Greco Jr #wingnut #conspiracy

@anthony edwards
Last time I checked, Poland, Norway, Sweden and Finland are not states in America. This sounds like a Europe/UN/NATO problem. The USA is on the verge of economic collapse. Time to focus on us and not being the world's police force for once.

Ukraine has lost 400,000 soldiers. Russia has lost about 50,000 and has 750,000 in reserve before the start their version of the draft. Ukraine has already lost.

All the taxpayer money sent to Ukraine has been laundered and President Zelensky and his elite will leave before the collapse of the country to their American taxpayer paid for homes on elitist beaches around the world.
@Joseph Price
It is. We, the taxpayers, practically fund it. NATO is a multinational military unit. While there are some Americans in NATO it operates separately from the American military/government. NATO can fight that battle without America fighting that battle.

In my opinion we should withdraw from NATO. America (capitalism is bad) pays for the majority of the budget in multinational programs like NATO/UN. If we withdrew or only paid what the other countries pay, these organizations would collapse or be utterly useless.



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