, what with all the traditional gender roles like women being masters of the home but men being prominent in hunting, war, and government ? Oh who am I kidding, anything traditionally European makes these guys squirm."

First, that man--one CptMorgan252--is correct. Second, it is also true that you can count the D&D settings that even try to create an authentic non-Christian environment on one hand and you'll have digits left over, and those few attempts are less than half-assed; most RPG designers are not well-read, or properly educated, so they lack the skill as well as the knowledge required to do so. That some manage to do it, however flawed, is entirely by accident. Third, the notable examples of RPGs that did try to do so might as well be dictionary examples of "critical darling" and "cult favorite": Runequest as well as anything non-Christian-yet-historical (e.g. Bushido) are your go-to examples.

I could go on about the degradation of Christendom, and that does play into it, but let's look at a more immediate cause here: most people playing D&D could not give two shits about authentic (non-)monotheism. They're there to play a game, and they couldn't care less about the lore surrounding it.

Bradford C. Walker #wingnut #homophobia bradfordcwalker.blogspot.com

The Chinese Communist Party is actively opposing sexual degeneracy using anti-Western Rhetoric. The result is that it exercises this censorious policy on all media allowed in the People's Republic of China, both foreign and domestic, which is why you're seeing degenerate sexuality being scrubbed from Western corporate media properties that are allowed in China.

This is not just anti-homosexual censorship. This is also anti-miscengenation censorship, which is why the Finn/Rose romance (and, to be fair, any Rey/Finn potential) got nixed. Both are in accord with the Party's anti-degeneracy policies. The useful idiots in the trenches fighting for the Death Cult are just now starting to become aware of this fact, and they are confused in their reaction because the Hive Mind hasn't issued any updates on what to think yet.

Which leads to an inescapable conclusion: The canon of a corporate IP is dictated by the most intolerant party involved. This is entirely in line with David Stewart's video explaining corporate ownership of such properties; they want to maximize profits from these properties, so that means getting into China, and the Party knows this so they exert this control accordingly using gatekeeping as leverage.

This is why China had Blizzard purge Overwatch of the gay to get into the country; Tracer and Soldier 76 are actually Gay For Pay, meaning they're really straight as a board but do the gay for Western rubes--that's you, SJWs--because it's currently cheaper to do so than to not. (That time, by the way, is fast approaching its end; once the Blizzard beancounters see how toothless you are, they'll stop pretending to pander to you and everything else China doesn't like will also be purged.)

And we're seeing now on a global scope and scale what the observant have already seen in the United Kingdom with the Muslims: the intolerant hold the high ground. Good luck shaming the Chinese Communist Party into bending the knee to SJW Death Cult dogma; they may, ultimately, serve the same master but they won't be second-fiddle to a bunch of limp-wristed sissies and their loud-mouthed busybody fuckbuddies.

Bradford C. Walker #wingnut bradfordcwalker.blogspot.com

["Your TTRPG setting doesn't need...
• Sexism • Racism • Homophobia • Transphobia • Ableism
You can create a wonderfully immersive and enjoyable experience for your players without any of those things. Let your players escape the nastiness of the real world for a moment."]

It is nice when the Fake Gamers out themselves so readily, but this performative virtual signalling is really meant to be part of the gatekeeping campaign to push their enemies--those not of the SJW Death Cult--out of the subculture and hobby, or at least its public-facing elements, so that they can control the narrative surrounding tabletop RPGs. Narrative control then becomes cultural control and feeds into political control.

This does matter. Remember that while the cultists you encounter on Twitter aren't the shot-callers, the ones working the meme machines do call the shots and they play the long game. They know that if they control perception, they can control intake into a subculture and arrange intake into indoctrination. They know they can do this because this is how they seized control over academia, and via academia control over everything else.

What they can't control, they destroy. (e.g. the recent Big Brand crashes) What they can't destroy, they wall off; this is what they are attempting to do with anime access into the West via controlling localizers and media outlets, driving folks into piracy and importing, and if you think there isn't a plan to suddenly become very effective at enforcing piracy via Big Tech snooping you haven't paid any attention.

So it needs to be resisted and destroyed, and at the street level that means taking their social displays and upending them. Outgroup them--they hate and fear that--at every turn, demonstrate proof over them, and watch them flee back to their bubbles. Lather, rinse, repeat; the objective is to hijack their amygdalas and force freakouts because their r-select psychologies can't handle the K. And remember to apply the Witch Test when they inevitably resort to moralist positions to attack you; nothing outgroups like forcing them to reveal that they reject God's mercy by rejecting his son Jesus.

