heyho #conspiracy nodisinfo.com

1, A cockpit voice recorder is not going to pick up a ‘crowbar’ on the other side of the door. How would the dead main pilot be able to tell the press he got a crowbar. Where do they keep these crowbars on planes—.lol.
2. Plane was supposed to leave at 0955 which is Kaaballah code for 9 11. (Big hand on 11 on clock, little hand on 9, or 9 11).
3. Der Welt online German newspapers reported the crash on 3.22.2015 or 322 as in Skull and bones 322, days before the ‘hoax’ crash supposedly happened.
4. Only one stupid wheel in the crash debris (what debris, there’s no seats, hardly any fuselage, no luggage, no bodies), just like the hoax of the recent Florida panhandle supposed helicopter military crash, also a drill which is a hoax.
5. Supposed slow breathing on the voice recorder (wouldn’t be heard if was calm and slow as they state, would only possible hear if having an asthma attack or hyperventilating/quite anxious).
6. Crisis actors and their handlers reek of Sandy Hook style.
7. Scenario of being locked out of over-taken cockpit just like Shanksville hoax and same with lack of debris field.
8. ARE WE really going to believe in this day and age not ONE passenger got off a text message or voice mail when they realized the plane was plunging? LOL. Because no plane plunged, there were no passengers, it never flew.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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