Bradford C. Walker #wingnut #racist

Last night terrorists flying the Burn Loot Murder flag mustered to do just that yet again in Kenosha, Wisconsin in response to a totally justified police killing of a career criminal.


The rioting and so forth is intimidation. It is there to demoralize, terrify, and hobble the enemy. It is not there to exterminate the enemy. The violence put forth to stop this last night, while done in immediate self-defense, nonetheless is done to kill the enemy; corpses can't commit crimes. This is why when I say that the Wokies get violence wrong, I get people telling me I'm wrong; they mistake intimidation for extermination, failing to comprehend that terror regimes have to continue to terrorize to maintain effectiveness over time and as such become an ever-increasing cost that ends up bankrupting your regime. Corpse piles need only be heaped once; that enemy is now extinct and you are now free to make of his territory (etc.) as you will without regard for continued maintenance of control over a hostile populace.

This is why Wokies, like the other commies, have a very consistent playbook that involves disarming the populace and weaponizing state and media power against them.


Folks won't say so, but their behavior betrays their knowledge. They know it does.

Once it's smeared into their faces that BLM/Antifa is a clear and present danger to themselves, their families, and their property they will--and have in the past--had given no fucks about slaughtering such predatory threats when the government either cannot or will not do the job of ridding such threats. Last night was a reminder that this is true, and you can expect the media to feel this when they try to play BLM/Antifa as victims, as will the government actors when they try to wield state power. I've already put it out there that anyone on a jury in a case where Antifa/BLM attacked the defendant should flat-out nullify the charges and vote Not Guilty. I will do so if called. KTF.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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