Ron Graham and Nathele Graham #fundie

In order to oppose God, a person must admit God exists. There is a big difference between knowing God exists (head knowledge) and faithfully trusting Him with your eternity (heart knowledge). Non-Christians know God exists, but they believe His laws to be a burdensome stone with too many restrictions. They don't like His "rules" and believe He ruins all their fun. God set laws in place to protect humanity from disease like AIDS, yet God is mocked, His laws broken, and the heathen rage on and on. [...] Heathens are people who oppose God Almighty and they rage against Him and against those who love and follow Him. These heathens are like children who throw a fit if they don't get their way, even if getting their way means aligning themselves with Satan. [...] They believe that if they can just pass legislation to get rid of God they can do what they want with no consequences. How wrong they are. Without God and His love holding all things together, the heathen and ungodly nations would cease to be. America, which was founded on Judeo-Christian principles, has been turning against God for a number of years and is soon to face God's judgment. Prayer was taken out of schools and then abortion, the act of offering children to demonic gods who demand human sacrifice, was legalized. The homosexual agenda is the final nail in America's coffin.


It is simply astonishing to me that so many people have thoroughly hardened their hearts against God. Not only do they refuse to see the truth but they take great pleasure in denying it. It is comparable to a parent trying to teach a rebellious child not to touch a hot stove and that child defiantly placing his hands on the strove. Even though the pain is great it is more important to prove the parent wrong. The heathen continually try to prove God wrong, but they are the ones who suffer. [...] Satan, the liar who fell from grace long ago, is currently doing everything he can to convince people that God does not exist and that there is no right or wrong.


There is a movement afoot to eliminate Christianity from the whole world. The heathens will soon get their wish, but it won't be through their vile raging. One day very soon Jesus will call those of us who follow Him Home. [...] Once we are gone, the heathen will have their way and they will get the leader they have been clamoring for. They don't have any idea what horrors that will bring. [...] Then things on earth will get worse. When the man of sin steps into the role of world leader, he will seem like a peace maker. It won't be along until those non-believers who are left on earth after the Rapture will understand that God Almighty, who they raged against and rejected, loved them. God's love was available to them, but they will have chosen to reject Him to follow Satan.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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