various commenters #wingnut

( @ILoveAmericaNews )

spoilerFlorida proved what everyone has
been thinking:
Democrats cheat every damn
The moment you make it difficult
or impossible to cheat, you take
a state that fake news has always
called "purple" or a "swing" and
turn that into a deep red fortress

( @Liberty4lifer )
@ILoveAmericaNews it's not just the Dems. And it may even be people who you think are rock solid Republicans. If they don't fight machines. If they don't say 2020 and 2022 were at least suspicious, they play ball and have that support as much as the Dems.

( @Robynbird1992 )
Every republican governor in every state of the USA needs too follow ron desaints lead on election reform ASAP

( @RDF20 )

( @goodmorningpatriots )
@ILoveAmericaNews Why not call "fake" news JEW NEWS, because that is who is running the show.

( @DmntdSqrl )
@ILoveAmericaNews and once again the useful idiots rally behind controlled opposition. You are all fucking fools.

( @Matt_Matt )
@ILoveAmericaNews Problem is that no other states are going to stop election fraud.



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