Bradford C. Walker #racist #wingnut bradfordcwalker.blogspot.com

The American Thinker published an article today recounting the recent problems Somalis caused here since Bill Clinton aided traitor Churchians in planting these unwanted hostile aliens here during the '90s. While I don't live in Minneapolis proper, I do live in its area and I've seen first-hand some of the same shit that commentators in the Supreme Dark Lord's post on the topic describe. Yes, including the willful delusion rooted in emotion regarding not-dealing with the problem.

They are not us. They don't belong here. They never will be one of us, so they never will belong here- unless and until they replace us, and they know it. Go back to that Thinker article. The Somalis engaging in predatory behavior are not the ones that got off the boat. They're the sons--almost always sons--of those who got off the boat, and even those born and raised here reject America for their own culture- as the prevalence of "radicalization" (dropping the mask) and going abroad to fight for groups like ISIS show. The women go along with it, as Ilhan demonstrates so clearly, as full participants willful of what is going on as well as how and why. No innocents here.

As they filter out from their Little Somalia enclave in Minneapolis, the deleterious effect corrodes wherever they go. My mother (in the typical fashion) comments on how far behind the small children are now in the local elementary she volunteers at, and those kids always includes Somalis; "Muh Education" means nothing to them. The crack about how the naivety of Scandanvian countries applies here is entirely true, and therefore it is no surprise at all that a lot of the same stupidity going on in Sweden and Norway occurs here, including all the SJW bullshit.

Today we call this insanity "Clown World". Yesterday it was "Weimar". The latter is far more appropriate, as all of the degeneracy and insanity we have now throughout the world was once rampant in post-WW1 Germany. Yes, it really was that bad, and we all know what came out of that- even the wise of the day saw that coming and tried, futilely, to warn the world of that. Whenever you recreate the conditions for a phenomenon's occurrence, you will get that occurrence if you let the process go to completion. The recent meme-oriented way of putting it is "And then all of a sudden, for no reason at all, they voted Hitler into power." And yes, Gen Z is is watching.

And mark my words: Deportation is the merciful option, an option whose window of opportunity is closing. Once it closes, it's warfare all the way down, and it won't be the clean version that was the American Civil War. The best you'll get--and you had better pray for this to happen--is a literal Crusade to retake America by and for Americans. They are not us, don't want to be us, and never will belong with us. They know it and act on it. Who, therefore, benefits from trying to convince you otherwise? When you figure that out, go after them first- traitors before invaders, always. The invaders don't need Narrative Warfare; the traitors do.

Bradford C. Walker #fundie bradfordcwalker.blogspot.com

Let's see if we can get Kanye to go full Crusader in the wake of releasing Jesus Is King.

This is how it's done. The late Andrew Breitbart said that politics is downstream from culture. We all know that the SJW Death Cult, a Satanic front, operates on the moral level to shape the narrative in order to seize the culture. This is a counter-attack at that level, and all you need to see that this is a massive Witch Test is to look at the reactions to Kanye's album.

This is some Providence going down right here. Sure, these memes have kicked around for a while, but with each cycle they've memed more and more people into wanting the real thing. I'm not saying we're going to turn Kanye West into a Crusader King, but he may become like Saint Joan of Arc: a charismatic standard-bearer inspiring a people to do what needs to be done.

What a time to be alive.

Bradford C. Walker #fundie bradfordcwalker.blogspot.com

[On the cartoon series High Guardian Spice]

This the same degenerate CalArts crap that ruins American animation now falsely claiming to be anime. This is a fraud, and it needs to be condemned as fraud as well as punished--SEVERELY--as such. It's banned in my domain, and so are the lying frauds pushing this heresy, because they are flat-out admitting to pushing propaganda with this blasphemy.

No. The line is drawn, and those that violate it shall be punished. This will stop, one way or the other, and I care not which. These SJWs are doing nothing more than scamming money to mainstain hispter lifestyles that they can't be bothered to actually merit by putting in good, hard work actually creating anything. They can't create; they can only mock, corrupt, pervert, and adulterate- just like their father, Satan.

Bradford C. Walker #conspiracy #homophobia bradfordcwalker.blogspot.com

Theaters in Japan are not shutdown. That means theaters make money in Japan. This is not rocket science. You would not see this if Hollywood had ignored the WuFlu and kept up normal operations this year, and yes I do mean strongarming theaters into remaining open as normal. The men in control there banked on the fake pandemic being fully enforced worldwide, meaning that they would survive while all but a handful of competitors would collapse- and they would have the means to converge the competitors after the fact.

This is among many miscalculations to come out of the Globohomo establishment this year, in addition to their bald-faced lying.


The Globohomo media establishment sees Japan's pop culture as an existential threat. Why? Because Japan's media culture doesn't hate its audience. Therefore they serve that audience the entertainment that said audience wants. They don't use it to propagandize, which is what Globohomo does. And yes, the rest of the non-Globohomo world has noticed.